Brexit and the Consequences

Much like Thatcher, Tories sow the seeds of division in the country, dividing the union, breaking away from the EU to pursue narrow self-interest of vested minority groups.

52% is not a minority.

Just to recap, all this originates from refugee crises initiated by wars in the ME and spring uprising supported by UK and France. EU rules and directives load of b0ll0x much of it introduced by UK and NFU. This BS about taking back control is effectively no real control as Parliament has become dysfunctional.

Just to be clear, Brexit proper started in 1993 with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, we should have a had a referendum then on political union. The migrant problem added weight to the exit debate and built up over a number of years culminating in 2015 when Merkel opened the floodgates.

Taking back control was and still is BS, no mainstream party is going to 'take back control', it needs a new party in power to do that.

Parliament and the people have no control. UK has lost control. Lost international prestige and to come back from all this means eating humble pie.

The Tories have played the victim card amongst their Globalist and Remainer pals. The Globalists understand that a party in power that made a mistake by allowing the people to have a say on a key part of their Globalist agenda and rejected it, have made a mistake, it must be put right. The Tories are trying hard to overturn the result by playing the sneaky delaying game, this looks good in the eyes of the Globalists, the Tories won't need to eat humble pie as they have given it their best shot, Globalists aren't quite as stupid as they appear, they do understand that they face headwinds across a wide range of political fronts around the planet, in one way or another they are all in the same sinking boat, so they have sympathy for each other.

Globalists have bigger fish to fry, Brexit is only a relatively minor part of their Global agenda, so it's really been a back burner job whilst they play the wait and see game, I suspect once all the bluff, blustering and delaying tactics reach the point where they cannot delay any longer then some big guns will appear to scupper all and any plans, it looks like they are aiming for something to happen before or around Xmas, (a Santa rally 😆), giving them just enough breathing room to instigate a delay to article 50.
You still pushing your thread, uphill. Trying pulling it, you may get a better response.

You say EU want to punish and the Scots want to sabotage us??? You playing the victim whilst kicking sand into every parties face. It's difficult to take you seriously.

Membership of the EU is a choice. Not compulsory.

Scots were told if they left the UK, that they would have to resubmit a new application for membership, which the UK would veto. Then all change and UK decides to Brexit and takes Scotland down with it, despite a large part of Scotland choosing to stay in EU.

Are you not able to see your double standards, sabotaging Scotlands' interests and braking referendum promises on independence?

This Brexit fiasco is an absolute mess with detrimental consequences on all parties and sides for the benefit of few politicians who get prominence and airtime.

It is an utter and total disaster now as it pans out and this is nothing compared to the outcome it will lead to in the years to come.

I have been posting on the SNP's interests. It should be clear that their dominant position in Scotland is aided by Scottish voters' low opinion of UK government policies. So, for the SNP to assist development of strong and sustainable UK policies through their presence at Westminster would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.

The SNP is just a campaign group, officially aimed at Scottish independence. The reality is that if Scotland gained independence, much of the reason for their existence would evaporate and they would have to compete on a level playing field with every other party present or which arose in Scotland. Their Scottish USP would have been thrown away, so it makes complete sense they should wish to maintain membership of the UK and retain their leading position in Scotland.
i wish i lived in scotland............jees i cant believe i said that 😱
The SNP is just a campaign group, officially aimed at Scottish independence. The reality is that if Scotland gained independence, much of the reason for their existence would evaporate and they would have to compete on a level playing field with every other party present or which arose in Scotland. .

That can be said of all up and coming political parties that want to gain popularity. They beat the drum for whatever is of interest to the public at that time.

In Spain, corruption is rife. It is in all forms of public life The number of mps on trial, or waiting to go on trial, is a part of daily news. What happened? Citizens Party happened. They are right wing, but more centre than PP, and Rajoy had to pact with them, or lose government to the left wing parties.

As for Cataluña, the same has happened as in Scotland, but for different reasons. ie Independence.

Let the people decide! Amazing how Cameron allowed that referendum happen.
.The Catalans had a referendum which the Independistas won. Puigdemont declared Cataluña a Republic and caught the first train to Belgium. Madrid called the whole thing illegal and slung all the leaders in jail.

Politics, here, is all good stuff-you don't know what you are missing!
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Ha ha, dont try and twist things, Look at the statement presented, Major is one of the most vocal mouthpieces now shouting for a peoples vote...Hypocrisy on a biblical scale.
If you think that she could do a better job than Puigdemont or Torras----Wow!


She can't do the job full stop.

I warned everyone before she was shoehorned into the job that she was totally inept. Her track record was woeful. I was right then and i'm right now.
Ha ha, dont try and twist things, Look at the statement presented, Major is one of the most vocal mouthpieces now shouting for a peoples vote...Hypocrisy on a biblical scale.

That's politics for you.

Fear mongering on one side to make sure you make the right decision and a bunch of lies and deceitful twists on the other. Much the same ol tosh. Weren't you the one who said leave the red bus alone?

