Boiler Room Scams


These conners will in all likelyhood be trading through many different names from the same office.

I can just imagine a salesman calling a client as firm A in Paris and the next call from firm B in Zurich.

Remember the industry is a multi million dollar one, maybe even a few billion so people are going to do whatever they have to do make the cash.

Remember it's a 3 step process, they lie - they cheat -and they steal.....
You can add Citicap Equity Consultants to your list

check out the website, its pretty tacky, and full of spelling mistakes and error messages. Also I have been emailed by FSA to confirm this company is currently under investigation

Airthrey Capital said:
If you cant find their phone number and address, then do yourself a favour and stop being so stupid.

If you cant work out that any institution which is less than clear about how they can be contacted is going to be somewhat "dodgy", then you deserve to lose all your money.

Been contacted by Jefferson Holt, opportunity to buy shares in Regent technologies, limited time etc, did a search, found JH mentioned on this site. fabulous, will be able to tell Mr "Charles Greenwood" where to stick his stock in the morning.
I think there should be a competition to see which boiler room scam can lose the most money in 6 months!

Or, have a sort of Boiler-Room Scam Index, where we aggregate the various stocks being pushed, to illustrate how useless they are.

The reason behind this is that some people may not believe how bad these scammers are. If we post the relevant company with a date, over a period of a couple of months, it should become clear what could happen to your money.

For myself, I was offered Galaxy Minerals, (GAXY.OB) in mid-February. (Jefferson Holt)
Also, offered Apollo Resources (AOOR.OB) from Langley Advisory in late March.

Both have lost value - unsurprisingly. (interestingly, I was offered them near their tops !)

I think it good policy to record who offers what and when on this thread.

Any other takers ?
BLacey said:
Has anyone had dealings with Argus Global Equities.

Are they reliable and trustworthy?

A friend of mine was also contacted by them but did not get their details as he put the phone down. do they have a website?
guido, anyone touting New millennium medical is a scammer. The company doesn't even exist, but has a flash website to lure in victims. Check out the Edward tate thread for more info. Steer well clear!
New Millenium Medical

I have been offerred pre IPO shares in New Millenium at $7.50
Does this Florida company really exist or not?
Can anybody help
They don't exist. It's a clever scam. Check out the "Edward Tate" thread for more info
Grayson House

Another boiler room operation to look out for is one called Grayson House,, they are plugging a company called Immune Tree in America. Looks like same operation as Langley Advisory Services AG, with similar address and phone numbers, and it happens to be on the FSA black list
Updated FSA list as below.

Make sure that you are not dealing with any of the firms below........

Aberdeen Langley

Advantage IEC

Ainsley Consulting SL (now known as Mercier International Group)

Alexander Rothko Associates

Amherst International

Anderson Fitzpatrick (Switzerland) AG

Argus Global Equities Limited

B A Gelman


Bailey and Bennet Mergers and Acquisitions

Bell International Asset Management

BenjaminFisher SL

Berkley Murray Securities

Berkshire Tax Consultants

Black & White Investments

Boska Settlement Corporation

Bradley Chen & Associates

Braun & Bridgewater Corporation (aka BBGC Corporation)

Breakthrough Venture Partners

Brentwood Hall

Breslan Aliied Limited

Cambridge Global Inc

Capital One Management Inc

Carlton Birtal Advisory Services SL

Carter James SL

Chamberlin Management Inc

Chapman Foster Group SL

Charterhouse International Inc./ Kensington Price Consulting

Chicago Board of Acquisitions Inc

Clarington Group (The)

Clarkson Gordon Ltd

Clifton Financial Services

Cohen Edwards Asset Management

Collins Tate & Murchison

Condor Research

Crandale Group

Creston & Childs

Douglas St James

Dunhill Capital

Back to top

E1 Asset Management

Edward Tate

Elliot Price & Associates

Emerging Equity Group*

Equity Research Group

Esquela Investments Ltd


Everest 1 Inc.

