Boiler Room Scams


Watch out for Global Alliance calling, from Switzerland they say.

The guy who will call you is probably just a phone monkey, looking to get your address to send you some 'investment research'. Then if you bite some other lowlife thief of a scam artist will call you up, with one aim - TO STEAL YOU MONEY.

Folks, please get real, please as one of the other posters recently said LEARN TO BE SKEPITCAL when it comes to investments, especially from a stranger that cold calls you.

Again, watch out for Global Alliance they're cold calling people looking to set them up to STEAL MONEY. No ifs and buts.


PS. I know this because they just called me and 'Peter James' didn't like it one bit when I called him a liar, cheat and a thief. The truth hurts Peter (false name of course) you piece of lowlife crap........
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Hi Folks,

Has anyone heard of a brokerage on carbon credits called Tullet Brown? They have just cold called me and tried to get me to part with £3,500 to buy into the carbon credit market.
I should add that anyone who cold calls you about carbon credits is out to rip you off, regardless of their background.
It seems Tullett Brown were previously involved in land banking, another industry that exists to scam the public


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Bradley Ferry is the Director of Tullet Brown, he was the guy behind Talent Division which ran the 'be a broker' program. Needless to say it didnt work out too well.

He has also been a director of several other companies that have been dissolved.

Am just getting used to how this whole system works as I'm a new user. I did send you a reply but I'm not sure it got through. I have also found out that they are not registered with the FSA so I will give them a body swerve. Thanks for your advice.
Am just getting used to how this whole system works as I'm a new user. I did send you a reply but I'm not sure it got through. I have also found out that they are not registered with the FSA so I will give them a body swerve. Thanks for your advice.

The system exists to scam the public out of their hard earned cash. Don't get caught out by any of these chancers.

ALL of them.

But if you think we're wrong and get taken in by their sales talk then please look in the mirror for somebody to blame when you realise you've lost all your money.

LEARN TO BE VERY SCEPTICAL ABOUT COLD CALLING FIRMS OFFERING 'GREAT' INVESTMENTS................Otherwise you're nothing but a MARK and a great one at that (for the scammers) because YOU DON'T EVEN REALISE IT..........
Yes, you are so right. They have tried to contact me again today but I e-mailed them to ask them to leave me alone. A close call and a lesson for me.
Yes, you are so right. They have tried to contact me again today but I e-mailed them to ask them to leave me alone. A close call and a lesson for me.

Glad we could help Mike. Good on you for using the internet to research, many don't, relying on the information given by the cold calling conmen, then they wonder why it all went wrong.............
SJ Capital Group

Selling 'plots' of land in the UK.

Now the man-in-the-street can make the BIG money on property that for so long was the sole right of the rich!

Got to love the way they sell this land from a combination of cold calling and stands at shopping malls 🙂


Planning permission in the UK is an EXTREMELY COMPLEX and EXPENSIVE business so don't be fooled and if you're not British you have NO IDEA just how complex it is.

So please do yourself a favour and NOT LISTEN to any company that packages up parcels of land to sell, usually in the £20,000 region. Sure they'll tell you ALL YOU WANT TO HEAR but ask yourself 2 questions -

1. What do you REALLY know about UK property and the planning process, and
2. Who OWNS the land you're being convinced to buy

Here are your answers -

1. Face facts, you know **** all about the UK property market and the planning process. This makes you what's commonly called a 'sucker' ie someone who won't realise they're being ripped off because of generally know nothing about what they're buying (the only information they do know is from the salesmen!)

2. The people telling you the land is a great investment are the same one's that OWN IT (although they'll probably tell you they don't). So if it's such a good deal then a) why did they cold call you and/or meet you at a shopping mall and b) why aren't they sitting on it and reaping the full rewards rather than very kindly offering you some 'easy money'.


@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment
@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment

If anyone is thinking of buying land from the company below, to the east of Romford Essex then the local council know ALL about the land and ALL about SJ Capital.

Email then and see what they say, you might be surprised about what the company is telling you re the prospects of the land getting planning versus what the planning department of the council is saying............

Folks, I've been saying this for a long time now -

DON'T BUY SMALL PLOTS OF LAND IN THE UK THAT WILL 'SOON' GET PLANNING, unless you like to be scammed and lose 98% of your money that is.
@ pboyles, anley & others

SJ Capital does not own or market land east of Romford. Your "facts" are incorrect!! It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment

If anyone is thinking of buying land from the company below, to the east of Romford Essex then the local council know ALL about the land and ALL about SJ Capital.

