Boiler Room Scams

To bring a different angle to proceedings, I have been trying to find a job in Spain (who wants to stay in rainy, old England if they can get out, right?) and I applied for a couple of "telesales" roles based in Marbella and Barcelona since I do have a lot of (legitimate, for the likes of BT) telesales experience.

I applied for one in particular that advertised, admittedly, unlikely earning potential. But that is a common trait with call centre jobs. They also offered accomodation while I got set up over there which was a huge incentive to me.

Now, I will be having a telephone interview with the guy sometime soon. I'm starting to wonder if I go over there that I won't be working in a boiler room? That's not something I want to do.

I wonder if anybody has any experience from this side of the fence?
Go and watch the wolf of wall street - for a (glorified view) of working in a boiler room!

To bring a different angle to proceedings, I have been trying to find a job in Spain (who wants to stay in rainy, old England if they can get out, right?) and I applied for a couple of "telesales" roles based in Marbella and Barcelona since I do have a lot of (legitimate, for the likes of BT) telesales experience.

I applied for one in particular that advertised, admittedly, unlikely earning potential. But that is a common trait with call centre jobs. They also offered accomodation while I got set up over there which was a huge incentive to me.

Now, I will be having a telephone interview with the guy sometime soon. I'm starting to wonder if I go over there that I won't be working in a boiler room? That's not something I want to do.

I wonder if anybody has any experience from this side of the fence?
These scammers, which is what they are, just start Googling themselves when they stop writing deals or hear from a potential "punter" that they found some bad press on the company.
**** Mate, not being funny, but most company directors don't take to random message boards to defend themselves like this... This comment by Kingoftheting is so true. You are wasting your time trying to convince us you are anything but a scam artist.
Any calls about Art investments?

Art Futures Group
These guys are in KL.

HK address is listed on website but:
Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2012-12-17
Registration Date.... 2012-12-17
Expiry Date.......... 2015-12-17
Tracking Number...... 1766948241_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Organisation Name.... Jacqueline Chan
Organisation Address. 501-503 Wilson House
Organisation Address. 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Hong Kong
Organisation Address. NA
Organisation Address. Hong Kong
Organisation Address. HONG KONG

Admin Name........... Jacqueline Chan
Admin Address........ 501-503 Wilson House
Admin Address........ 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central
Admin Address........
Admin Address. Hong Kong
Admin Address........ NA
Admin Address........ Hong Kong
Admin Address........ HONG KONG
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +852.37587811
Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact
Tech Address......... 701 First Ave.
Tech Address.........
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
Tech Address......... 94089
Tech Address......... CA
Tech Address......... UNITED STATES
Tech Email...........
Tech Phone........... +1.4089162124
Tech Fax.............
Name Server..........
Name Server..........

Wine investments being offered by same group.

These guys have a lot of press and TV from BBC, CNN, Bloomberg...legit? thoughts?
There will be no chance of any of us getting our money back. The watches and cars in the reports belong to Sam Sharpley and his brother Chop chop. They're probably out on bail. His Da probably has the money stashed in an offshore account. Scum of the earth and there's more of them still running about. What's the betting he does three months in an open prison (hotel I mean) after all he's just a naughty boy and It's only money.. Isn't that right judge!
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There will be no chance of any of us getting our money back. The watches and cars in the reports belong to Sam Sharpley and his brother Chop chop. They're probably out on bail. His Da probably has the money stashed in an offshore account. Scum of the earth and there's more of them still running about. What's the betting he does three months in an open prison (hotel I mean) after all he's just a naughty boy and It's only money.. Isn't that right judge!

If anyone on this board has addresses for these kind of thieves, plesse share in pms
Well, did you check the links?

I've been to the offices in HK (Near lan kwai fong) They have the art there for sure (I've seen it) and there are other galleries in that area.....some with outrageous prices I may add.

I've attended gallery showings with the artists who are well documented and have a history of prices at auctions all over the world - it's easy to check. The prices they are asking for the art are in line with the documented auction price for the particular artist, as I say that is easy to check online - so they are not as someone else suggested inflated.

So, unless they have a room full of fakes, an artist who is the absolute spitting image of the artist, and an accomplice who works for a well known authentication service who have offices in every major city in the Art world (London, Paris, Rome, New York) ?

It's all possible I suppose, but at the moment I cannot see where the proof is. I can't find any evidence of fraud. As I say I am lucky to live in the region and I made a point of visiting. I actually found them through a BBC program about Chinese art not through a cold call...but of course they may be doing that although I have no knowledge of it.

Proof please.
Well, did you check the links?

I've been to the offices in HK (Near lan kwai fong) They have the art there for sure (I've seen it) and there are other galleries in that area.....some with outrageous prices I may add.

I've attended gallery showings with the artists who are well documented and have a history of prices at auctions all over the world - it's easy to check. The prices they are asking for the art are in line with the documented auction price for the particular artist, as I say that is easy to check online - so they are not as someone else suggested inflated.

So, unless they have a room full of fakes, an artist who is the absolute spitting image of the artist, and an accomplice who works for a well known authentication service who have offices in every major city in the Art world (London, Paris, Rome, New York) ?

It's all possible I suppose, but at the moment I cannot see where the proof is. I can't find any evidence of fraud. As I say I am lucky to live in the region and I made a point of visiting. I actually found them through a BBC program about Chinese art not through a cold call...but of course they may be doing that although I have no knowledge of it.

Proof please.

From previous post . .
By the same people advertising for Wine brokers in KL.

Art Broker (Hong Kong)
Art Futures Group
The leading Art Investment Brokerage in Asia is now seeking Art Brokers to join our growing team.