Still one big mess. You a hamster on a whieeelieee wheeeeeeel of sorts. Keep going round.

Let's have a recap!

Constitutional referendums usually are held on a two-third or 60/40 basis. I notice there are some bodies calling for proportional representation rather than first past the post as well. That was, of course, a long time LibDem pledge.

Given the gravity of Brexit a slim majority over 50; what with the young not voting and the old and weighted numpties voting plenty believing the lies they were told and the aged decrepit not concerned about the fear of the long-term suffering they will not be around to see, made the vote for Brexit. Nuff said about that and don't wish to upset SuperMC's out of his trance more than I already have.

Then there is that point about the referendum being advisory but politicians do like to polish their sh!t best they can.

Then there is Parliament and HoLs but let's forget about that too for a moment

AND then there is the High Court ruling that Parliament must hold vote on Brexit.

Ignore that too cause they were traitors and daily trash tells us so.

WOT someone says we'll have a constitutional crisis if we don't follow the referendum? The referendum is the constitutional crises!


Keep walking towards your Brexit 👍
Fear mongering on one side to make sure you make the right decision and a bunch of lies and deceitful twists on the other. Much the same ol tosh. Weren't you the one who said leave the red bus alone?

If people made the wrong decision ( like you did) , then its absolutely their democratic right to vote on whatever they base that vote on, You can ask 100 different electorate and get 100 different answers

Let's have a recap!

Constitutional referendums usually are held on a two-third or 60/40 basis. I notice there are some bodies calling for proportional representation rather than first past the post as well. That was, of course, a long time LibDem pledge.

Given the gravity of Brexit a slim majority over 50; what with the young not voting and the old and weighted numpties voting Getting slightly undemocratic there matey, ill let it slide for now..

plenty believing the lies they were told and the aged decrepit not concerned about the fear of the long-term suffering they will not be around to see, made the vote for Brexit. Nuff said about that and don't wish to upset SuperMC's out of his trance more than I already have.
I dont think you're upsetting anyone, Brexit is happening, not quite
the way we expected it to granted, but its early days..

Then there is that point about the referendum being advisory but politicians do like to polish their sh!t best they can.

Then there is Parliament and HoLs but let's forget about that too for a moment

AND then there is the High Court ruling that Parliament must hold vote on Brexit.

Ignore that too cause they were traitors and daily trash tells us so.

WOT someone says we'll have a constitutional crisis if we don't follow the referendum? The referendum is the constitutional crises!

The referendum was exactly that ! A vote to be implemented whichever way it went, some are finding the fact hard to grasp
When you take a casual glance at how the 'People's vote' campaign is progressing, you see that they have not changed their MO from pre-referendum days. They are wheeling out famous faces, celebrities and TV personalities to do the promotion. Not only is this costing Soros' Globalists a pretty penny, but it shows how elitist the other side of the coin are. Most of the personalities in the promotional video are multi-millionaires, famous and celebrity status.

So instead of appealing to a higher intellect of free thinking people, they have to appeal to the massed ranks of celebrity consumers, a fascinating insight of their target audience. Next thing they'll be wheeling out Obama again.

Also, how on earth they imagine that Tony Blair (he's not in this vid) could be promoted as the poster boy for remain is beyond me, Brexit Derangement Syndrome is akin to Trump derangement syndrome.

Vote remain, cos I'm a celeb 🙄

On second or third watching now (I know, I'm going to have to get therapy), this looks more like a BBC production, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
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When you take a casual glance at how the 'People's vote' campaign is progressing, you see that they have not changed their MO from pre-referendum days. They are wheeling out famous faces, celebrities and TV personalities to do the promotion. Not only is this costing Soros' Globalists a pretty penny, but it shows how elitist the other side of the coin are. Most of the personalities in the promotional video are multi-millionaires, famous and celebrity status.

So instead of appealing to a higher intellect of free thinking people, they have to appeal to the massed ranks of celebrity consumers, a fascinating insight of their target audience. Next think they'll be wheeling out Obama again.

Also, how on earth they imagine that Tony Blair (he's not in this vid) could be promoted as the poster boy for remain is beyond me, Brexit Derangement Syndrome is akin to Trump derangement syndrome.

Vote remain, cos I'm a celeb 🙄

On second or third watching now (I know, I'm going to have to get therapy), this looks more like a BBC production, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

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That tells us all we need to know about this propaganda vid.

When you want to shut down free speech. When you know you've lost the debate.
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That tells us all we need to know about this propaganda vid.

When you want to shut down free speech. When you know you've lost the debate.

Without an intellectual argument being put forward, it suits its target audience, pure popular entertainment, keeps them occupied and amused whilst we wait for the end of March.
Without an intellectual argument being put forward, it suits its target audience, pure popular entertainment, keeps them occupied and amused whilst we wait for the end of March.

You've said nothing about the words spoken or ideas and thoughts behind them but simply only attacked the bodies delivering their opinions.

You suggesting they are numpties participating in some power group manipulation of the masses?