Email then and see what they say, you might be surprised about what the company is telling you re the prospects of the land getting planning versus what the planning department of the council is saying............

Folks, I've been saying this for a long time now -

DON'T BUY SMALL PLOTS OF LAND IN THE UK THAT WILL 'SOON' GET PLANNING, unless you like to be scammed and lose 98% of your money that is.
@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment

Anyone ever heard of UK Land Investments (UKLI). It was probably the biggest most corrupt of all recent the land banking scams, and that's saying something.

FSA closed them down but surprise surprise there wasn't any money in the company as it had all been siphoned off. The main shareholder, Baljinder "Bally" Chohan was banned from being a Director of UK firms. Surprise surprise there.

Overall investors lost millions in UK Land because they made 3 fatal mistakes -

1. They didn't know ANYTHING about potential development land and the planning process

2. They trusted the salesmen they were talking to, who it turns out where FULL OF LIES in order to make the sale, again, surprise surprise there

3. They failed to do their OWN INDEPENDENT RESEARCH

All in all it was about as easy to rip the investors off as taking sweets from a 1 year old.

One final note on UKLI, their grandly named 'Strategic Land Director' was a fella called Brian Smith BA (HONS) MRTPI.

Now on to the South African company SJ Capital Group.

They're operating in the UK selling plots of land without planning for about £25,000 that will ROCKET in price if/when planning or 'rezoning' as they put it gets approved.

Look a bit closer into the SJ Capital Group and you'll find a one Brian Smith BA (HONS) MRTPI who's also funnily enough the company's 'Strategic Land Director'.

draw your own conclusions from all of this but I'll tell you all this -


You've all been warned - UK land sold in small plots is a market place full of lies, scams, hustlers and general low lifes. Their client base is also made up of the stupid and naive? Are you one of these? I hope not after reading this.............

Review of UK Land Investments Group - Avoid Scam With Our Unbiased Reviews And Find A Good Home Business Opportunity And Find A Good Home Business Opportunity

You're all talk, just like all the others. Anyone can quote the local councils about the need for houses etc.

Why not tell us of your company's past successes in getting planning for all the small plots you've stuffed your clients up with, sorry I meant sold.

And are you still selling the small plots via booths at shopping malls. Always the sign of a quality company that one 🙂

Another way to shut us up is to tell us about one of your potential developments, then we'll go to the Local council and see what they say about your company and chance of the land getting planning permission (as quickly and as smoothly as you say). Always two sides to the coin you know, yours and the councils planning department and as they hold ALL the power I think their opinion is the one that counts.

And another thing. Why in all of your 'big plans' if there never a mention of 'affordable housing' or even any space for them?

Surely you know that NO council will ever grant planning permission for large developments without a MINIMUM allocation of 30% to Affordable. That cuts the potential profit down of these big schemes so please tell us why you never mention this and how you actually plan to do the impossible, ie develop 100% of the land into traditional housing with a zero percent allocation of affordable housing.

Surely Brain Smith knows this and should have told you?

Surely you have a duty to tell your investors of this important point but looking at your website there's not one mention of this pesky fact.
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You're all talk, just like all the others. Anyone can quote the local councils about the need for houses etc.

Why not tell us of your company's past successes in getting planning for all the small plots you've stuffed your clients up with, sorry I meant sold.

And are you still selling the small plots via booths at shopping malls. Always the sign of a quality company that one 🙂

Another way to shut us up is to tell us about one of your potential developments, then we'll go to the Local council and see what they say about your company and chance of the land getting planning permission (as quickly and as smoothly as you say). Always two sides to the coin you know, yours and the councils planning department and as they hold ALL the power I think their opinion is the one that counts.

I think Wayne Horwitz has done a disappearing act after some awkward questions on another thread.

It's 2012!

So according to your website planning permission is about to be granted for the Greenhithe, Kent site. Your site says 'early 2012' for the decision. And then mid 2012 (that's only 6 months away) for the investors to get paid their big returns your company promised.

Can you please update on this.

When was the actual date the planning proposal was submitted in October 2011. I've looked on the Council's website and cannot find any details, but I could be mistaken though.

When did or is the planning department holding the meeting on this proposal and when was it (or is it) going for the main council vote? And if the Council has already voted on it, what was their decision.

And finally how many affordable houses were part of the plan that you submitted and what was the percentage of this, 10%, 20%, 40% etc?

These are simple questions Wayne so please give us all simple answers.
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