Brexit and the Consequences

I hope that the lesson will be taken on board in the UK. Companies may wait until the last week before the end of trade talks, to see what the end result is going to be, before deciding. That all they do, right now, is all talk and threats cannot be taken for granted and there are likely to be some surprises.

Who would have thought that the mighty Caixabank, as Catalan as Montserrat, would relocate to Valencia and Banco Sabadell to Alicante?
I hope that the lesson will be taken on board in the UK. Companies may wait until the last week before the end of trade talks, to see what the end result is going to be, before deciding. That all they do, right now, is all talk and threats cannot be taken for granted and there are likely to be some surprises.

Who would have thought that the mighty Caixabank, as Catalan as Montserrat, would relocate to Valencia and Banco Sabadell to Alicante?

But Split, have these firms actually closed their Catalonia offices and moved yet?
From what I understand, they went about a week ago. Other big ones are Gas Natural and Bimbo (bread).
Textile firms, backbone of Catalan industry have, also, gone. Seat has ,also, said it will go if country goes independent.

It's obvious, Tom, that companies are going to look at their export trade. Spain, if nowhere else, is a big export market and in the EU. So many folk have asked me what difference it makes--they will, still, be able to buy Bimbo in the supermarkets, it's just a change of address.

They do not realise. Do you remember the Starbucks and Google cases? How much revenue was being lost to the UK in taxes? All ERC and CUP are worried about are their own programmes and to hell with the poverty that this is going to cause.
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The Catalonia vote, Brexit and the Scots vote just go to prove the general public don't know what they are doing. Nationalism is a powerful tool of toxic politicians.
But dictatorship is probably worse. Everyone knows the top hog is filling his own pockets but can't do anything about it.
I like to think you are a reasonable fellow CV but clearly you are not, full of contradictions.

The EU is a voluntary membership organisation with rules, regulations and high standards. It never has imposed it's will on others other than enforcing laws which nations have signed up to in fairness.

Are you aware that including the EU none of the other 160+ countries in the world have recognised Catalan's bid for independence?

So on one hand you argue the point about UK taking back falsely perceived control and reigning in sovereignty to parliament and here on the Catalan issue you are suggesting EU should in some way step into Spain's parliamentary and constitutional rules!

Of course our UK Parliament is already sovereign clearly shown by the Scottish referendum on independence where the EU was equally silent and held the same position as that for Catalonia. 👍

So what would you like the EU to do:?::?::?:

I've never said Catalonia should be independent. The point is, Scotland should take heed of what is going on here and think twice about the consequences.
As for Spain and it's lack of dialogue, major issues now as they have completely miss managed the situation.

As for the EU and their absence of leadership. They should at the very least be offering to mediate between the various factions. Instead they take the line that this is Spains problem and Spain needs to sort it out!
Can you just imagine the EU being in charge of an EU army 😆 not to mention being in charge of the federal states of Europe 😆

EU ambition is just a pipe dream, federalism will never ever happen. Quite the opposite In fact, the way they are performing currently, the writing is on the wall for the EU project and the clock is ticking.

On a brighter note, UK manufacturing vacancies are up 24% this year, which I would imagine you are ecstatic about.
I've never said Catalonia should be independent. The point is, Scotland should take heed of what is going on here and think twice about the consequences.
As for Spain and it's lack of dialogue, major issues now as they have completely miss managed the situation.

As for the EU and their absence of leadership. They should at the very least be offering to mediate between the various factions. Instead they take the line that this is Spains problem and Spain needs to sort it out!
Can you just imagine the EU being in charge of an EU army 😆 not to mention being in charge of the federal states of Europe 😆

EU ambition is just a pipe dream, federalism will never ever happen. Quite the opposite In fact, the way they are performing currently, the writing is on the wall for the EU project and the clock is ticking.

On a brighter note, UK manufacturing vacancies are up 24% this year, which I would imagine you are ecstatic about.

Well it depends if those places can be filled or not.

Just heard on radio 4, hop picking industry struggling to pick harvest. Labour force is down 24-14% over the summer period whilst wages are up.

They say expecting worse for next year.

Result -> Hop production will move to other countries. If harvest not picked, nothing to sell at. If costs rise buyers go else where.

HS2 - will struggle to find 10,000 construction workers to build.

The one off currency drop benefit will be absorbed by wage increase.

UK has problem with productivity. Over the following time periods there will be much bigger struggles and issues than we face now when we have been doing so well 5th in the GDP league tables.

As for your reply EU should mediate to resolve disputes in member states is inappropriate because there already exists the institutions and constitution for addressing the matter.

