Boiler Room Scams

OK Anly & experienced_it_all
You both purport to be very knowledgable about the ways and means of being an effective scammer.It is a fallacy to say that these 'outfits/scammers' are legit and 'technically' they are untouchable ; there is sufficient evidence of many of them being held to account so I do not buy the premise that pursuing the chancers will be meaningless or have an effect. You will see my previous mention of many actions taken by the Financial Regulatorsand or the police. e.g. SEC v Gunter , SEC v Benger et al, FSA v PC, Hong Kong police and Hertzberg (and many more !). What do you have to say about these and of course the FOX Hayes outfit in Leeds who were heavily fined for their (indiscretions) corruption. Would expect you to be offering encouragement rather than deterrance in hunting the scammers relentlessly . This is not to 'shoot the messenger' but to seek something positive from you in addressing the issue.

After seeing your posts, I wouldn´t be surprised if the next wave of scams was;

"I am David Goldstein, representing the firm XXXX which helps people with redress and recovery of equities sold in an illegal manner. Are you familiar with SEC vs. Benger et al?.... For a fee of....."

Now, a new scam may have just been created. The people who get scammed are usually good, honest and trusting folks. They are not stupid, they just believe in the good nature of humankind. Again, I am not arguing against doing what you are doing and trying to expose bad dealers, but it is a slippery-slope.

Hi Anly & experienced _it_all
Oooh, Anly, sorry if I touched a sore spot & you had to resort to name calling . Unless
you are on TV and Radio including the Local, National & International Press your input
on these sites would have little effect as the number of posters/viewers are limited. I
do not deny that you have contributed to the debate with warnings etc . Of course
there are many other similar sites and perhaps you are posting under some other
names. I and one of a a group of 17 investors who have been scammed to the tune of
over $1m (a small sum in comparison with Benger et al $47m or Hertzberg HongKong
$90m and many other multibillion SCAMS.
You say that the Regulators and the police are unable to trace the funds' is'nt that an
absolute scandal having regard to the paper trail evidence there is available or should
and must be available from the 'respectable' banks and accountants ?
Yes I know that the Scammers use the 'technicalities' and so does the well established
firms that we rely on for security ! Is that any reason why they should not be
pursued ? I accept there are uncertainities when taking on the Scammers but you
know 'faint heart never won fair lady !' .

OK I do listen - a scam took place - in hindsight we got 'done' . However , cannot agree
with you that we got 'done' legitimately and we will be exploring EVERY avenue, in
deference to your counsel, to continue with the campaign.

Whilst Anly has helped many to escape the 'claws' of the scammers I can assure him that
we have made representation to many Local , National & International Agencies in
relation to the notorious lack of control and regulation of the Financial Investment
operators. Some countries issue warnings but there needs to be a concerted ongoing
effort Globally to address the issue !

'We are all on the same side' - Really ? If so then think up GOOD logical reason why
the Scammers should and must be pursued . It strikes me that you are both in the
Financial Investment Business,may not be squeaky clean, and would dread the thoughts
of being relentlessly pursued !
No you didn't touch a raw spot at all. Just thought you were a prick, and now you've proved it 🙂

The evidence is there for us all to see.
Hi Anly & experienced _it_all
Oooh, Anly, sorry if I touched a sore spot & you had to resort to name calling . Unless
you are on TV and Radio including the Local, National & International Press your input
on these sites would have little effect as the number of posters/viewers are limited. I
do not deny that you have contributed to the debate with warnings etc . Of course
there are many other similar sites and perhaps you are posting under some other
names. I and one of a a group of 17 investors who have been scammed to the tune of
over $1m (a small sum in comparison with Benger et al $47m or Hertzberg HongKong
$90m and many other multibillion SCAMS.
You say that the Regulators and the police are unable to trace the funds' is'nt that an
absolute scandal having regard to the paper trail evidence there is available or should
and must be available from the 'respectable' banks and accountants ?
Yes I know that the Scammers use the 'technicalities' and so does the well established
firms that we rely on for security ! Is that any reason why they should not be
pursued ? I accept there are uncertainities when taking on the Scammers but you
know 'faint heart never won fair lady !' .

OK I do listen - a scam took place - in hindsight we got 'done' . However , cannot agree
with you that we got 'done' legitimately and we will be exploring EVERY avenue, in
deference to your counsel, to continue with the campaign.

