Unfortunately the TMG story is true ... The money "invested" was 850k over a 9 month period into 6 companies, each one rolling over into the next with the "profit" plus additional funds.
From what I am reading it looks like I have lost my money.
Well then contact me. You should still have a couple hundred $K liquid to invest. I'll help you open a Special Purpose Company in the correct jurisdiction and company structure with bank accounts in your control. Invest in properties in which values endure tough times and profit tremendously in growth cycles and you could eliminate your losses and be making profits in 2 years. Pay me a very small fee upfront and a regular back-end commission on profits only and I will do all the leg work.
I am sure someone from another boiler room will make you a similar offer, except you should note carefully the major difference is that I would have you put the money in accounts that you control. A boiler room would definitely want you to "invest" the money in their accounts.
This is one thing I never understand about the people who work the scams. The hardest part of doing business is the initial contact and building a relationship. Why put all that work into it and then disappear? With someone who invests $850K, I could do just 4 or 5 deals a annually over a couple years and make more money the legit way. Plus I would get repeat business, referral business and create a network through win-win situations. Not only do I make more money, but my job is a heck of lot easier. Not to mention feeling good about myself, making friends, not running from the authorities, having a clean conscious, feeling proud of my abilities... etc. Doesn't this make better business sense?
TI, if you lost $850K to boiler rooms, you need help. It will take hard-work, focus and commitment along with experience which I can offer to you for a fraction of $850K!
I'm sure you have your doubts (I can't wait to see how many names people call me for posting this). I understand 100% as well, I also don't believe that you could lose $850K to these idiots (the real idiots, because I have said several times that I don't think anyone who gets taken in by these scams are stupid, the scams are complicated at times and prey on good people - that's a tough combination).