Boiler Room Scams


Sorry but you've been scammed, all the companies you were talking to weren't real they were fake and they've stolen your money.

There is little you can do about this as the scammers are offshort and chances are you send your money offshore as well. Please learn from this and don't get involved with cold callers again. Also, your name is now down on the 'marks list' so you'll be getting a lot of offers over the next few years to try to invest in all sorts of things so remember this - ALL AND EVERY PHONE CALL YOU GET WILL BE FROM A SCAMMER - REPEAT, ALL.

As for the shares you've bought 99% chance they're worthless so there's little you can do there either. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Has any one else been contacted by Mr Shannon Stacy from Vulcan Silver /Silvercrest in South Africa.
He claims to have a cure for Aids,TB,MS and is asking for 100,000 Dollars from a select few investors.I think it is fishy as i see he works for a company called PHX Capital .

I have been burnt before but this company is saying the money will be gauranteed by Mr Rob Hutchinson who lives in the UK and has a respectable company called Vulcan Sun is this just a play on words or are they real.

If any one could help with information or a similar call .They do claim to have a patent but they say that they are the sole owners of this wonder drug developed in South Africa and that i acnt lose
You've been stung before but yet you are giving consideration to sending 100k to someone who you don't know, just because they told you that you can't lose?
Has any one else been contacted by Mr Shannon Stacy from Vulcan Silver /Silvercrest in South Africa.
He claims to have a cure for Aids,TB,MS and is asking for 100,000 Dollars from a select few investors.I think it is fishy as i see he works for a company called PHX Capital .

I have been burnt before but this company is saying the money will be gauranteed by Mr Rob Hutchinson who lives in the UK and has a respectable company called Vulcan Sun is this just a play on words or are they real.

If any one could help with information or a similar call .They do claim to have a patent but they say that they are the sole owners of this wonder drug developed in South Africa and that i acnt lose

Claims a cure for aids, TB and MS and you are tempted?

I have invented a teleportation device that will do away with air travel worldwide, I'm looking for an investment of $70,000 to get the product to market - are you interested?

What we are trying to tell you is that this and every other investment offer you get is a scam. You have fallen for it once, now they consider you stupid enough to fall for anything so they will keep calling you. These people are criminals and they will bleed every penny out of you if you are dumb enough to keep falling for all these schemes.
The Teleporter idea is growing one me how much are the shares again ? I need to zap back to back to yesterday to back the right nags at Cheltenham
Has any one else been contacted by Mr Shannon Stacy from Vulcan Silver /Silvercrest in South Africa.
He claims to have a cure for Aids,TB,MS and is asking for 100,000 Dollars from a select few investors.I think it is fishy as i see he works for a company called PHX Capital .

I have been burnt before but this company is saying the money will be gauranteed by Mr Rob Hutchinson who lives in the UK and has a respectable company called Vulcan Sun is this just a play on words or are they real.

If any one could help with information or a similar call .They do claim to have a patent but they say that they are the sole owners of this wonder drug developed in South Africa and that i acnt lose

Sorry but there's no nice way to put it - you are a complete MORON.

Either that or you're a troll.

Assuming you're not a troll and are instead a moron do you really think somebody who has found a cure for HIV would contact you, a nobody, asking for funding unless they were trying to set you up, which of course they are.

Chances are after they spoke to you on the phone they all couldn't stop laughing at how you think it's all for real.

I'm amazed you can even think it's true (assuming you're not a troll). Some people really do deserve to have their money stolen from them.
I got scammed about year ago on two shares Tri-Hub aand Kalahari Greentech. Have learnt my lesson and after talking to people on here have written the money off. Now I have just been contacted by John Walker (good trustworthy name!) of, Hong Kong saying they have a buyer for my Kalahari shares. Now considering a legit broker tried to sell these for me and gave up as they were untradable and the current stock price values them at £20, how come Global World Acquisitions have a buyer at $112,000!!! lol. I was warned that I would eventually get some crook trying to extract more money but All I am asking is what is the scam here? He has said they will take 1% out of the proceeedings and doesn't need any money up front. Wants my bank details to transfer the money (but last scammers already know this anyway) Has anyone else heard of GWA? How will they try to get money from me?

PS have forwarded details to operation archway City of London police
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Twice bitten,

Like you say there's no reason why someone would pay you 100k for £20 worth of shares. I'm pretty sure he's trying to gain your trust and then, right at the last minute, hit you for an advance fee for tax or bank charges or some other excuse. Of course it will all be a scam but I think you've already realised that.
I should add that Global World Aquisitions claim to be in business since 1989. Surprise surprise their website was registered... yes you guessed it, 3 weeks ago! Seems you were at the top of their list. You might want to report them to Operation Archway and the FSA so that warnings can be issued.
Sorry but there's no nice way to put it - you are a complete MORON.

