Breakout Trading using Time and Sales

had enough of SWHC...going to take a few minutes break, make a cup of coffee, and back to trading something other than SWHC!
back and scanning...look for clean, clear charts...the more obvious the general trend, the higher the probability of the trade working out
The fact that I've had 3 consecutive profitable trades makes it ever more likely that my next trade will be a I am being careful in finding trades...WLT and TNA did break out nicely, but with spreads so wide, I am not too comfortable trading them at the moment.
+1 cent per share TWM reversal...simply wasn't doing what it should have been doing, so got out.
Nothing but chop, chop,'d figure after yesterday's Greek bond acceptance, there would be some momentum today, but doesn't appear to be so.
+8 cents per share JVA early entry to high of day where it stalled so I got out...may have been a pre-mature exit