Boiler Room Scams

No, but regard strangers on the end of the phone line as crooks, liars and low lifers. This particular outfit ( have only signed up for 1 year to scam people and they are the same people (person?) who set up and, and those are the ones we know about. They are operating out of Kuala Lumpur. Suggest you send them an e mail telling them what you know. You will not get a reply.



may I correct you, they are operating out of Ph and have at least 20 company ID's at they operate under at same time!

Re: Boiler Room Scams - Re: AGSG

Nope. But if they do call, they'll get 2 words from me and the second word is'OFF'.
I suggest you do the same when they phone again.

Point taken. Huwever the guy seems quite knowledgeable, and tomorrow he promises to divulge details of a company they are recommending. Apparently , if I wish to purchase shares it should be throughtheir nominated broker - thats how they get commision he says. I have told him I have no money to invest.
However something doesnt seem right - and the website looks very basic. Do you think they are paid by the company to recommend them to make the price move up artificially? How does one check out a company like this - not FSA approved, registerreed or listed - he says as an advisor they dont need to be - where's the catch?
Re: Boiler Room Scams - Re: AGSG

Point taken. Huwever the guy seems quite knowledgeable, and tomorrow he promises to divulge details of a company they are recommending. Apparently , if I wish to purchase shares it should be throughtheir nominated broker - thats how they get commision he says. I have told him I have no money to invest.
However something doesnt seem right - and the website looks very basic. Do you think they are paid by the company to recommend them to make the price move up artificially? How does one check out a company like this - not FSA approved, registerreed or listed - he says as an advisor they dont need to be - where's the catch?

What's the catch? They are thieves based in some 3rd world dump that are going to steal your money. Have a bit of sense.
Re: Boiler Room Scams - Re: AGSG

Point taken. Huwever the guy seems quite knowledgeable, and tomorrow he promises to divulge details of a company they are recommending. Apparently , if I wish to purchase shares it should be throughtheir nominated broker - thats how they get commision he says. I have told him I have no money to invest.
However something doesnt seem right - and the website looks very basic. Do you think they are paid by the company to recommend them to make the price move up artificially? How does one check out a company like this - not FSA approved, registerreed or listed - he says as an advisor they dont need to be - where's the catch?

Have you checked out their office address? Its a house in Reading, do you really think an expert brokerage works from there? Check the house number on the gatepost.


  • asgs registered address.jpg
    asgs registered address.jpg
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I hate boiler rooms too. It seems a new one here in Australia has just opened. They were called REGENT MARKETS and have since changed there name to itradeindexsolutions. My wifey received a call from them but the funny thing is she received the same call from the same sales person using the same speil 2 weeks earlier....Hello. Do these scam companies think people are dumb? yes they must....The sales person also said they would give a ipad away if she was to buy. Another pathetic company trying to prey on average Australians getting ahead in life..She rung the police and the police have altready received numerous amount of complaints for this boiler room company - Itradeindexsolutions / Regent markets Australia get a life u SCAMMERS. Leave us alone.colin
Re: Boiler Room Scams - Re: AGSG

Point taken. Huwever the guy seems quite knowledgeable, and tomorrow he promises to divulge details of a company they are recommending. Apparently , if I wish to purchase shares it should be throughtheir nominated broker - thats how they get commision he says. I have told him I have no money to invest.
However something doesnt seem right - and the website looks very basic. Do you think they are paid by the company to recommend them to make the price move up artificially? How does one check out a company like this - not FSA approved, registerreed or listed - he says as an advisor they dont need to be - where's the catch?


Get a grip please.

Just because a conman and thief says something, and I put emphasis on the word SAYS doesn't mean it's true.

So no, they NOT paid by a company or any company, all they're doing is telling a load of lies, the MORE believable the better so as to steal money. Pay money to them for example and it will be to an offshore account and it will then be paid to another offshore account and then probably taken out in cash in the Far east (via ATMs), then it will be divied up to the thives working out of a rented office somewhere. And if youm or others then don't realise you've been had guess what, they'll come back with another 'great' investment story for you, and on and on it will go.

Another thing to understand, they 'company' that called you isn't even a comany, it's just a name they've made up.

Don't take any of this personally just being cruel to be kindm so you're not setup.........

And another thing, the boiler room scum collectivly steal millions a year so can afford to employ some excellent salesmen and a good salesmen always talks a very good game.
Re: Boiler Room Scams - Re: AGSG

Point taken. Huwever the guy seems quite knowledgeable, and tomorrow he promises to divulge details of a company they are recommending. Apparently , if I wish to purchase shares it should be throughtheir nominated broker - thats how they get commision he says. I have told him I have no money to invest.
However something doesnt seem right - and the website looks very basic. Do you think they are paid by the company to recommend them to make the price move up artificially? How does one check out a company like this - not FSA approved, registerreed or listed - he says as an advisor they dont need to be - where's the catch?