Whilst Anly has helped many to escape the 'claws' of the scammers I can assure him that
we have made representation to many Local , National & International Agencies in
relation to the notorious lack of control and regulation of the Financial Investment
operators. Some countries issue warnings but there needs to be a concerted ongoing
effort Globally to address the issue !

'We are all on the same side' - Really ? If so then think up GOOD logical reason why
the Scammers should and must be pursued . It strikes me that you are both in the
Financial Investment Business,may not be squeaky clean, and would dread the thoughts
of being relentlessly pursued !


Are you retarded?

I never once said that you should stop going after people or that these people should not be reported. I see where Anley said go ahead and report them as well. Do you think you are going to bring down all fraud by posting on T2W?

Do you think educating people on how the scam works is wrong? If you read my posts on how Reg. S/D Restricted stocks work, would you still have invested?

You did however get "taken" legally, I will bet that you signed a Subscription Agreement or Purchase Agreement that states (similar to);

1) Some sort of dilution clause (due to administrative... only 40% goes to the company).
2) You confirm that you have not been solicited by XYZ (usually where the money is sent).
3) You can accept the economic risk (you can lose some or all of the investment).
4) The company has the right to use your funds as they see fit.

This is why these scams are complex. These are the same types of contracts and clauses you would find in contract for Microsoft shares. Even when you open an online brokerage account you will see many of the same phrases in the contracts.

The difference is the intention. Legally speaking, this is very difficult to prove.

I never said not to report the company. I just said (many times now) there will be little chance of redress and the best thing that will come out of it is a learning experience.

No matter how negative something is, there can always be something postive taken away from the experience.

Do you think it is more effective to punish the drug dealers or teach kids why it is harmful to do drugs?:?::?::?:

I think it is more LOGICAL to teach.
'sales agents' 'nominees' escrows etc

Anly, your responses surprises me: I have seen many of your posts and never came
across a response or a post from you using such language, (with an apology preceding
your adjective !) or from any other contributor on other sites to which I subscribe.
My purpose in exchanging views is not to enter into this kind of conversation , but of
course I can exit the easy way and 'get off the bus' which I do not intend to do for he
If T2W are looking for paticipants I will not be engaging with them if you are the face
of the organisation.
sales agents, nominees, escrows etc

Are you Retarded ? - not wishing to sound too cynical but here again we have the same
approach as Anly ! NO I am not retarded .....that is your perception because your point
of view is challenged.
You have the stage - I will peacefully exit now.
Century Land group ltd., selling UK land for houses

not meaning to butt in on your squabble + name calling, but this site has got interesting since NEMSIS SECURITIES joined. Keep up the good work.....
It really is my week for phonecalls - I'm going to have to give up the day job to answer all the stock brokers who are ringing me or else get a secretary.
Does anyone know Paul Evans of Century Lands Group Ltd. London. seems to be a lot on internet about this company offering land at Ashford kent.? has the prime minister Mr. Brown offered to invest £ 8 billion to build 3.5 million house over next 12 years.?
Also last year i was approached by Neil Moore of Pemberton International Portfolio Manager Tel: 02079 562739 Fax: 02079 562180
[email protected] to buy Land near Halifax,?
and also by Abacus Investment Management Antony Dann Managing Director Tel:0208-8954055 / 0208-0991600 Welcome To Abacus Investment Management: Abacus Investment Management to buy the same land in Halifax.?
Are Pemberton + Abacus the same.?
Are you Retarded ? - not wishing to sound too cynical but here again we have the same
approach as Anly ! NO I am not retarded .....that is your perception because your point
of view is challenged.
You have the stage - I will peacefully exit now.

So you are retarded😆

You challenged my point of view??? My point of view is "Learn from your experience and do not invest with these companies." Good job Gold!

Are you one of those guys who wants to blame everyone for his own stupidity. Do you have any responsibility in this for not doing due diligence? How come you know so much now (I mean, you are going to bring down all corruption in the SEC/FSA and in the world) but you didn´t do any research before you put 100K into a **** stock???

I´ll bet you get "taken" again at some point.

You can take every con-artist off the street today. Tomorrow, there will be just as many as there were today. SOLVES NOTHING.

But if you educate people to not get involved, it won´t matter how many con-artists there are. PROBLEM SOLVED.

