Boiler Room Scams

You can bet that Century Group is involved in selling land for say £20,000 a plot that a) is probably worth nearer £200 AND b) has about a 1% chance of ever getting planning permission. But listen to the people at Century Group and I'm sure they'll say that planning permission is almost a certainty.

But then look very closely at any legal documents you're sent and I'm sure they'll say something like "we're not responsible for anything you might have been told on the telephone."


Come here, ask questions first, we'll help you keep hold of your cash and we won't charge you a penny 🙂
Thank you for all your advice, we have sent off all the letters to both banks including copies of previous letters that we sent to them at the time of the scam, they did not respond then, we doubt they will respond now but here is hoping, but as my husband says the money would have been probably transfered to another bank straight away to maybe further banks so thats how they get away with it. Thank you once more for all you help.
Thank you for all your advice, we have sent off all the letters to both banks including copies of previous letters that we sent to them at the time of the scam, they did not respond then, we doubt they will respond now but here is hoping, but as my husband says the money would have been probably transfered to another bank straight away to maybe further banks so thats how they get away with it. Thank you once more for all you help.

So sorry to hear of your losses hope you manage to get something back.
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Thank you for all your advice, we have sent off all the letters to both banks including copies of previous letters that we sent to them at the time of the scam, they did not respond then, we doubt they will respond now but here is hoping, but as my husband says the money would have been probably transfered to another bank straight away to maybe further banks so thats how they get away with it. Thank you once more for all you help.

Yes but do it anyways. There may be other money coming in from other victims that they are scamming at the same time. You may get that frozen. The majority of the people do not do anything about it and that is how they get away with it. This will also prevent future victims from being scammed. Regardless, if you can freeze the account, you shut them down and are almost home to getting your money back.
Watch out for a highly suspect landbanking firm called -

Jardine Smith International

Targeting Far Eastern people will a load of crap about a site in Bromsfield near London.

Good land with a good chance of getting planning permission is NOT marketed to retail investors in the Far East. Please use common sense everyone and realise what Jardine Smith is telling you is a pack of lies as a) the land is worthless and b) it has zero chance of getting planning permission.

Jardine smith is targeting non-UK people because the regulators are stepping on these firms here in the UK.
Thank you for all your advice, we have sent off all the letters to both banks including copies of previous letters that we sent to them at the time of the scam, they did not respond then, we doubt they will respond now but here is hoping, but as my husband says the money would have been probably transfered to another bank straight away to maybe further banks so thats how they get away with it. Thank you once more for all you help.

Aggie, I don't recall if you mentioned the amount of lost money?
However, if it was big enough a sum, I would take a lawyer to handle it! He can make the banks listen and reply in a legal way!It shouldn't cost another fortune.

It's meant to show that despite banks were warned, they do have a liability even to non customers in this case. They did not react to your complain and now they are in for trouble themselves.

Regards and all the best
I think this approach works by removing the banks future defence that they didn't know the account was used for fraudulent purposes. In other words if they were warned in July that an account was used for fraud then they couldn't turn round in December and say 'we didn't know'. So in theory it forces their hand and prevents them from just doing nothing as most jurisdictions have laws that require them to report suspicious transactions.

Of course they may just throw your letter in the bin and swear they never got it but sooner or later that will backfire on them.

Aggie, I don't recall if you mentioned the amount of lost money?
However, if it was big enough a sum, I would take a lawyer to handle it! He can make the banks listen and reply in a legal way!It shouldn't cost another fortune.

It's meant to show that despite banks were warned, they do have a liability even to non customers in this case. They did not react to your complain and now they are in for trouble themselves.

Regards and all the best
Name is actually -

Jardin Smith

And the land is actually in Romford, essex.

Looky-looky what the council are saying -

Basically and this is CRITICAL to anyone in the Far East (Malaysia is one country getting the hard sell), you are being SETUP to buy worthless land with as the council says has a zero chance of ever getting planning permission.

of course, Jardin Smith will tell you the land will get planning but then they would say that because they own the land and their sole business plan is to stuff up their poor clients with their worthless land.

C'mon everyone in the Far East, get real and NEVER buy land in a country you've never been too........

