Boiler Room Scams

Never heard of spotlight. so far this is a new one.. but be aware estimates are that one new boiler room springs up every day!!
agree with the other comment about FSA.. complete waste of space, I am all in favour of seeting up a private fast response team to take out these scammers!! I am drafing a letter to the home secretary, anyone interested in also sending one, then contact me via this site by private message
Hi Guys,

I am new to this forum. I have been followed up by Frank Marshall of Charles Pearson Investment since many month now for investment. I was in dilemma, whether to part money or not. So I was searching to find about the company and landed here on this forum only to find out that this is kind of Boiler Room scam. Thank you to this forum and all those who have contributed. You people have saved my at least £2000 to start with. Thanks once again......
Nice, that's what this thread is all about keeping money away from the lowife boiler room scum :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Hi Guys,

I am new to this forum. I have been followed up by Frank Marshall of Charles Pearson Investment since many month now for investment. I was in dilemma, whether to part money or not. So I was searching to find about the company and landed here on this forum only to find out that this is kind of Boiler Room scam. Thank you to this forum and all those who have contributed. You people have saved my at least £2000 to start with. Thanks once again......

Be wary of a Wine 'investment' firm called Sol making a big song and dance about calling from Canary Wharf (remember, scammers and conmen love to try and give the best impression possible so love to mention where they're calling from).

The first call will be from a phone monkey, all he'll want to do is sned you some corporate brochures. I haven't read one but you can be sure it will have lots of smiley photos, but tell you virtually nothing about who you're doing business with.

Then you'll start to get the high pressure sales talk from a professional salesmen. Fall for that and you'll be 100% stuffed up, it's as simple as that.

The best way to get rid of these conmen is to tell them where to go (remember they're only be nice to you so they can stuff you up). The second best way is to tell them you're bankrupt.

YOU'VE ALL BEEN WARNED - stay away from investments you don't understand and NEVER do business with a cold calling investment firm, ALL o them will try to stuff you up at best and steal your money at worst.

Any questions, ask here.
WARNING - Be highly wary of companies selling agricultal 'investment' land in Africa.

Sure, you'll be told -

How great the opportunity is
How much yield you can get (10%+ 'guaranteed'!
How little yield you're currently getting on your cash
How the land is guaranteed (by who exactly, Barclays Bank or some company that hasn't even got a set of annual accounts)

And so on.

Always be wary of companies like this expeically if/when their website tells you NOTHING concrete about the company or the people behind it.

Also, one great tip of doing business with any financial firm is this - Ask to see a copy of their latest AUDITED set of accounts. If there are none because the company hasn't yet filed them thgen LOOK OUT BELOW.

UNDERSTAND THIS - Don't get involved in mad-cap foreign investment schemes when you're not prepared to put in at least 20-30 hours of your own NDEPENDENT RESEARCH. if you instead rely on the research from the company you're buying then sorry, you are naive and a fool ready to be sold something worthless at best.


Ask questions here if need be, we'll help.
I have to say that I have asked 3 people for info on boiler rooms and have not received 1 is so reminisant of trying to talk to cops OR fraudsters!!!WTF are you people playing at? Are there cops on this site...bufoons! Or real people with a goal in sight.
I think people are afraid to share information because by not being careful is how they got stung in the first place. All these scammers also have a second and third level of scam, ie phone up and say they are a company who can reclaim your money "for a fee" We have had no problem reporting a matter to the I said to you before how can we actually verify who each other is
I think people are afraid to share information because by not being careful is how they got stung in the first place. All these scammers also have a second and third level of scam, ie phone up and say they are a company who can reclaim your money "for a fee" We have had no problem reporting a matter to the I said to you before how can we actually verify who each other is

The thing is I have been trying for info on the guys who took my future and no one has helped me NO ONE! When I find those reponsible nothing on this earth will save them,not prison not cops NOT their criminal friends,I will take all they have and all they will ever have.and by the way I will never tell police as the chances of them doing anything are virtual!!! Just like the thieves.
The thing is I have been trying for info on the guys who took my future and no one has helped me NO ONE! When I find those reponsible nothing on this earth will save them,not prison not cops NOT their criminal friends,I will take all they have and all they will ever have.and by the way I will never tell police as the chances of them doing anything are virtual!!! Just like the thieves.

Look in the mirror. I was trying to help you and look at the response you gave to my simple question.
UOTE=pboyles;1790398]Look in the mirror. I was trying to help you and look at theresponse you gave to my simple question.[/QUOTE]
That's the whole thing mate, I don't have to look in the mirror,I live with the pain every minute and don't need stupid small talk to pass information to ANYONE who has been scammed,it sickens me when people mention the police,haven't u read my threads..THEY DO NOTHING!!!!..while the advice given on this forum is good sound advice and that's fine for those people who have money left..I don't! I need names and locations and in particular the low life who called himself MIKE SHAW,I believe he is the one behind shaw capital.I will get him probably later than sooner.that is the info I'm looking for and there is a 10k reward for the person who gives him up to me.

