Boiler Room Scams

Anyone remember Priority Venture Management, as you may know they were one of the second scammers , they did my husband and I out of alot of money about two years ago. Well just before Christmas. We had a certain person claiming to be Agent Cole from the sec and stating he had our money as Priority had got things wrong and they had been looking for us for 18th months to pay us, well we went along to find some things out and got in touch with the sec who said as we thought ,it was a follow up scam, Now last Friday morning we had another phone call from a person saying they were Robert Johnson guess what, he is from the sec as well wanting details of our shares etc, when he heard me say to my husband another scam, he shouted down the phone whats going on, with that he disappeared off the line. I have informed the sec ,but as yet its early days I have not had a reply .
Thought I should warn people in case these people get in touch they really try to convince you they have made a mistake and pretend you will get your money back and the profit they promised you with it. It is getting beyond a joke and near time something was done about these evil people, but nothing seems to happen .


Well done, like we have all told you in the past anyone and everyone that calls you about your shares or other investments is 100% a scammer. Tell them where to go.
Hi Guys, Good thread this, have experience of boiler rooms going back to Smith Fairchild, System Pros etc. Have been contacted by Hang Seng Financial based reportedly in Hong Kong but according to info so far they purchased an IP address from the Go Daddy Group on Scottsdale USA in 2009. They have in the past been trying to sell Bio Defense shares, I have been offered BYD Co. (China) at 20% discount. Co. looks sound but very sceptical about Hang Seng Financial. Any other info' out there?

Like you said they were pushing Biodefense, anotehr scam. Youre not seriously thinking about buying anything from them are you?

Well done, like we have all told you in the past anyone and everyone that calls you about your shares or other investments is 100% a scammer. Tell them where to go.

I'm glad you mentioned other investments because I had calls from investing in wine or land, and yes I told them I had no money and go and find someone else.
I wish we had seen this earlier we got roped into their bull**** Holland and Leaf and then Selfridge Perkins Group. We invested more than £50k and they are still trying to get more money out of us. It all started from a cold call trying to sell some of our exisiting shares and then another company Manhattan Trust made a better offer for some stock we had. Then we had to invest more money and buy more stock to pay tax, open corporate US dollar accounts, you name it. We dealt with someone named James Masters.

We have now ended contact with Selfridge Perkins Group and are now trying to get this stock sold ourselves. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THESE SCAMS!!!! We are now in a very big mess.

I too was first scammed by Holland & Leaf Advisory and then they "claimed" they were ALL moving to a new company Selfridge Perkins Group, like this was a good thing supposedly. They even had the guts to say they were ALL Billionaires hahaha come on man. I was asked to open a corporate account with them, which I found strange? I bought lots of 144 worthless restricted stock shares etc and all I got was put off week after week after week while I was asked to continuously send more and more money.

What made me open my eyes was that whenever I got a call from another company, or competitor be it legit or fraudsters, I would get a mysterious call from the SEC or a bank or a government agency telling me this new company were up to no good? that was quite odd and alerted me to the fact that something was up. None of these other people, be it SEC or a big BANK or IRS or what have you, none of them provided me with a call back telephone number. Just mysterious calls "fluffing up" Holland and Leaf or Selfridge and putting down whichever company supposedly called me. My wife suggested that I make up a "fictious company" that solicited me, which I did and called them Enterprise Invenstment. I said I sent money to an escrow account in the Bahamas a year ago and was owed over one million dollars. Well guess what, the following week I got a "call" from a supposed Bank in Bahamas telling me NOT to do business with Enterprise Investments and that theyn would release my money to ME thru Selfridge hahaha BOTH of which did NOT exist!!! :clap:

I have reported H & L and Selfridge to the FSA and I sent in all my documentation as well. I have contacted Operation Archway here in the UK as well as Interpol and the SEC. I want these conmen to go down in flames, to burn in hell. I sent my families hard earned money, over $150,000.00. I AM a fool, I kick myself everyday and pray I might get some money back through the courts of law. These conmen have to answer to GOD and they will face the ultimate judgement. How do they live with themselves?

