brewski was seeking my conversation. Clearly he found my ideas useful. He's more experienced, and could understand some of the the stuff I was saying.
I don't have court approved evidence on any of this. Even if I did, what's in it for me to share it with you ? This kind of info would rate 11 out of 10 on the holy grail scale. Naturally, these must be hush-hush and only be understood by the select circle.
DT is more on the beginning end of the spectrum. So I don't expect he knows what's going on. But give him time, that one's got potential. He's good in math and can swing his photoshop at a moment's notice. You will learn alot from him.
Anyway, here's a 6000+ point spike my shop and/or chums did in silver. Pitty brewski missed it. He could have made close to a million with only £200. It only takes 1 micro second (my estimate, my chart has only m1 precision).