Boiler Room Scams

Hi All,

I tried to post a message with lots of details about a possible scam two days ago, and got a reply that a moderator would first check it before it was published on the forum. But we are two days further now, and nothing has been posted?


Email your post to me at [email protected] and I will take a look – thank you

Hi all,

I think they might have tricked me too, but I'm trying to find out for sure. Does anyone have experience with Nippon Capital Asset Management (Nippon Capital AM) from Osaka, Japan ( Contacts there were Michael Stone at first, and are Charles Worth and David Silver now. They first offered me stock in BYD, which I bought as a test to see if they were legitimate, after performing a lot of digging via Google but could find nothing that seemed wrong. And believe it or not, within a few weeks the stock went up like crazy, generating a big profit. Next they advised to sell BYD and invest in private stock from Boca Mining Corporation (BMCA), which I did, investing a bit more every time. But they always have something new coming up. First the company was supposed to go public, but that changed after that, with a big investor looking to get 5 million shares of the company. But this then meant that I had to acquire 50000 shares to form a corporate block to be able to sell them. And now last week they called me, saying that with the recent events in France, the bank requires the deposit of some kind of security bond of 20% of the value of the price at which the shares are supposed to be sold (which would mean paying a bunch of money once more to them).

So I don't really trust it anymore. I searched and searched the internet once more, and came upon this site, listing the company as a boiler room scam:

I have told them that I’m starting to have doubts about them, thinking it might be a scam, and now they are trying to convince me that they are a genuine investment company, showing loads of articles you can find about them, proving that Boca Mining Corporation is indeed a real company via the company registration number and ISIN number on my Street Name Share Certificate they provided me.
So I can use advice on this, if anyone has any information about them, or can help me prove in some way that it is a boiler room scam, please do so, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thx already for any assistance you can provide!

Kind regards,

Sorry buddy looks like a scam to me. A bank will NEVER ask for a security bond to release funds.

I was scammed for the exact same thing. I ended up paying the bond then after that was asked to pay more "fees" and I knew this was going to be a never ending affair so I stopped it straight away.

Just walk away NOW
hi all,

Here a warning about what is most likely a boiler room:

Value Management

Young Poong Building 8F, 33 Seorin-dong Jongro-g Seoul, 110-752 South Korea

Phone: +822 6022 1202

Fax: +822 6022 1274


The usual game, call center calling first to ask a few useless questions, then they send the brochure, then the cold call about the share which will go through the roof anytime soon. When I asked the guy what he could do to convince me that they are not a boiler room he lamented about the damage that this boiler rooms have done to the finance world, but in the end he had no answer to that question and ended the call pretty quick.
So far no victims around of Value Management, but it has all ingredients of a boiler room, wouldn't give them a single cent, beware.
Hi all

That scam happened to me too. Please be warned that the same persones also operate under now.

Megladon, please befriend me and let us share some info.

BR Beltok

Hi all,

I think they might have tricked me too, but I'm trying to find out for sure. Does anyone have experience with Nippon Capital Asset Management (Nippon Capital AM) from Osaka, Japan ( Contacts there were Michael Stone at first, and are Charles Worth and David Silver now. They first offered me stock in BYD, which I bought as a test to see if they were legitimate, after performing a lot of digging via Google but could find nothing that seemed wrong. And believe it or not, within a few weeks the stock went up like crazy, generating a big profit. Next they advised to sell BYD and invest in private stock from Boca Mining Corporation (BMCA), which I did, investing a bit more every time. But they always have something new coming up. First the company was supposed to go public, but that changed after that, with a big investor looking to get 5 million shares of the company. But this then meant that I had to acquire 50000 shares to form a corporate block to be able to sell them. And now last week they called me, saying that with the recent events in France, the bank requires the deposit of some kind of security bond of 20% of the value of the price at which the shares are supposed to be sold (which would mean paying a bunch of money once more to them).

So I don't really trust it anymore. I searched and searched the internet once more, and came upon this site, listing the company as a boiler room scam:

I have told them that I’m starting to have doubts about them, thinking it might be a scam, and now they are trying to convince me that they are a genuine investment company, showing loads of articles you can find about them, proving that Boca Mining Corporation is indeed a real company via the company registration number and ISIN number on my Street Name Share Certificate they provided me.
So I can use advice on this, if anyone has any information about them, or can help me prove in some way that it is a boiler room scam, please do so, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thx already for any assistance you can provide!