Watch out for a highly suspect landbanking firm called -

Jardine Smith International

Targeting Far Eastern people will a load of crap about a site in Bromsfield near London.

Good land with a good chance of getting planning permission is NOT marketed to retail investors in the Far East. Please use common sense everyone and realise what Jardine Smith is telling you is a pack of lies as a) the land is worthless and b) it has zero chance of getting planning permission.

Jardine smith is targeting non-UK people because the regulators are stepping on these firms here in the UK.
I think this approach works by removing the banks future defence that they didn't know the account was used for fraudulent purposes. In other words if they were warned in July that an account was used for fraud then they couldn't turn round in December and say 'we didn't know'. So in theory it forces their hand and prevents them from just doing nothing as most jurisdictions have laws that require them to report suspicious transactions.

Of course they may just throw your letter in the bin and swear they never got it but sooner or later that will backfire on them.

To all people cheated out of their funds!

Well, the essential point is to have communication between yourself and the bank to proof they had been warned, but didn't do their part properly. Once you have this, threaten them with a law suit and see their response.
However, it is certainly better to let a lawyer do it as it applies mor pressure to them.

Good success to all of you
It is a good one thread because it's helped lots of people keep hold of their cash. I just wish we could help some of the people that have lost cash.

Please add to it if you have any information about any scam running, shares, land, carbon credits etc.

The more information published on this thread the more Google lists in the seearch results and in turn the more help we can give potential scam victims if they have the sense to search the net before committing money.

Like I've been saying for years now - THE INTERNET IS THE BEST DEFENCE AGAINST SCAMS - SO USE IT.

re: carbon credits.

hi anley,

could you expand on the carbon credit scams, please.
I have been called up a few times about carbon trading, and even started reading up about it.
as per your caveats, the deals always seemed too good, so passed.
are there any known carbon credit companies that are definitely scammers?

I think your question should be worded as follows. Are there any cold calling carbon credit companies that are not scammers?

Answer. No.
The main problems about carbon credits are -

1. It's a growing scam these days because it's a good story, ie they're green + all sorts of government subsidies and they're viewed as exotic so basically a great story to try and sell them

2. The market is extremely complex and I mean extremely complex, all the better for the sellers who will know what they're doing and 90% of their (cold called) retail clients who won't. That means that the (poor) clients won't even realise they've been ripped off and that's always the perfect same. See for example how initial boiler room victims are ripped off time and time again because they never realise they've been had till right at the end, then they have no money left

Ultimatly carbon credits boild down to this - are you an informed investor and I mean INFORMED. If so then you have a chance (assuming you're not dealing with a scam company) but if you're an uninformed investor which most will be then it's 95% chance you're going to either overpay or just plain get ripped off.

so how to become an 'informed investor'. How about 100 hours of study minimum and perhaps far more over a period of months. Think that's too much, well, how much work and study will the people selling you the carbon credits have done? Plenty which is why most carbon credit investors will get the short end of the stick, even the ones that deal with the big firms.

It's the same with buying a car, new or second hand. The more work you do into what you've buying the better deal you'll get. But if you turn up at your local garage on a whim then who 9/10 times is going to get the better deal, the buyer or the seller who knows his market inside out.

Name is actually -

C'mon everyone in the Far East, get real and NEVER buy land in a country you've never been too........

Don't forget the time share condo scams. I know this warning is a little dated as most people are aware of this scam, but they are still trying to snare naive people in the far east.
We decided to go into Santander Bank in our town today, and told them about the scam and the involvement in their bank in Uruguay , they really were not interested and told us we had to approach our own bank.We contacted our own bank and they said it was to long ago and needed to contact the Ombudsman,s financial department which we did to no avail. We will just have to wait and see if the two banks in question have the courtsey to answer our letters this time.
If it sounds like a duck, and it swims like a duck.? It normally is a duck..!!!

or a witch according to many of my friends from Salem

more serious: great thread is great... just want to add that not all cold calling is a scam, market research companies cold call for a good purpose that is unlikely to be harmful to you personally (assuming they are acting lawfully)

of course a company selling investments over phones is a scam, always

As previous mentioned, this a a company not to be involved with. Exactly the same procedure as when Mr. David Lucas from Dai- Ichi-securities scammed me for € 75,000 one year ago. And actually the person sound like Mr. Lukas. After some tele conversations with Mr. Convway from Yoshida,, I received this a letter from Mr. Conway. Actually the phone number for Mr. Lucas was +81 345 501 257 and for Mr Conway it is +81 345 209 585. Almost the same!!