• The ideal candidate will have a proven record of sales (Art / Sales / Real estate/investment/recruitment)
• Positive Mental Attitude
• While art knowledge is not a requirement, you must have a strong interest in working in the arts industry
• Ability to work under pressure and to take up challenges and hit sales targets

You will work selling investment Art and building clients' portfolios in a face to face sales manner with appointments you will be expected to generate yourself for our company in Hong Kong
• 8 weeks accommodation
• 8 weeks basic pay of GBP 600 paid weekly 1 week in arrears
• Flight reimbursed after 2 sales (maximum 700 GBP)
• Weekly commissions of 8% 1 new client in a week 10% 2 new clients in a week. Extra sales to same clients are
paid 6% unless you have bought on new clients then it at the same rate.

The job is 95% telesales, but we do also meet clients face to face either in our boardroom or outside the office. We also hold at least one gallery evening or event a month where we bring over an artist to talk about his art and we bring along existing clients for loading or hot prospects.

Minimum expectations are daily phone times of 150 minutes, one new client in the first and minimum two in the second month. We work Monday to Friday 9.15 am to 6.30 PM.

Interested parties please send full resume to e-mail : [email protected] marked with "Application for Art Broker".

•Location: Hong Kong

Here's the website: Art Futures Group

Don't fall for this!!
Additions to this in caps

I've added a couple more I've become a victim of...AICHI/DAIDO claim to be in Japan but are UK-based. Watch out for Robert Allen Bailey and Peter Jenkins.

List of unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK (as supplied by the FSA).....

Ainsley Consulting SL (now known as Mercier International Group)

AICHI INTERNATIONAL (formerly Daido Holdings Group)

Alexander Rothko Associates*

Amherst International

Anderson Fitzpatrick (Switzerland) AG

Argus Global Equities Limited

B A Gelman


BenjaminFisher SL

Berkley Murray Securities

Berkshire Tax Consultants

Black & White Investments

Boska Settlement Corporation

Bradley Chen & Associates

Braun & Bridgewater Corporation (aka BBGC Corporation)

Breakthrough Venture Partners

Breslan Aliied Limited

Cambridge Global Inc

Capital One Management Inc

Carlton Birtal Advisory Services SL

Carter James SL

Chamberlin Management Inc

Chapman Foster Group SL

Chicago Board of Acquisitions Inc

* Clarington Group (The)

Clarkson Gordon Ltd

Clifton Financial Services

Cohen Edwards Asset Management

Collins Tate & Murchison

Condor Research

Crandale Group

Creston & Childs


Douglas St James

Dunhill Capital

E1 Asset Management

Edward Tate

Elliot Price & Associates

Equity Research Group


Everest 1 Inc.

Fairchild Roth Financial Inc

Fernvale Associates

Fielding Clifford

First Chartered Capital Corp / First Colonial Trust

First International Equity & Acquisitions Inc

Franklin Asset Management (aka Jefferson Management)

Fraser Hunt Levine

Fridman, Koch and Saul (aka Cambridge Global and Amhers International)


Godwynn International

Goldberg Kravitz (now known as Union Partners SL)

Goodman Management Associates

GS Anguilla

Harrington Advisory Services/Harrington Advisory,SL

Hamilton Asset Management

Handel Ross Advisory

Hannover Markka Capital

Hargill & Black Associates

Harper Mills and Paige Inc

Harrop, Lees, Brown & Co

Henderson Young

Hoffman Philips SL

Hopkins, Pierce & Co Limited

Hyda Florsbanc

International Business Advisors

International Options Trading (PTY) Ltd*

ITB Group

Jackson Cole Investments

Jacob Stern

Jefferson Management (aka Franklin Asset Management)

K P Allen

Kammer, Stuartt Reed

Kerona Trading Ltd

Kline Management Group

Kobe Securities International

Liberty Assets inc

Liberty First Financial Services

Liberty One Advisors LLC*

Livingstone Asset Management

Lombard Grand Inc

Lox International Group

Market Access Group

Maxwell Fleming & Associates

McKenzie Goldstein & Associates*

McKenzie King Ltd

Mercantilebanc Securities Inc

Mercier Interantional Group (aka Ainsley Consulting SL) / Mercier asset Management Inc

Millennium Financial Ltd

Miller Bosses Acquisitions INC.

Morgan Young Financial Consultants

Morrison Cross Financial Investments Ltd

Nationwide Mergers and Acquisitions

Network Capital Partners

Nivo Invest and Trade Corp

Norwich Capital Mutual Funds Limited

Oceanic Equities

Pacific Federal SA

Pan European Investment Management

Pan Pacific Financial

Parker Lane

Parker Rowe

Perlman-Haas Associates

Phoenix Asset Management SA

Phoenix Partners SL

Platinum Asset Management (pty) Ltd

Platinum Placements Management

Premier Equities Limited

Premium Placement

Price Stone

Prime Forestry

Reichman Advisory SL

Rementon & Fitzgerald

Richard Watson Associates

Richmond International

Richmond Royce Advisory Services S.L.U.

RJL International Limited

Royal Asset Management of Canada

Schoefer Davis Limited

Smith Fairchild

SpencerFerguson Financial Services/SpencerFerguson Wealth Management

Stanfield Moritz Associates

Stanley Riebeck Corporation

Stein Banc Commerce

Sukumo Group

Tana Corum Holdings

Thibault Capital Markets

Thompson Weinberg

Tresaderns & Partners SL

Trident Market Advisors

Trillium Drake

Union Partners SL (formerly Goldberg Kravitz SL)

US Capital FX*

Van der Halen Equities

Back to top

Wakeford & Goodridge

Walker Stone

Waterhouse Scott Ltd

Webster, Cohen & Galombik Inc

West Shore Ventures Limited

Willmont Financial SL

Windsor Asset Management

World Market Resources

World Trade Financial Corporation

Yee Seng Global