Fairchild Pierce*

Fairchild Roth Financial Inc

Fernvale Associates

Fielding Clifford

First Chartered Capital Corp / First Colonial Trust

First International Equity & Acquisitions Inc

Fordham Financial Management Inc

Franklin Asset Management (aka Jefferson Management)

Fraser Hunt Levine

Fridman, Koch and Saul (aka Cambridge Global and Amhers International)


Godwynn International

Goldberg Kravitz (now known as Union Partners SL)

Goodman Management Associates

GS Anguilla

Harrington Advisory Services/Harrington Advisory,SL

Hamilton Asset Management

Handel Ross Advisory

Hannover Markka Capital

Hargill & Black Associates

Harper Mills and Paige Inc

Harrop, Lees, Brown & Co

Henderson Young

Hoffman Philips SL

Hopkins, Pierce & Co Limited

Hyda Florsbanc

Insta Trade Inc

International Business Advisors

International Options Trading (PTY) Ltd

ITB Group

Jackson Cole Investments

Jacob Stern

Jardine Windsor Asset Management

Jefferson Management (aka Franklin Asset Management)

K P Allen

Kammer, Stuartt Reed

Kerona Trading Ltd

Kline Management Group

Kobe Securities Internationa

Landmark Trade Services Limited*

Langley Advisory Services AG

Legend Merchant Group

Liberty Assets inc

Liberty First Financial Services

Liberty One Advisors LLC

Livingstone Asset Management

Lombard Grand Inc

Lox International Group

Market Access Group

Maxwell Fleming & Associates

McKenzie Goldstein & Associates

McKenzie King Ltd

Meissner Goodison Lee & Associates

Mercantilebanc Securities Inc

Mercantile Sterling Management*

Mercier Interantional Group (aka Ainsley Consulting SL) / Mercier asset Management Inc

Millennium Financial Ltd

Miller Bosses Acquisitions INC.

Morgan Young Financial Consultants

Morrison Cross Financial Investments Lt

Nationwide Mergers and Acquisitions

Network Capital Partners

Nexus Futures*

Nivo Invest and Trade Corp

Norwich Capital Mutual Funds Limited

Oceanic Equities

OPM Resources

Pacific Federal SA

Pan European Investment Management

Pan Pacific Financial

Parker Lane

Parker Rowe

Perlman-Haas Associates

Phoenix Asset Management SA

Phoenix Partners SL

Platinum Asset Management (pty) Ltd

Platinum Placements Management

Polson and Strong

Premier Equities Limited

Premium Placement

Price Stone

Prime Forestry


PIPS Financial Services Inc

Reichman Advisory SL

Rementon & Fitzgerald

Richard Watson Associates

Richmond International

Richmond Royce Advisory Services S.L.U.

RJL International Limited

Royal Asset Management of Canada

Roth Group GmbH (The)

Schoefer Davis Limited

Smith Fairchild

SpencerFerguson Financial Services/SpencerFerguson Wealth Management

Stanfield Moritz Associates

Stanley Riebeck Corporation

Stein Banc Commerce

Sukumo Grou

Tana Corum Holdings

Thibault Capital Markets

Thompson Weinberg

Tradelinx Investments Limited/Tradelinx Securities Group*

Tresaderns & Partners SL

Trident Market Advisors

Trillium Drake

Union Partners SL (formerly Goldberg Kravitz SL)

US Capital FX

Van der Halen Equities

Wakeford & Goodridge

Walker Stone

Waterhouse Scott Ltd

Webster, Cohen & Galombik Inc

West Shore Ventures Limited

Willmont Financial SL

Windsor Asset Management

World Market Resources

World Trade Financial Corporation

Yee Seng Global
Sometimes I wonder why people fall for such schemes - I would not send money to someone I dont know, to an account overseas, to a firm that is not registered or regulated by the relevant authorities. These operations are so cruel to say the least as they very happily can target old pensioners and such folk...makes one wonder about human nature and greed sometimes...There is more to life than money and riches!
Was anyone ever contacted by a company called "Jardine Windsor Asset Management" based in New York?

Or was anyone ever approached by any company to buy or sell shares of a company called "Checkpoint Genetics - CKPT"?

The procedure is always the same - actually these shares are worthless and someone approaches you with an extraordinary deal, that you might sell these shares to someone who wants to realize a tax write off.
But first you have to register these shares - which costs an amount somewhere between 5.000 and 10.000 U$ depending on how many shars have to be registered;

Can anyone report experiences regarding this company or these CKPT shares?

regards from Austria!
I was "hunted" also by Windsor Advisory Services, closed the account with about $700 + in it and was advised (sic) that the money would take 30 days to reach my account. Be warned firm operating out of Barcelona and not regulated, any bright ideas how who I should contact. The story they gave was their clearing bank had to authorise and couldn't at the moment.....lame or what!!
Justice League said:
Sometimes I wonder why people fall for such schemes - I would not send money to someone I dont know, to an account overseas, to a firm that is not registered or regulated by the relevant authorities. These operations are so cruel to say the least as they very happily can target old pensioners and such folk...makes one wonder about human nature and greed sometimes...There is more to life than money and riches!

Agree wholeheartedly, but have to say they spent over a year and a half trying!!