Why would Spain want EU to interfere? Why would YOU want EU to interfere in UK Parliamentary process or constitution? So it can demonstrate and practice leading a federal army you say!

You certainly have thought it through! That should go in to the jokes section imo. 👍
UK has problem with productivity. Over the following time periods there will be much bigger struggles and issues than we face now when we have been doing so well 5th in the GDP league tables.


Productivity is an issue that the UK with its outdated industrial set-up just can't get it's head around.
As usual the answer is simple. In a word-----TEAMWORK
Without that the companies may as well give up the struggle.
. . . so quite why he thinks he needs to know what's going on is beyond me. . .
'Ere c_v - have you read this yet . . .


😆 😆 😆
Treason eh??? 😱😱😱

Goodness me... Some people fighting fictitious wars inside their heads.

Patriotism, nationalism, treason. Sovereignty and independence.

As for the real negotiations over business, the economy and getting Britain working and leading in manufacturing - Sweet nothing. Sums up the Brexit crowd 😕
As far as i'm aware Clegg is not an MP these days. The electorate booted him out, so quite why he thinks he needs to know what's going on is beyond me.

I'm wondering if we should revive the treason laws for individuals that act against the countries interests.

Clegg does not have to be listened to by you, or anyone who does not want to. He can speak, though. It's called democracy. You could say the same about Blair, Lafarge or any of them.
Clegg does not have to be listened to by you, or anyone who does not want to. He can speak, though. It's called democracy. You could say the same about Blair, Lafarge or any of them.

You can add university academics who have dedicated their lives to studying subject matter to that list, they are trying to shut up as well.

Daily trash readers I'm sure lap it up.
The Daily Mail’s witch hunt for university Remainers spectacularly backfires

They'll be digging holes soon to validate their confirmation bias. Oh, well well well look what I've found here then?

Saw one person on TV the other day making a case for Brexit. He started off with an assumption that UK will leave the EU with full access to the free market without explaining the how and then after 10 seconds spent the next 5 minutes making his case for how marvellous Brexit will be to the UK.

Ofcourse building your 10 arguements on a false assumptions is remarkably stupid. Will anyone stop to think before celebrating in all the hope and glory of how bloody fantastic Brexit will be and at what cost???

Do we need to state - full free access to the free market is what we have NOW!
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1. UK thinks it can get access to full free market
2. Ignore rules and regulations
3. Parctipate in making rules and regulations
4. and ignore the ECJ
5. and not contribute anything
6. and do deals with rest of the World

If we don't get what we want then it's WTO...

Good one 👍
With the bunch of useless politicians in government at the moment – too busy worrying about spreadsheets of sex pests (who've been around since time immemorial) - there seems to be little chance of getting anything done satisfactorily with Brexit whatever one's views on remain/leave. With comrade Corbyn waiting to implement the Revolution, long-term prospects seem even worse.

:idea:Keep trading and build up your reserves. You're probably going to need them. And don't keep them all in worthless paper!
1. UK thinks it can get access to full free market
2. Ignore rules and regulations
3. Parctipate in making rules and regulations
4. and ignore the ECJ
5. and not contribute anything
6. and do deals with rest of the World

If we don't get what we want then it's WTO...

Good one [emoji106]

1) Leave voters voted to leave the eu including the free market and all the red tape that goes with it

2) Where are you getting this from?

3) Same as 2? Why would we want to participate in making rules and regulations after we leave. At the mo we are still a full member

4) Yes why would a sovereign state be subject to justice from an authority that we won't be part of?

5) We have contributed but why should we do so if we leave. The divorce bill is not mentioned in article 50 and we are not legally bound to do so. If you still think we need to then please clarify the assets in the EU that are owed to us?

More fresh air for you...
1) Leave voters voted to leave the eu including the free market and all the red tape that goes with it So what is the great repeal bill then?

2) Where are you getting this from? See one above. Your post as to what you believe British people voted for.

3) Same as 2? Why would we want to participate in making rules and regulations after we leave. At the mo we are still a full member Well this is why the Norwegian model that was touted by blabber mouth is not seen fit for UK!

4) Yes why would a sovereign state be subject to justice from an authority that we won't be part of? Always need a third party for trading nations. Why not the ECJ? We have common beliefs and principals and laws. We have more in common that unites us than that seperate.

5) We have contributed but why should we do so if we leave. The divorce bill is not mentioned in article 50 and we are not legally bound to do so. If you still think we need to then please clarify the assets in the EU that are owed to us?

Well yes if you leave but why do you think so many businesses desire access to the free market. You are one voice as someone pointed out just another opinion.

More fresh air for you...

Brexit camp certainly can do with some fresh air, don't you think? 👍