Sorry Multiform, but i've got one question. Who cares? The only important thing you should do is to do what I said to not just them, but also any other future boiler scam cold callers.
Wow. I thought the USA was the land of scams but reading this thread it looks like the UK takes the cake. Keep up the good work everyone!
If anyone is thinking of buying land from the company below, to the east of Romford Essex then the local council know ALL about the land and ALL about SJ Capital.

Email then and see what they say, you might be surprised about what the company is telling you re the prospects of the land getting planning versus what the planning department of the council is saying............

Folks, I've been saying this for a long time now -

DON'T BUY SMALL PLOTS OF LAND IN THE UK THAT WILL 'SOON' GET PLANNING, unless you like to be scammed and lose 98% of your money that is.

SJ Capital Group

Selling 'plots' of land in the UK.

Now the man-in-the-street can make the BIG money on property that for so long was the sole right of the rich!

Got to love the way they sell this land from a combination of cold calling and stands at shopping malls 🙂


Planning permission in the UK is an EXTREMELY COMPLEX and EXPENSIVE business so don't be fooled and if you're not British you have NO IDEA just how complex it is.

So please do yourself a favour and NOT LISTEN to any company that packages up parcels of land to sell, usually in the £20,000 region. Sure they'll tell you ALL YOU WANT TO HEAR but ask yourself 2 questions -

1. What do you REALLY know about UK property and the planning process, and
2. Who OWNS the land you're being convinced to buy

Here are your answers -

1. Face facts, you know **** all about the UK property market and the planning process. This makes you what's commonly called a 'sucker' ie someone who won't realise they're being ripped off because of generally know nothing about what they're buying (the only information they do know is from the salesmen!)

2. The people telling you the land is a great investment are the same one's that OWN IT (although they'll probably tell you they don't). So if it's such a good deal then a) why did they cold call you and/or meet you at a shopping mall and b) why aren't they sitting on it and reaping the full rewards rather than very kindly offering you some 'easy money'.

Could you rephrase that please? Are you accusing us of being competitors or something? Sparta Matrix shares were being sold by boiler room scams recently.
Wow, such big plans for Spartamatrix but folks you can bet with 100% accuracy that it's all a load of ********.

People who invest in companies such as Spartamatrix - only do so if you like to lose all your money.

Plus, where are you getting your information from? Let me guess, it's the cold calling 'broker' who's trying to sell you the shares..............
Mr Spartamatrix

Can you please publish your latest AUDITED accounts here, or at least tell us where they can be downloaded on the web, thanks. The information afterall should be in the public domain.

PS. Who's your Auditor, is it Deloittes or perhaps KPMG 😆

SpartaMatrix announced that final approvals had been obtained for the master plan of its MLC Project in Croatia.
From its Technology Development offices in Durham during a briefing with Matrix technologies CEO James Ladd, SpartaMatrix Inc USA Chairman Stefan Van Rooyan ( Chief Research Officer ) announced that final approvals had been obtained for the master plan of its MLC Project in Croatia. The United States Department of Commerce was instrumental in providing expertise for the realization of this project.
Background and final details of this megaproject have now been released by The SpartaMatrix North Carolina Headquarters ; SpartaMatrix™ is developing the 157 hectare ( 387 acres) Greenfield MLC Logistics Service Centre (Dry Port, Rail-port, Co-gen Energy Producer) serving the Adriatic Deepwater Maritime Ports of Rijeka, Pula and Koper (Slovenia), Trieste (Italy) and Two Croatian International Passenger & Cargo Airports (Krk International and Pula). See Rijeka Multi-modal Transport Terminal

Sparta Matrix Inc, private corporation, founded in 2003, is an accredited Global Leader in: a.) Infrastructure Development and Systems Integration of IT Logistics (supply chain) and Transport Engineering Systems; b.) Port Modernization and Green Compliance; c.) Advanced telecommunication integrators Supply Chain IP Satellite Network Technology; d.) Embedded Artificial Intelligence & Encryption Algorithms. Systems have been implemented in Singapore and other Global Markets. Over 2.5 billion USD in Infrastructure Projects in current Pipeline with (54 Strategic Alliances) of Civil, Military and Aerospace contractors.

General Description:

Multimodal Logistics Service Center (MLC) which supports: Four Existing Major Mediterranean Maritime Ports: Croatia: Rijeka, Pula; Italy: Trieste-Magara; Slovenia: Koper; and Two International Gateway Airports for Croatia: Rijeka (on Krk Island) and
Pula (on Istria Peninsula); One Trans-European Rail System: (Commercial Service Area: within one day drive to approximately 500 million in population).
Project Focus will be Regional Energy & Infrastructure Gateway Transport Project providing tenants centralized operations for Banking, Finance, Food and Fuel
Entire complex will be smart-wired and by a state of the art mega-Processor/Server and Visualization Command Center for Monitoring Global Logistics and provides the region and this project with a comprehensive smart system of data tools for tracking of utilities: energy/ electricity, waste, water, e-commerce, purchasing, carbon footprint and other sustainability modalities. Service Alliance Partners (equity providers and end-users) are the municipalities of Rijeka, Matulji, Opatija and Klana.