Kind regards,
Sorry buddy looks like a scam to me. A bank will NEVER ask for a security bond to release funds.

I was scammed for the exact same thing. I ended up paying the bond then after that was asked to pay more "fees" and I knew this was going to be a never ending affair so I stopped it straight away.

Just walk away NOW

Hi Amberzombie,

Thx for the reply!

yep, I think you are right, still working out the details, but pieces are starting to fall together, almost 100% sure now it is a scam.

Hi all

That scam happened to me too. Please be warned that the same persones also operate under now.

Megladon, please befriend me and let us share some info.

BR Beltok

Hi Beltok,

apparently I cannot send you a PM, I get this message:

1.Beltok has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

Peterson Group

I think it would be useful to set up a thread listing all the Boiler Room Scams that are currently in operation.

What is a boiler room?

Basically, a room full of salesmen (con men really), who are unregulated, and will cold call you to try and tempt you to part with your money and invest in some "amazing" company which will make you a millionaire. The stocks are usually unlisted and therefore difficult to sell once you have bought them. In reality they are likely to be worthless.

They tend to target people who already own shares, and will get your phone number / contact details from lists that they have bought, including shareholder lists.

More often than not, they are based overseas.

Whatever, you should NEVER deal with them, and NEVER deal with anyone who cold calls you from a company who you have never dealt with before.

I hope that this thread will be used for people to list the names of the offending companies, in order to warn others.

To start with, here is a list of those already mentioned on other threads....

Portland Ventures

Elliott Price

Edward Tate

Capital Asset Commodities

Jefferson Holt Consulting

Please feel free to add any more.....

I have unfortunately had the misforteune to have dealt with a investment company (Peterson Group Jakarta) inviting me to take up shares in 2 companies both appear to be legitmate.

However the downside is the appears to be no sell out ,and only calls for further investment .
To which I have called an end ,,So anyone receiving calls from them please beware


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The Peterson Group

Hello boys.

I've also been targeted in this boiler room fraud. Googling I found this topic. (it wasn't easy though, Google doesn't relate 'scam the peterson group' yet, I had to learn what boiler room scam was first, xD)

I'll just tell my story, in case it can be of any help to someone (haven't lost a euro but they've tried to sweet-talk me into it for a few months)

July 04: I am a Spaniard working in the Czech Republic, and that month I was on vacation. Out of the blue, my company receives a phone call, pressuring my boss to contact me because someone needs some very important documents. My boss understands that it is something related with my government.

July 15: They call back and my boss gives them my phone.

July 24: I receive yet another cold call at 7.30 a.m. from an Indonesian-based Philippine girl (at that point I already noticed it was a scam, no Spaniard would call at 7.30 a.m., no business is open that early!!) after 10 minutes sweet-talking me into the pleasure of doing business with The Peterson Group. Having made clear that I wasn't gonna invest a penny with them, she said she was gonna send me a brochure, (she knew my work address beforehand), so I said, do what you please.

August 10: Brochure arrives. (if anyone is interested, I could take a few pics of it)

September 10: Another guy, British accent, calls again to my job. Some insider tips about an agreement between one Petrodyne company with the french company TOTAL. Shares @ 1,20 that should go quickly over 2,20. I ask him not to call back to my work and give them my personal number (If I gave a fake one, I am afraid they would've kept calling my company).

October 06: I was called again this morning with the same modus operandi, rushing me into buying Petrodyne shares, that will go live in the Frankfurt market in about 5-8 weeks, great opportunity to widen my portfolio, blah blah blah, only this time shares were at 1,30, and minimum he could sell was 8,000 shares (10,400 euros). He's had me 12 mins on the phone until I hung up on him.

Some of the calls were from a hidden number, and others from a +44 (UK?)

Not for one second have I thought of investing with a total unknown company, but I've tried to waste their time as much as I can.

Sadly, I dont remember any names to publish.

I received the exact same pitch today on 7th December from a Michael Spence (with a British accent) supposedly from The Peterson Group Indonesia. The number that I was called from showed up as +2095551214.

