Here's a good way to spot a scam company, Boiler Room operation or even Land Banking.
The scammers know the internet is a weak link, ie people talk and Google publishes links to those sites, such as this. So what they're doing is trying to flood the search engines with 'good' links about their sites.
let's use Fisher Capital Management as a good example of how a scammers online strategy works.
Here's their website -
Now, go to Google and type in FISCHER CAPITAL MANAGEMENT and look at the DOMAIN names of the top 10-30 links.
Here's the link to save you time -
Fisher Capital Management - Google Search
Can you see all the dodgy domains that mention the company, including ones that say 'Scam'. Look closely at those pages and see they offer you nothing of any value, ie just copy/paste of some recent news article (not relaying to the company).
Combating this is easy, just use common sense. Think about the online strategy of any LEGIT company, do they do this or do they let their main domain name speak for itself, or to put it another way a legit investment firm doesn't need to do DMAGE LIMITATION on the internet.
BE CAREFUL EVERYONE THESE SCAMMERS ARE GOOD but they're real scum, liars and basically professional thieves.
ASK HERE FOR ANY GUIDANCE, we'll help keep your money safe.