Then go back and answer my question, depending on what the answer to the question is I may be able to get some information of use. However if all you're going to do is moan that the information isn't good enough then don't bother.
Have you at least spoken to Action Fraud? There might be an international operation on going, who knows what goes on. Like there has been in the past, monies have been recovered from fraudulent operations, If your name is not on the list of victims what chance do you stand? the more people shout the more action we will get.The forum member who claims to know so much but will tell you little may or may not be from a live Boiler room himself, maybe hes here to see if his op has been rumbled, or just a wind up merchant.
Have you at least spoken to Action Fraud? There might be an international operation on going, who knows what goes on. Like there has been in the past, monies have been recovered from fraudulent operations, If your name is not on the list of victims what chance do you stand? the more people shout the more action we will get.The forum member who claims to know so much but will tell you little may or may not be from a live Boiler room himself, maybe hes here to see if his op has been rumbled, or just a wind up merchant.

For the record I was warning people about Shaw in November 2010, 2 1/2 years ago.
Re: Linsure Holdings


So is this Private Trading Acquisitions company part of the scam, only they have been in contact with me concerning Europes secret, when I received the paperwork about selling I noticed the bit where it states the seller PAYS!! THOUGHT IT LOOKED SUSPECT

I have also received similar offer from PTA about my Linsure shares with requirement to pay up front money to allow shares to be sold.

Usual very convincing persuasion on phone but has to be boiler room scam .Will avoid

yes, Brazilian 'plots of land' are a real growth area for the scammers. Plenty of people seem to be buying them WITHOUT DOING ANY OF THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE INTO WHAT THEY'RE BUYING AND WHO THEY'RE REALLY DOING BUSINESS WITH.

Folks, do business with firms like this and you WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY BUYING WORTHLESS LAND. They will be able to take your cash eas easily as candy from a kid bvecause you'll trust them and their 'information'. Please realise the massive error there.

One thing these firms love to do is hook you in small time then try to take everything you've got. Foir example, sell you a (worthless) plot for £7,000 then contact you 6 months later and say it's now 'worth' £11,000. They'll then try to get you to roll the 'profit' into another bigger plot which will require you to put up an extra £10,000 - £15,000. This process might repeat until they've taken you for £50,000 - £100,000.

And all the time you thought you were making money, you were being lied to so they could stuff you up with more worthless land. But try to sell the original plot and get them to send back the money, no way, all sorts of 'legal' problems will suddenly materialise.

FOLKS, PLEASE UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING HERE OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE LEFT WITH NOTHING. See this thread for the sad tales of woe if you don't understand how ruthless and cold these conmen are.


I do need urgently contact to victims of Greenwood Global - please contact me-first over this page. We have a part of very importnat informations, but do urgent need more victims. Please hurry.
Have you at least spoken to Action Fraud? There might be an international operation on going, who knows what goes on. Like there has been in the past, monies have been recovered from fraudulent operations, If your name is not on the list of victims what chance do you stand? the more people shout the more action we will get.The forum member who claims to know so much but will tell you little may or may not be from a live Boiler room himself, maybe hes here to see if his op has been rumbled, or just a wind up merchant.

I have spoken to them at length,I am on thelist ok but you'll find that they can't give you any details of the details you gave them,they will not phone back,they will not give you any information as to who may be investigating the crime and the same goes for all police forces,,and the so called national fraud turns out they really don't do investigations at all!! If any of you guys that have been scammed can get further than me I'll buy you a drink..this whole police fraud force is a national disgrace..that is why I have to try on my own.
Charles Pearson Investments International - Frank Marshall -SCAM ALERT- DO NOT SEND MONEY-
UOTE=pboyles;1790398]Look in the mirror. I was trying to help you and look at theresponse you gave to my simple question.
That's the whole thing mate, I don't have to look in the mirror,I live with the pain every minute and don't need stupid small talk to pass information to ANYONE who has been scammed,it sickens me when people mention the police,haven't u read my threads..THEY DO NOTHING!!!!..while the advice given on this forum is good sound advice and that's fine for those people who have money left..I don't! I need names and locations and in particular the low life who called himself MIKE SHAW,I believe he is the one behind shaw capital.I will get him probably later than sooner.that is the info I'm looking for and there is a 10k reward for the person who gives him up to me.


I can see that there is alot of passion here, let try to channel this against these criminals. I have asked a lot of questions on different blogs sites and have managed to freeze several accounts, I have also sent copies of a standard Mareva letters to those thant want it. The weakness of these scammers is the bank accounts, if everone would publish they accounts they have paid in to we could move quickly to freeze them. I and two other persons with me are also taking "other" actions.. I cannot tell you at this stage what they are as it may compromise these actions. If anyone wants join our small group, please write a private message to me via this website.