Here is the letter:

Dear Mr. XXXX

As the most debilitating and destructive financial crisis in generation’s grinds on relentlessly, it is imperative that you have a sound financial planning strategy in place.

As the world’s governments continue to socialize losses and privatize profits, the onus is on you – now more than ever - to guard against the adverse effects their desperate measures will inevitably have upon your hard-earned savings.

Never has it been more important to ensure that your investment decisions are based on sensible, diligent and professional analysis than it is now.

Yoshida Corp continues to provide our clients with the information they need in order to take full advantage of the opportunities that mainstream commentators say simply aren’t there. Fewer than 15 stocks make our “conviction buy” list in a 12 month period but each one is identified through rigorous and painstaking analysis and research. Furthermore, each is hallmarked by Yoshida Corp “must have” attributes.

Without exception, these are:

• Operations in the right “future proof” market sectors
• Healthy balance sheets
• Minimal exposure to debt
• Experienced management structures
• Outstanding future growth potential
Yoshida Corp supper-quartile investment expertise comes – as you’d expect – with a superlative level of customer service supplied as standard.

Yoshida Corp advisors stand ready to help you avail yourself of the unique and eminently profitable investment opportunities that will serve to secure your financial future and can respond to any queries you may have.

In addition to our conversation earlier, the following links will help, assist and support you in accomplishing your own independent research into OSI Systems Inc, Yoshida Corp current Feature Recommendation.

Find out who we are, what we do and information relating to OSI Systems Inc at the following websites:

• Yoshida Corp:
• OSI Systems Inc:

Using OSI Systems Inc ticker symbol, OSIS, the current performance can be monitored on all major financial websites including:

• Yahoo Finance:
• Bloomberg:

Sites of interest:

• Yahoo: ... 6.html?x=0&.v=1

Building your success for your future through the creation of your wealth starts with taking the next step with Yoshida Corp.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel Conway
Senior Portfolio Advisor

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +81 345 209 585

Yoshida Corp.
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Morte land banking scams targeting people mainly in the Far East.

Worby Estate Sales

Selling plots of worthless land which will NEVER get planning permission but of course potential victims are being told that the land will soon be sold at a vast profit to a developer so you better hurry up and secure your plot otherwise you'll miss out.......

But if you are stupid enough to believe the 'salesmen' who cold call you or you meet in a flashy hotel presentation in the Far East then please do yourself a favour - please contact the local council and ask them what they know about the land and it's potential for planning permission.

Do that and I think you'll be shocked about what the company selling the land is telling you and what the council is telling you and the council of course are the ones who have the power to grant planning permission.

Summary - Buy land from these people and you WILL lose all of your investment. But if you do buy land then please look in the mirror as to who to blame when your big profits don't materialise as promised.........
You have to laugh at the ******** these land banking scammers come up with.

The below relates to (worthless) land being sold by Worby Estate Sales - Manor Farm site in Windsor which comprises of Thames Field and Coppice Drive.

The land they're trying to sell which by the way and according to the local council is Green Belt and subject to flooding will -

First be sold to individual investors in small plots (probably for between £10,000 - £20,000 a plot)

Once all the plots have been sold a 'big developer' will come in and buy all the individual plots for of course 'a big profit'

The question is this - why woulnd't the present owners cut out the middlemen (the small plot owners) and sell directly to the 'big developer'.

Well, we all know the reason don't we. Basically there is NO 'big developer' waiting because the land will NEVER get planning permission. The 'big developer' story is just that, a story so the mugs that buy the land think there's a bit payday coming their way.


Get real, don't be naive, small plots of land what will 'soon' get planning permission are NOT sold to members of the public unless there's a SCAM being worked.