Hi CV, do you read these links before you put them up?
Personally, I don't see anything devastating but on the contrary positives for membership of the EU.
We would hand over £39 billion of taxpayer’s money with nothing guaranteed in return.
I did some of my own calculations while back on these blogs and arrived at the same figure. This is fair for our continued membership for another two years plus approx 20bn on existing commitments on joint projects.
2. The UK will remain a ‘rule taker’ over large areas of EU law.
Well yes because this is what UK wants. UK wants to make the rules but not be bound by EU rules or be party to their implementation. I'm sorry but I'm lost here. Let's be fair. If UK wants to export to EU, she will still have to abide by rules, regulations and EU standards.
As before it was UK that wanted and hoisted many of the food and farming standards on to the EU. Check with the NFU.
Moreover, large part of EU good standards have helped UK citizens. Clean air and beaches come to mind. Brexiteers want to follow trumps approach of degregulation and ultra capitalism which will externalise all social costs. Beware of what you wishs for here comes ot mind. It was EU that prtoected us from the US TTIP as well. TTIP would have meant handing over sovereignty to US corporates (talk about globalisation) and reduced standards.
3. No exit from a ‘backstop’ Customs Union
Well this is a very complex affair as UK wish to pursue future trade relationships with other non-EU countries whilst being a member of EU is simply not possible. Won't bother explaining but SC should have some idea now and he may try to educate the public if he has any integrity on what his proposing and their consequence.
The question is why should it allow for UK to pick and choose and how would those rules which are in contradiction be managed. It really is farcical. It's a bit like marriage. UK wants to remain wedded to the EU, whilst it goes around sleeping with any other partner as well as the EU it desires. Not happening!
4. The Agreement creates internal borders within the UK.
Well yes, as there is a bit of a logistic problem here. Controlling borders is one thing but this opens a back door for EU to be screwed by NI/UK otherwise.
Personally, I don't see WTF Ireland or NI are bitching about but I don't obviously share their history or values. Cesspit of numpties if you ask me.
5. . The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will remain in control of the agreement and large areas of EU law directly effective in the UK.
Well yes if you wish to be part of the EU common market. Said this before as some body needs to exist between parties. Is the UK going to set some body up to resolve what ever disputes she may encounter with every other 27 member?
Really Brexiteers and Europsceptics shout a lot but what are they really saying and what do they want?
In summary, the combination of these measures means the United Kingdom will have not left the European Union but will instead be ‘half in and half out’. This will mean that we will become a ‘vassal state’ many of whose laws will have been created abroad and over which we have no influence. This is completely against the spirit of the 2017 referendum in which 17.4 million UK citizens voted to leave the European Union.
Well ofcourse, this is a transition period agreement, divorce settlement where we are still in for another two years.
Confused bunch of freaks. Wish someone would explain the spirit of the 2017 referendum to me. Anyone notice the typo? it's supposed to be 2016 right?
Attention to detail is just great.
Think about it. Have a ponder. Light a cigar. All the best