We are living through the slow introduction of the authoritarian state, have been since the 1970's, accelerated from the 1990's, all part of the EU plan. I'm sure there are examples of how these things started in history, although none will be as transparent as the British/European one is now, or as unique in circumstances.
All the elements are here, discord, mainstream political objectives becoming more extreme, shifting of the Overton window, loss of democracy, loss of freedom of speech/assembly, double standards, capitulation, use of state instruments to enforce the will of governments, arming of police, manipulation of media, use of state propaganda, control of social media.
Then there is the umbrella of the EU forcing it's will, the European problems are the same and more intense in some areas such as migration, the acceleration of the formation of an EU military/gendarmerie, it's not boding well for the future.
Where this will lead I'm not sure. The UK masses are 'carrying on' subdued by state propaganda, the rise of alternative media allows a window into what is going on, the day that the mainstream media stands-up to government (or should I say UKGov loses control over the MSM) will be the day UK public changes it's ideas.
European countries are already changing, their citizens have woken up sufficiently to vote out the EU agenda, peaceably, without violence, but then, the previous governments didn't try to stop it happening through authoritarian means, they allowed democracy to take it's course. Not so the UK......