My final piece of advice to you Gold - You can keep trying to control other people´s situations, or you can take control of your own. In reality, you can only control your own actions.
not meaning to butt in on your squabble + name calling, but this site has got interesting since NEMSIS SECURITIES joined. Keep up the good work.....
It really is my week for phonecalls - I'm going to have to give up the day job to answer all the stock brokers who are ringing me or else get a secretary.
Does anyone know Paul Evans of Century Lands Group Ltd. London. seems to be a lot on internet about this company offering land at Ashford kent.? has the prime minister Mr. Brown offered to invest £ 8 billion to build 3.5 million house over next 12 years.?
Also last year i was approached by Neil Moore of Pemberton International Portfolio Manager Tel: 02079 562739 Fax: 02079 562180
[email protected] to buy Land near Halifax,?
and also by Abacus Investment Management Antony Dann Managing Director Tel:0208-8954055 / 0208-0991600 Welcome To Abacus Investment Management: Abacus Investment Management to buy the same land in Halifax.?
Are Pemberton + Abacus the same.?

Paul Evans??? That name has been used with like 9 different firms??

Also, I hope you got my CIT posts. I would call but it seems your phone must always be busy. Looking forward to my commissions👍
Buy CIT---- but my phone is always busy

From Experience it all
""Also, I hope you got my CIT posts. I would call but it seems your phone must always be busy. Looking forward to my commissions.""

Hi Experience it all.
Two years ago I would have gone out + bought CIT ----------- even with a casual recommendation over the internet... but for now- -myself and the stock market are not talking to each other.
Currently I am only a seller ie waiting for prices to rise so I can sell-- -- not a buyer I hate to loose money .. but I'lI will keep an eye on CIT and will later cry on this site with regret that I did not buy.
Either way CIT up or down someone should call a party + cheer themselves + the rest of us up.
This is not a CIT thread, however....

I know this is the "Boiler Room" thread, however I will throw this out there because there are a 170 pages filled with people who got horrible advice on bad stocks.

I only mention CIT because they will either file for bankruptcy, restructure or get taken over. They have taken several measures over the last several weeks to stave off BK. They made agreements with N.Y. Fed. and U.S. Fed. Reserve which I believe will take BK off the table.

The special situation that arises is that CIT-PA (preferred A stock has par-value of $25) and is trading near $3. The CIT-PC (preferred C stock has par-value of $50 - this one also is convertible and has delisting conversion of 9.0909, hence the premium) and is trading around $7. With a restructure or takeover, preferred stocks should get valued at 80%+ of par-value ($20+ for A, $40+ for C).

That is the type of profitable situation that may alleviate some of the pain that Boiler Rooms have caused.

Just my humble opinion.

I am in no way affiliated with CIT and I am not soliciting any business or commissions. I have a small stake, but not big enough to throw a party on my own. If anyone else makes money off this, maybe we can pool together and have a party at ADRIAN´s😀

(Another stock NYSE: NCT (a type of REIT) is good. More of a long-term buy and hold. The price jumped a bit today, but one to watch for and discuss another day.)
Philips Equity Management/International Exchange Regulatory Authority

Apologies for the long title, just thought it would be easier to pick up when searching.
Contacted by Ross Cattaneo of Philips Equity Management from Prague, Czech Republic, yet another offer to buy my AMUC stock. Now when you know you have bought a pup, and have had several offers to buy it up before, you are automatically sceptical. Ross assured me this was not a scam and referred me to IERA as the authority who would organise the derestriction of my shares. For this service they wanted the token fee of 5c per share,when you have 200k that means $10k and he would then buy from me at 85c a share. Lovely! Oh yes and as I am a non US citizen then I would get my $10k returned with the final payment, and all within 5 days!! Wow, for $10k outlay for a week I get $170k
+ $10k back, laughing all the way to the Ferrari showroom.
But wait! Last time I derestricted shares by myself directly to the correct Transfer Agent I paid $50 for 50k shares. So why I am paying so much? According to John Morley, Compliance Officer at Philips, that is in case I got a loan using my AMUC shares as collaterol and would be used to pay off that loan. So,they are offering me $170k for shares that could only raise $10k as a loan?
So do you think this is a scam? You better believe it! Had I paid the money then I would have got a phone call telling me that there were warrants attached to my shares which I had to derestrict too, but they would be honorable and buy them from me as well even though they didn't need them to reach their quota of 51% of the company to complete their hostile takeover.
By the way IERA are in Japan, & Ross kept suggesting I phone to confirm the deal, knowing that with a 12hr time difference this would be difficult. The phone number would probably divert somewhere else anyway.I used modern technology to contact the equivalent to the FSA & SEC in Japan who confirmed that the IERA does not exist.
There are warnings out there about advance fee scams & about fake regulators.Always check with the genuine authorities which you find by yourself.
If you really cannot resist the temptation to have one more go at getting your money back on these dodgey shares, then offer to go for a smaller portion of the shares. If you get money out of them, & you won't, then use that to derestrict some more after taking your first fee back. I tried that once, was told that there were warrants to pay, refused, suggested they use the money I had sent to derestrict what they could, they refused, and I never saw my money again. Oh I know some will say I'm an idiot but I had to prove a point to myself & you guys can benefit from my experience.
Here are a couple of links given to me by US authorities when I reported this scam. worth a read.