He said that this was an IPO opportunity that hadn't been made public yet and that I needed to act now. He mentioned that the the maximum number of shares he could offer was 38,000 units, then tried to offer me 19,000 units, then a minimum of 10,000 euros worth at 1.20 a unit which would increase to 2.20 in value within a few months. When I still said no he offered a one time offer to start off 'our relationship with you' of 4,500 shares. Foolishly I said ok at this point, as I allowed him to rush me. I shortly (within a couple of mins) got a call from his 'compliance team' a Mr Gary Nichols, again with a British accent, to confirm the transaction, and be informed that I would receive the payment request and need to make payment within 3 days.

Immediately following I googled this offer and came across the scam mentioned here. I have not paid any money, and after reading the posts here have no intention of doing so.

A couple of hours later I received the following email from The Peterson Group:

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,
This letter confirms that your trading account with The Peterson Group is now active.
Your account number is XXXXXXX. Please quote this on all correspondence with us.
Based on your authorization we purchased 4,500 shares of Petrodyne Oil & Gas. TheTrade Confirmation and bank transfer instructions are included with this email.
Please forward confirmation of the payment by email to
[email protected].
Once the payment has cleared you will be sent a payment receipt.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Brownlee
Senior Accounts Officer The
Peterson Group
[email protected]

The beneficiary bank listed is: PT Bank Maybank Indonesia
Beneficiary Account Name: PT Premiere Trans Agent
Beneficiary Account Number: 2 535 000020

As I mentioned I haven't paid anything. Now I need to work out how to get rid of them.
I received the exact same pitch today on 7th December from a Michael Spence (with a British accent) supposedly from The Peterson Group Indonesia. The number that I was called from showed up as +2095551214.

He said that this was an IPO opportunity that hadn't been made public yet and that I needed to act now. He mentioned that the the maximum number of shares he could offer was 38,000 units, then tried to offer me 19,000 units, then a minimum of 10,000 euros worth at 1.20 a unit which would increase to 2.20 in value within a few months. When I still said no he offered a one time offer to start off 'our relationship with you' of 4,500 shares. Foolishly I said ok at this point, as I allowed him to rush me. I shortly (within a couple of mins) got a call from his 'compliance team' a Mr Gary Nichols, again with a British accent, to confirm the transaction, and be informed that I would receive the payment request and need to make payment within 3 days.

Immediately following I googled this offer and came across the scam mentioned here. I have not paid any money, and after reading the posts here have no intention of doing so.

A couple of hours later I received the following email from The Peterson Group:

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,
This letter confirms that your trading account with The Peterson Group is now active.
Your account number is XXXXXXX. Please quote this on all correspondence with us.
Based on your authorization we purchased 4,500 shares of Petrodyne Oil & Gas. TheTrade Confirmation and bank transfer instructions are included with this email.
Please forward confirmation of the payment by email to
[email protected].
Once the payment has cleared you will be sent a payment receipt.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Brownlee
Senior Accounts Officer The
Peterson Group
[email protected]

The beneficiary bank listed is: PT Bank Maybank Indonesia
Beneficiary Account Name: PT Premiere Trans Agent
Beneficiary Account Number: 2 535 000020

As I mentioned I haven't paid anything. Now I need to work out how to get rid of them.

happy to see that you found this blog in time, The Peterson Group is only 1 name in a long chain of boiler rooms, always the same crooks behind it, they are scum, ruined countless people with their lies and fake paperwork, are directly responsible for suicides, they are real scum.

You don't need to work on anything to get rid of them, just break contact, you don't need to worry about threats with legal action or other crap stories they may come up with, all lies, they have to stay in their rat hole and make sure nobody knows who they are, at least they try their best to do that.
does anyone know what happened to Gilinksy and Fischer?

BTW, here is David Gilinksy walking to his office in Oct 14 (after the arrest)...

Any updates would be a help.

Check out his Facebook page:
He looks like he's doing fine. He has been busted, raided and arrested many times in Makati. He always gets off. It's mostly paying money to the NBI for Christmas money.
Mark Galinsky

whistler_man: Santa Claus was asking me how accurate you think this address is? He thinks Marks deserves to receive a present this Christmas . . .

Pacific Star Building,
Bel-Air Senator Gil Puyat Ave (cor. Makati Ave.)
1200 Makati City, Makati City, Philippines
14th floor

His name is Mark Galinsky. Brother of David Galinsky. They have been stealing peoples money for over 20 years in Manila. More exactly, Pacific Star
Building, Office, and Parking · Bel-Air
Senator Gil Puyat Ave (cor. Makati Ave.), 1200 Makati City, Makati City, Philippines
14th floor.