Construction of Facilities will begin in July 2011 and will take three years to complete.

1. 1,500,000 Square Feet of Climate Controlled Warehouse and Distribution Hub services all of Central and Eastern Europe as well as all former South and Eastern Bloc States. Food and Fuel Processing Facilities + 100,000 Sq. Ft. Bonded Warehouse;

2. 20,000 Sq. Ft. Cryogenic De-flashing Service & Treatment Center. (20 cryogenic-processors) serviced by on-site logistics ;

3. 30,000 Sq. Ft. Industrial Liquid Gas Production Plant;

4. 180 MW Developing a Privately Owned Co-Generation (Primary Gas) Complex; all MW’s are pre-sold to EU grid with project permits available for another 500MW;

5. Multimodal Transport Service Depot (rail, truck/lorry, air, sea); directly on Trans-Europe Corridor for both rail & trucked Containers;

6. Free Trade Zone (EXIM goods, ecommerce invoicing & banking, gaming, manufacturing and professional trade & education training centers);

7. Commercial Bank in active Acquisition negotiation;

8. 200,000 Sq Ft. mini-expo Center, including Enterprise Outsourcing Zone: focused on Outsourced Services owned and operated by MLC Services on behalf of Overseas Alliance Partners;

9. International Trade Development & Trade Finance Bank to service Tenants;

10. 280 key 3 Star Business Hotel;

11. Regional commercial convention centre inter-connected with mini-expo facilities;

12. Technical Trade School; Tertiary Education English Speaking University for Multi-Academic Disciplines and certified professional training programs;

13. Independent (Project Owned Cooperative) Green-Energy Distribution System; with permits for developing another 500 MW in Europe. NOTE : PPA’s available in 2011.

14. Bulk Break Commodities Capacity and Packaging Services in the Mediterranean region.

15. Agricultural Exchange for horticulture and forestry: wool, water, food, beverage, health and cosmetics.
Re: Stefan Van Rooyan (Chief Research Officer.) of behalf of the Board of Directors t

You forgot to put 'finding the cure for Cancer and HIV' on the list :cheesy:

Also, why not throw the 'tallest building in the world' in as well.

Construction of Facilities will begin in July 2011 and will take three years to complete.

1. 1,500,000 Square Feet of Climate Controlled Warehouse and Distribution Hub services all of Central and Eastern Europe as well as all former South and Eastern Bloc States. Food and Fuel Processing Facilities + 100,000 Sq. Ft. Bonded Warehouse;

2. 20,000 Sq. Ft. Cryogenic De-flashing Service & Treatment Center. (20 cryogenic-processors) serviced by on-site logistics ;

3. 30,000 Sq. Ft. Industrial Liquid Gas Production Plant;

4. 180 MW Developing a Privately Owned Co-Generation (Primary Gas) Complex; all MW’s are pre-sold to EU grid with project permits available for another 500MW;

5. Multimodal Transport Service Depot (rail, truck/lorry, air, sea); directly on Trans-Europe Corridor for both rail & trucked Containers;

6. Free Trade Zone (EXIM goods, ecommerce invoicing & banking, gaming, manufacturing and professional trade & education training centers);

7. Commercial Bank in active Acquisition negotiation;

8. 200,000 Sq Ft. mini-expo Center, including Enterprise Outsourcing Zone: focused on Outsourced Services owned and operated by MLC Services on behalf of Overseas Alliance Partners;

9. International Trade Development & Trade Finance Bank to service Tenants;

10. 280 key 3 Star Business Hotel;

11. Regional commercial convention centre inter-connected with mini-expo facilities;

12. Technical Trade School; Tertiary Education English Speaking University for Multi-Academic Disciplines and certified professional training programs;

13. Independent (Project Owned Cooperative) Green-Energy Distribution System; with permits for developing another 500 MW in Europe. NOTE : PPA’s available in 2011.

14. Bulk Break Commodities Capacity and Packaging Services in the Mediterranean region.

15. Agricultural Exchange for horticulture and forestry: wool, water, food, beverage, health and cosmetics.

This complex will be globally networked for further expansion opportunity with the worldwide SpartaMatrix MLC Dry Ports system. Port of Colombo is strategically located at the center of the Indian Ocean just close to the main sea route from Far East and Australia to Europe and America, Colombo is a major port of call for more than 30 main lines including almost all the top container carriers and more than15 feeder carriers. Most of the larger container carriers do not call the Indian, Pakistan and Bangladesh ports because they do not have sufficient depth and adequate port facilities to handle such vessels and also they are handicapped in other ancillary marine services vital for shipping trade.
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