Regulation S -- Rules Governing Offers and Sales Made Outside the United States Without Registration Under the Securities Act of 1933

Removing the Restrictive Legend" (;
"Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors" (Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors)

If any one wants to contact me directly I would consider sending the full text.

Happy hunting.
Remember if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is too good to be true!
Apologies for the long title, just thought it would be easier to pick up when searching.
Contacted by Ross Cattaneo of Philips Equity Management from Prague, Czech Republic, yet another offer to buy my AMUC stock. Now when you know you have bought a pup, and have had several offers to buy it up before, you are automatically sceptical. Ross assured me this was not a scam and referred me to IERA as the authority who would organise the derestriction of my shares. For this service they wanted the token fee of 5c per share,when you have 200k that means $10k and he would then buy from me at 85c a share. Lovely! Oh yes and as I am a non US citizen then I would get my $10k returned with the final payment, and all within 5 days!! Wow, for $10k outlay for a week I get $170k
+ $10k back, laughing all the way to the Ferrari showroom.
But wait! Last time I derestricted shares by myself directly to the correct Transfer Agent I paid $50 for 50k shares. So why I am paying so much? According to John Morley, Compliance Officer at Philips, that is in case I got a loan using my AMUC shares as collaterol and would be used to pay off that loan. So,they are offering me $170k for shares that could only raise $10k as a loan?
So do you think this is a scam? You better believe it! Had I paid the money then I would have got a phone call telling me that there were warrants attached to my shares which I had to derestrict too, but they would be honorable and buy them from me as well even though they didn't need them to reach their quota of 51% of the company to complete their hostile takeover.
By the way IERA are in Japan, & Ross kept suggesting I phone to confirm the deal, knowing that with a 12hr time difference this would be difficult. The phone number would probably divert somewhere else anyway.I used modern technology to contact the equivalent to the FSA & SEC in Japan who confirmed that the IERA does not exist.
There are warnings out there about advance fee scams & about fake regulators.Always check with the genuine authorities which you find by yourself.
If you really cannot resist the temptation to have one more go at getting your money back on these dodgey shares, then offer to go for a smaller portion of the shares. If you get money out of them, & you won't, then use that to derestrict some more after taking your first fee back. I tried that once, was told that there were warrants to pay, refused, suggested they use the money I had sent to derestrict what they could, they refused, and I never saw my money again. Oh I know some will say I'm an idiot but I had to prove a point to myself & you guys can benefit from my experience.
Here are a couple of links given to me by US authorities when I reported this scam. worth a read.

Regulation S -- Rules Governing Offers and Sales Made Outside the United States Without Registration Under the Securities Act of 1933

Removing the Restrictive Legend" (;
"Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors" (Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors)

If any one wants to contact me directly I would consider sending the full text.

Happy hunting.
Remember if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is too good to be true!

Good post kenmar 1952. I hope people listen and learn from this.
Omagis capital

Does anyone know Joe Martin of Omagis Capital of London. ? he told me that
Omagis Capital took over 13,000 clients from White Square Investments. Joe told me that Guy Hook their in house research analysis ,reviewed all their recommendations. !!!
White Square Investments seem to have gone down in flames.
Omagis Capital

Omagis Capital and all its connections can be found on this thread. They feature in some detail halfway through the thread although as Omagis and Atlantic Law are clearly linked then you might find the whole thing interesting. Pay specific attention to the posts relative to names that are similar to Omagis then you will have the answers. Good luck and be careful!

TMF: A fool And His Money...

From - IS Intersecurities et al & Ramsis


You should contact Ramsis. I am sure he will be on your side. He will get your money back and help with all the legal stuff 😉

Thank you for the introduction , however perhap you can say how Ramsis can be contacted - if this is a genuine recomendation !
Be careful Gold31 ...Ramsis has no proven track record... just a feathery website ..... don't part with money until you meet him personally, verify his licence to trade. speak to references.