In this video you can see Davig Galinsky sitting and talking to an NBI agent. He will just pay them and it's back to business as usual.

I think David is with the Mossad.
Hi all

That scam happened to me too. Please be warned that the same persones also operate under now.

Megladon, please befriend me and let us share some info.

BR Beltok

Nippon Capital Asset Management (Nippon Holdings)
Osaka Financial

In early November 2015 Osaka Financial advised investors that ;

Osaka Financial recently completed contractual agreements to incorporate the Private Investment arm of Nippon Capital Asset Management.

It has happened time and again, this is a typical Boiler Room move.
In reality nothing has changed, only the Office Address which is in a Business Centre anyway.

The Telephone and Fax numbers remain the SAME

Nippon Capital Asset Management
24F Abeno Harukas
1-1-43 Abeno-suji, Abeno-ku
Osaka 545-0052 Japan

General Enquiries + 81 6 4560 4471
Institutional Trading + 81 6 4560 4474
Fax + 81 6 4560 4489

Osaka Financial
28f, Grand Front Osaka Tower B
3-1 O***a-cho, Kita-ku
Osaka 530-0011, Japan

Main + 81 6 4560 4970
Corporate + 81 6 4560 4474
Fax + 81 6 4560 4489

Date Registered May 23, 2015

Date Registered June 9, 2015

Both Domains are registered at the SAME IP Address.
Bell-Capital scam

Sadly I have lost much money by investing with Bell-Capital that I have now only realised is a boiler room scam. I excitedly watched my shares in NUAN grow tremendously and thought I had made a very prudent investment via Bell-Capital wealth management when in fact I had just thrown the initial purchase price to a den of thieves. I am looking to expose these low life scum leaches as far as possible.

Please share the fact that this is a scam. #bell-capitalisascam

Bell Capital Ltd.
New Times Plaza,
1 Taizi Road,
Shekou, Shenzhen, 518067, China
Tel: +86-755-86243891
Fax: +86-755-86243798

The above phone number is operational at present and Bell-Capital continues to steal it seems without any fear of being caught.

Can anyone advise me on the authority who I can contact to open a charge of theft/fraud.
I think it would be useful to set up a thread listing all the Boiler Room Scams that are currently in operation.

What is a boiler room?

Basically, a room full of salesmen (con men really), who are unregulated, and will cold call you to try and tempt you to part with your money and invest in some "amazing" company which will make you a millionaire. The stocks are usually unlisted and therefore difficult to sell once you have bought them. In reality they are likely to be worthless.

They tend to target people who already own shares, and will get your phone number / contact details from lists that they have bought, including shareholder lists.

More often than not, they are based overseas.

Whatever, you should NEVER deal with them, and NEVER deal with anyone who cold calls you from a company who you have never dealt with before.

I hope that this thread will be used for people to list the names of the offending companies, in order to warn others.

To start with, here is a list of those already mentioned on other threads....

Portland Ventures

Elliott Price

Edward Tate

Capital Asset Commodities

Jefferson Holt Consulting

Please feel free to add any more.....

Bell-Capital first hand experience😡
whistler_man: Santa Claus was asking me how accurate you think this address is? He thinks Marks deserves to receive a present this Christmas . . .

Pacific Star Building,
Bel-Air Senator Gil Puyat Ave (cor. Makati Ave.)
1200 Makati City, Makati City, Philippines
14th floor

Well. Ho HO HO! It's been an anchor for them for many years. You can see the loader, Daryl and others having a smoke just outside the rear doors (opposite Starbucks side) And the suite is just adjacent to the lift. Some kind of fake marketing company sign inside but just behind that facade are a bunch of phones.
Don't know if Mark is still around but you can see him wandering around P. Burgos street in the wee hours of the morning with a bottle of drinking water. A lot of peole know him especially at Rogues bar and the Matrix just next to the Citidel Hotel. Ask about cheapskate Jew Mark Galinsky and they will know him. LOL

Old site with pics of David but no known pics of Mark.

Merry Christmas to all and to all, Don't believe a Jew when he calls you to invest!!
Ackerman & Co

Ackerman & Co
Equity Tower 35th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudiram Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
Telephone +62 21 5296 0767

I am looking for investors who invested and lost money with Ackerman & Co
Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you