Selfridge boiler room will get busted, its just a matter of time. 😈
I have not understood, that you wish to tell. Explain, please. :innocent:

The FSA and all the other grossly overstaffed government agencies seem to do nothing but have totally worthless meetings every day. Therefore if you're the company that supplies the coffee/tea/biscuits you'll get rich 🙂
The following has been sent in an email.

the following is what Richard (Blake) is proposing. Please reply indicating whether or not you wish to proceed on the proposed basis.

Buy: 892 xivaf @ 6.00 euros 5,352.00 euros
Sell: 8,100 3tl @ 0.945 euros 7,654.50 euros
Bal: 2,302.50 euros

Please visit us at and for a recent stock quote visit our "Investors" page on our web site and follow the link to the Franfurt Stock Exchange.
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Sorry, links back to
John Blake - Telecorp - trying to buy XIIVA shares - company is bankrupt and been in court

at more than double the original purchase price in return for buying $2000 worth of Telecorp Inc Shares. Story behind wanting XIIVA shares is that it is really just an incentive to increase Telecorps overseas investors.
Most of the boiler room scams that target Uk have their salesman based where Iam living in and around marbella spain, there are literally hundreds of them ,the spanish old bill dont seem to give a toss they just rent an office and when it comes on top they move to a new one,most of the employees of these firms are all ex con fraudsters either convicted or on the run from the UK they happily operate here and no one seems to bother them even though they know what they do.

Noone seems to care wether its Uk police or interpol or spanish police and fraud squads, its not like theyre hard to find theyre in all the bars here bragging about the last OAP´s in the Uk theyve just conned out of their dosh....sad but true.
Most of the boiler room scams that target Uk have their salesman based where Iam living in and around marbella spain, there are literally hundreds of them ,the spanish old bill dont seem to give a toss they just rent an office and when it comes on top they move to a new one,most of the employees of these firms are all ex con fraudsters either convicted or on the run from the UK they happily operate here and no one seems to bother them even though they know what they do.

Noone seems to care wether its Uk police or interpol or spanish police and fraud squads, its not like theyre hard to find theyre in all the bars here bragging about the last OAP´s in the Uk theyve just conned out of their dosh....sad but true.

That sounds like them. In different boiler rooms they will be from a country that they are concentrating on scamming. You forgot to add that they usually think with their little head and sometimes, in lieu of half their pay, they get call girls to spend time with them. What decent women would want them. All of these morons suffer with huge egos and thats why they hide behind their keyboards, where it is safe for them. It would be nice if they could get busted but it would be better if they can get the top guys that paid for there plane tickets that got them there. You can bet that some high officials over there are receiving some nice gifts.
Re: Boiler rooms in Barcelona

Hi there,
If you have the addrss in Barcelona send it to me and I will visit it and even take a photo. I have lived in Barcelona for a couple of years now. Same goes for anyone else who needs something checking out in Barcelona.
Glad to help where I can, and let´s get the *******s. I have aleady reported one and got their website shut down they were Chesterfield Union Bank, pure BS and a copied website from a real bank.

I would be more than happy to hear, whether they are there or not. I think they only have a receptionist who transfers the calls to God knows where. Very keen to find out how they work locationwise. If the whole office is in Barcelona easier to close them down.
Looking forward to hear about you a.s.a.p.

morgan finch international
mitchell finch international
macmillen finance inter.
martin howard associates
morgan franklin consultants, all the same

the chief scammer micheal kashin from canada

The address is:
Gran Via de Las Cortes Catalanas 583-5th floor
08011 Barcelona, Spain
ph: 0034933063417 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************0034933063417******end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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Re: Boiler rooms in Barcelona

I would be more than happy to hear, whether they are there or not. I think they only have a receptionist who transfers the calls to God knows where. Very keen to find out how they work locationwise. If the whole office is in Barcelona easier to close them down.

They often have a phone in one office with a receptionist or an empty desk but they hard wire a parallel phone line from that office to their main office nearby or across the street, usually within a block or two. They can watch you raid their phony office and laugh at you and still have plenty of time to go to another office setup. Check the phone box for this run, it may also be on the pole outside.
Re: Boiler rooms in Barcelona

They often have a phone in one office with a receptionist or an empty desk but they hard wire a parallel phone line from that office to their main office nearby or across the street, usually within a block or two. They can watch you raid their phony office and laugh at you and still have plenty of time to go to another office setup. Check the phone box for this run, it may also be on the pole outside.

