Boiler Room Scams

I get notifications to my email address from the forum,I have been looking for this scum since may 11 when I found I'd been scammed,my business is down the tubes,I almost topped myself over this.all of my family are suffering,knowing what happened to me.I'll be launching a website soon to the end of finding these physco sociopaths.and I only live to find the scum.I was a happyish person before this happened.I too am sceptical of the net.but I have allowed anyone to email me on this site.l] if you can trust that.I really don't care who sees it.if anyone including ex con men can identify the who behind berkeley capital finance I will make sure I reward that person and the information I get from that scum will be given to all. No longer care about any kind of police advice as they have done absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING to find the thieves.the only hope we have is to share what we know with other victims and potential victims to end this carnage on the populace.hope this will give u some kind of trust..regards
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My mistake the companies were all reg around nov10


Are you saying that the BERKELEY CAPITAL FINANCE LIMITED that you dealt with is a UK registered company? Are you sure about that? For instance could it have been a clone?

If youre saying it is the same outfit then I may have something for you.
It was not a ltd company,it was and .net and private fact they were called the berkeley group but I'm sure they are connected in some form.
The website was taken down right after I found out and tried to get my money back,on 10 may 2011 although the phone was still operating,lots of articles and recommendations on free press by so called dereck newlove,but anything will do if u have it.
It was not a ltd company,it was and .net and private fact they were called the berkeley group but I'm sure they are connected in some form.
The website was taken down right after I found out and tried to get my money back,on 10 may 2011 although the phone was still operating,lots of articles and recommendations on free press by so called dereck newlove,but anything will do if u have it.


Are you saying that this is not the people you dealt with?
I alos have been told by the Motely fool to that I was too "agressive" against the boiler rooms!!! when will the police get their act together?????

Perhaps some people may want to look at this web site.

They may have been the victim of the companies listed on the site, If so you can contact the site by email to:

[email protected].

If the company is not listed then why don't they start a blog to expose or find the people behind the boiler room scam.
Thanks,I know the guy who started the website,he lost a lot more than me and has spent a lot of money trying to find that prick roche,his image has been in my mind from the first time I saw him.oddly enough even though these guys have lost millions between them the police don't even have a warrant for his arrest,so all of u can see how useless the uk police are concerning fraud.the owners of the site are like me furious and full of hate for these scum. The scammers actually should be charged with treason as they are warring against the population,that would mean the death penalty and would end the boiler rooms instantly.
you know its fuuny.................having been ashamed enough to admit i have been involved in this industry, i find it remarkable that you guys would even deal over the phone via a cold call. having just looked up the wikipedia defo of a boiler room it quotes we sit joul to joul in very very bad conditions...............nothing my friends could be far from the truth. we bathed ,in the past tense, in cocaine and massivly expensive meals and other freebies. this a multi million dollar industry............make no mistake. god we even had free accomodation chucked in for good measure..............this is no longer the high pressure business you think it is. there all sorts of ways to get round i said im done with all this my morals well i just cant do this anymore...............anyone wanna mail me all welcome

why dont you send me the details of your controllers in the scamm and at least you might get a clearer conscience.Whats the problem? They wont be able to touch you after we get through with them:
Perhaps the nights of cocaine and champagne makes you believe you were actually friends with these thieves...well they would steal your grannies pension and not even tell you. All we need are names and locationsfffffsake.Do something man!
All, we have to work together here.. There is a way to get your money back, but it means you need to lay out more with a solicitor.. but first you need to try to freeze the bank account you paid in to with a Mavera letter and copy of a police report.. That will buy yiou some time.

I really cannot understaand why the police will not take this crime seriously... how about we all write individually but in a coordinated manner to the Home Secratary... anyone up for that???
Yes I am up for it, I could become a right mouth piece for this cause.I think because it is international it is not an easy task for Police to perform, cross Police border crime is awkward for UK Police so international is going to be hard. I agree a coordinated approach is the way forward. If the topic was in the media it would bring it to peoples attention, so perhaps going to the papers and perhaps an internet page on the companies we know are fraudsters like the one a few posts up. I bet there are people out there who never complain or tell anyone. The person who I am involved with has said they have -no- money to appoint a solicitor.It is making my blood boil, something must be done. Does anyone know the time restraints on sending a ' Mareva letter' and the required content?
I have already told the police that I will take it to the home secretary and quite frankly they don't give a toss,I thk they have the opinion that if ur scammed ur a mug and further we have no chance of getting ANY freedom of information from them,I have tried from all sorts of bodies and the old get out is operations cannot be add insult to injury I find they have no record of the crime in any police force even though fsa and fraud org has collated the crimes.all you have to do is see the itv fraud programme and watch the total incompetence.they never would have got abrue or khan if someone hadn't given them the info and further it tool 2 yrs to investigate while citizens of the uk were being scammed as they investigated!!!! Buffoons come to mind.
Some good news possibly, I've been looking into a company 'Cornerstone Worldwide' which I've so far found out is a boiler room operation. Looks like this, and other companies related to it, might be in trouble- websites aren't working!
All, we have to work together here.. There is a way to get your money back, but it means you need to lay out more with a solicitor.. but first you need to try to freeze the bank account you paid in to with a Mavera letter and copy of a police report.. That will buy yiou some time.

I really cannot understaand why the police will not take this crime seriously... how about we all write individually but in a coordinated manner to the Home Secratary... anyone up for that???

One thing I need to know is how u got a police report on your scam,I have not only NOT got a police report but have been unable to contact any police force anywhere in the country who knows of my crime including fraud org who actually took the details, what u guys need to understand is that NO ONE cares except the victims,I'll take a bet with anyone that the police will have NO success with any boiler rooms in the near futureand if they do it will certainly not be yours.