Boiler Room Scams


Sorry to hear your losses I can sympathise because these people can sound very convincing,not hard when they are making things up.

I sometimes listen to their bull for entertainment as like anley there is NOTHING they could say that would ever make me buy over the phone and I always make this clear not that they listen one thing I find they do find a little hard to overcome is when I start telling them how good they are at it!
I earlier posted that I wasn't aware of scammers operating boiler rooms in Malaysia. They do operate some of the 419 scams from there as well as other scams. They must have found some authorties they could pay their tea money to.
There are some in Frankfurt Germany, that operate through an enormous ridiculous loophole in EU ! They might be banned from TRADING in the Uk, however nothing stopping them setting up in Frankfurt and then calling into the UK etc ! Usually recruit school leavers (18-20 year old), with no qualifications, give them a week training on script scenarios and off they go.
Although most of the lads last about 6 weeks, when they realise it is alot harder than first sucked into it and they cannot live off the 400 euros a month basic.
i will list and name and shame a few shortly....
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I need your help as i think i have been scamed!
3 months ago I invested money through a private fund management company called interactive-trade ( i sent money to GATEWAY GROUP INTERNATIONAL LTD)

they made me fill up a Brokerage account application, i spoke to a compliance officer etc etc

I bought shares of BIDU, IPXL, YONG through them and everything they told me happened, I made some money. they sent me trade confirmations.
Now I want to get my investment and profit back and they are asking me to pay a 30 prct refundable fee to a bank account SECURE SOLUTIONS INTL LTD to the bank FIMbank p.l.c based in MALTA... they also asked me to fill up some forms for the US tax such as form 1042-s and W-7

does anyone knows about this company? I feel like a fool and so stupid!!!! should i forget about my money and not pay anything else? what do you think?

thanks a lot for your help

Hello jpoux

I include a recent internet search regarding Interactive Trade. I hope you find it interesting.

line 1781 21-Jul-2006 Interactive Trade

Take care
Hey guys!

I'm in the same boat! No more contacts from SKW and their phone number does not even exist anymore. Have some 30k in there...

Have you got any news from your side?

Let's kick these guys!


I have also been contacted by worldwideriskconsultants, sellinf FTSE 100 Shares and claiming to be registered with FSA. but monies to be depoisted in accounts outside UK. Can some post their expereinces?.

This company is the same as rbef. they have the same phone no. They are brazenly operating with this new web site. I have spoken to them they tell me that they have been wronged by a clearing co. in Hong Kong. hey stole my money I have been fortunate to get an injunction to get the a/c frozen and went to court to get my money back. This is a costly procedeure in Hong Kong. As I posted before the key thing to do is advise the bank that they are parttaking in advance fee scheme.This will freeze the a/c . Next get in touch with a solicitor. I have reported worldwideriskconsultants to FSA months ago. They are too slow to warn people. I hope this helps
My friend, a pensioner was also contacted by worlderiskconsultants offering me discounted FTSE 100 shares and requesting monies to be depoisted in Hong Kong and they will only charge her commision at 2% on gross profits. They claim to be registered with FSA. Can anyone out there please provide further guideance
If you can find out a/c no maybe I can help her I presume the bank is HSBC. Play along get the a/c frozen this will help others
Hi all,

Ive just been browsing this thread and thought it might be worth noting that Lombard Asset Resources investment in the agricultural sector has just shown a 16.2% return!!!

Just goes to show that not all of these companies are cowboys (alothough I have no doubt the 90% of them are 😀).

Happy investing ppl.
Hi all,

Ive just been browsing this thread and thought it might be worth noting that Lombard Asset Resources investment in the agricultural sector has just shown a 16.2% return!!!

Just goes to show that not all of these companies are cowboys (alothough I have no doubt the 90% of them are 😀).

Happy investing ppl.
Hi all,

Ive just been browsing this thread and thought it might be worth noting that Lombard Asset Resources investment in the agricultural sector has just shown a 16.2% return!!!

Just goes to show that not all of these companies are cowboys (alothough I have no doubt the 90% of them are 😀).

Happy investing ppl.

Well done for getting Lombard Asset Resources to the top of google as a scam. These people are out to steal your money.
Pitching your company on these forums is not advisable investboy, IT IS OFF TOPIC and you face the wrath of the masses. I recommend the moderator delete this sales plug.
No doubt investboy you work for them and are a commission whore.
There is a commercial section for this crap.
They may well have returned that sort of money to investors, but what they don't probably tell you is just how many fees and other assorted charges they take from investors.

Know that figure and I'm sure most investors wouldn't be happy especially as the company will make good cash even if the investments the investors made go down in value.

Sort of a heads I (the company) wins, tails I (the company) wins.

Never forget everyone that most financial companies are pure users of their client monies, ie they use it to make themselves cash first and anything left over goes to the investors.........
Pitching your company on these forums is not advisable investboy, IT IS OFF TOPIC and you face the wrath of the masses. I recommend the moderator delete this sales plug.
No doubt investboy you work for them and are a commission whore.
There is a commercial section for this crap.

People working for boiler rooms are not 'commission whores' as you put it, they are criminals who steal money from decent people, particularly pensioners. These posts should not be deleted as they are hit number 4 in google when you search for Lonbard Asset Resources.
Althoughly sadly, "legal" crooks, if that concept exists ! The UK (not sure if legal/illegal in US) should follow the example of the Germans, cold calling is illegal in Germany and has been since 1913 (or something like that).
Althoughly sadly, "legal" crooks, if that concept exists ! The UK (not sure if legal/illegal in US) should follow the example of the Germans, cold calling is illegal in Germany and has been since 1913 (or something like that).

I agree because it preys on the vunerable.
Althoughly sadly, "legal" crooks, if that concept exists ! The UK (not sure if legal/illegal in US) should follow the example of the Germans, cold calling is illegal in Germany and has been since 1913 (or something like that).

That's a good law to stop legit companies, but scam ones calling from abroad won't take any notice.

The way to stop these scammers once and for all is to run public service adverts lasting say 30 seconds on the telly. That would in my view help 75% of those about to be scammed, ie they'd realise what's happening.

The FSA and the BBA easily have the budget for this but as we all know they're both absolutely useless organisations. In fact the only people who don't view them as useless are the people that work there.

On a related note, one of the reasons why this country is so down, and has been going down for the last 20 years is nobody ever seems to get fired these days. Firing has many 2 main advantages -

1. If gets rid of incompetent people, and more importantly
2. Makes all the others sit up and start to behave as they realise what might happen to them if they continue to be useless.

Forget about the laws, change them if need be, but this country won't start to recover until both the dead wood is got rid of and other people are in fear for their jobs.
Hi all,

Ive just been browsing this thread and thought it might be worth noting that Lombard Asset Resources investment in the agricultural sector has just shown a 16.2% return!!!

Just goes to show that not all of these companies are cowboys (alothough I have no doubt the 90% of them are 😀).

Like I'm sure that my middle name is 'sucker'.🙄


  • Bildschirmfoto 2011-06-02 um 20.19.47.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2011-06-02 um 20.19.47.png
    29.3 KB · Views: 208
Havent heard of them, but their contact details are given on the website as being on the 27th floor of a building in Tokyo. With a little bit of ferreting I have found their ip addresses (2 of them) to be coming from the Sun building, 277, Broadway , New York. Not what you would expect?!
Their website expires on the 2nd October 2011, and was registered 7 years earlier.

You have not given any details of your experience. Can you do that so that others may benefit and validate your story.