Thanks for the info, but still, it was nice, if someone who knows Barcelona would check this out.
Hi, I'm new here but was reading your posts regarding boiler rooms.

Here is one I think fits the bill and is doing the rounds currently. Cold callers with a very intense desire that you sign up to their latest offering. I was going to attach their pdf prospectus but it exceeds the limit for the forums at 7.5MB.
Company: Lombard Asset Resources
Product: Rice Farming Land by the acre in Sierra Leone
Price: £1950 per acre including £600 one off cultivation/admin fee

My appologies to anyone if this is a genuine investment opportunity but with the type of overly friendly high pressure type sales pitch I feel it can only be one thing.

All the best

mod note: Members should note that Lombard Asset Resources web-site says that they are not registered by the FSA and that they do not offer investment advice. And that cold calling is banned by FSA rules. Succeeding posts have been edited - barjon
Hi, I'm new here but was reading your posts regarding boiler rooms.

Here is one I think fits the bill and is doing the rounds currently. Cold callers with a very intense desire that you sign up to their latest offering. I was going to attach their pdf prospectus but it exceeds the limit for the forums at 7.5MB.
Company: Lombard Asset Resources
Product: Rice Farming Land by the acre in Sierra Leone
Price: £1950 per acre including £600 one off cultivation/admin fee

My appologies to anyone if this is a genuine investment opportunity but with the type of overly friendly high pressure type sales pitch I feel it can only be one thing.

All the best

There's a paradox with the phrase 'common sense'.

it should be so simple to use and understand yet the paradox is it isn't.

But let's use it in this example to see what we can find -

1. Cold called with a profit making idea, probably one that promises easy money
2. The deal is to buy land in Sierra Leone

Using common sense number 1 above might be slighly grey to the unsuspecting.

But excuse me, land in Sierra Leone!!!!!

Summar: Learn to use common sense it's the BEST defence against scammers. However, if you don't use it and lose money then who really is to blame?

I used to think it's the scammers but I'm not so sure anymore..........
I was only trying to be nice and P.C. on my first post and not offend anyone 🙂 😉

I didn't tell them where to go, as he was being so nice 😉
I did though keep them talking on the phone for an hour at their expense and bought nothing !!!

Anley, I know what you are saying about common sense but these people remind me of the type that go around as good as threatening you and keeping you prisoner to buy timeshare. Once they've got you, you have to be a very strong person not to be intimidated into buying something and not everyone is like that.
Point is ordinary people shouldn't have to be subjected to this sort of rubbish in the first place what ever happened to privacy and confidentiality of your personal details???? 😡
I was only trying to be nice and P.C. on my first post and not offend anyone 🙂 😉

I didn't tell them where to go, as he was being so nice 😉
I did though keep them talking on the phone for an hour at their expense and bought nothing !!!

Anley, I know what you are saying about common sense but these people remind me of the type that go around as good as threatening you and keeping you prisoner to buy timeshare. Once they've got you, you have to be a very strong person not to be intimidated into buying something and not everyone is like that.
Point is ordinary people shouldn't have to be subjected to this sort of rubbish in the first place what ever happened to privacy and confidentiality of your personal details???? 😡


I wasn't suggesting you didn't know. The fact you posted the information here meant you pretty much knew what their game was.

I was just using your example to try to educate those that aren't using 'commen sense' when it comes to invstments and possible scams to START APPLYING IT.
No problem Anley, I wasn't launching any sort of personal attack on you I just know from experience (Timeshare villans) how hard it can be to fend these people off. They can turn from being your best friend to threatening you with all sorts of stuff in the blink of an eye and it can be very intimidating. I just think more should be done to protect people from these cold callers that's all.

By the way i didn't buy timeshare either although they as good as kept us prisoner trying to get us to sign up. We ended up sneaking out the back door of the building and making a run for it while the guy was getting somebody higher up to "talk to us" 🙂