Either that or you're a troll.

Assuming you're not a troll and are instead a moron do you really think somebody who has found a cure for HIV would contact you, a nobody, asking for funding unless they were trying to set you up, which of course they are.

Chances are after they spoke to you on the phone they all couldn't stop laughing at how you think it's all for real.

I'm amazed you can even think it's true (assuming you're not a troll). Some people really do deserve to have their money stolen from them.

People come to this forum for help. Please avoid judgments about what kind of mental capacity a victim might have.

In the mean time, we appreciate what you are doing here getting the word out.

I'll give the guy credit for coming here and asking about the validity of the cure for HIV and he being one of the lucky strangers plucked from a phone list that has the chance to financially back what could well be a patent worth billions of $.

But at the same time he needs to be told in no uncertain words that he is a fool. That way he WILL keep his money rather than it being stolen from him again. Maybe it was harsh but if it enables him to keep hold of his cash then it was all in good faith.

Sometimes we are cruel to be kind here but we don't steal money, nor do we try to set naive people up. But the scammers ARE charming and nice but look what the poor punter gets - his money stolen.
I posted about a company RBEF who cloned a genuine website and caught many people they are operating again and also are going under another name worldwideriskconsultants. Please be aware if contacted by these. FSA now have rbef on their list.
Fisher Capital south Korea Soul, have got to be the worst scammers going to date, lots of barrow boys old school tie names given on the phone to what they have done and worked as.
Just these gay boy names should give it away and the team of BS back-up teams that follow, including a so accountant called Kirstie, sending out banking info in areas a local terroist would not bank, is just a joke.
Please let them give you the full chat on the computer phone, they use at all times to contact you that will appear as a few numbers then 000000 on your screen.
They will tell you that they do not use insider trading but a good friend or a friend being part of a buy out has given them the heads up on a company such as GREECELL TECH
or ELDERADO GOLD each of them to be listed on the Frakfurt stock exchange and the price will go through the roof very soon and then you must sell as per the advise you will be advised (not) they will give dead lines to get your money to the banks nominated.
These dates are only so that they can close the accounts and drain the money by a third party, the stories and BS I have to say, even the names they use are very ******** related and you will get one after another once the first scam has gone through with a new storie, that the guy you were dealing with has been head hunted to the USA.
The only head hunting needed for these guys should be by the police.
The phone number given is just a girl on a land line who will only tell you that they are in a meeting but you need to give her the name of the person and the account number on the letter they have sent you via PDF and she will get them to call you back.
This she does so that they can call you on the computer set-up phone they are using and give you any BS they need to keep you and you money in place.
They are the biggest scammers on the planet FISHER CAPITAL SOUL SOUTH KOREA.
A good company are trading in South korea with the same name and this is who they are trying to hide under.
If the shares they were trying to sell you were so good why would they try and do it by phone with no contact number direct to them.

Cheers FKNSCAMS 👎 😈
Fisher Capital south Korea Soul, have got to be the worst scammers going to date, lots of barrow boys old school tie names given on the phone to what they have done and worked as.
Just these gay boy names should give it away and the team of BS back-up teams that follow, including a so accountant called Kirstie, sending out banking info in areas a local terroist would not bank, is just a joke.
Please let them give you the full chat on the computer phone, they use at all times to contact you that will appear as a few numbers then 000000 on your screen.
They will tell you that they do not use insider trading but a good friend or a friend being part of a buy out has given them the heads up on a company such as GREECELL TECH
or ELDERADO GOLD each of them to be listed on the Frakfurt stock exchange and the price will go through the roof very soon and then you must sell as per the advise you will be advised (not) they will give dead lines to get your money to the banks nominated.
These dates are only so that they can close the accounts and drain the money by a third party, the stories and BS I have to say, even the names they use are very ******** related and you will get one after another once the first scam has gone through with a new storie, that the guy you were dealing with has been head hunted to the USA.
The only head hunting needed for these guys should be by the police.
The phone number given is just a girl on a land line who will only tell you that they are in a meeting but you need to give her the name of the person and the account number on the letter they have sent you via PDF and she will get them to call you back.
This she does so that they can call you on the computer set-up phone they are using and give you any BS they need to keep you and you money in place.
They are the biggest scammers on the planet FISHER CAPITAL SOUL SOUTH KOREA.
A good company are trading in South korea with the same name and this is who they are trying to hide under.
If the shares they were trying to sell you were so good why would they try and do it by phone with no contact number direct to them.

Cheers FKNSCAMS 👎 😈
You will notice that their website domain is located in Malaysis.
The same IP hosts at least three known scammers
They might as well tell people they're located on Taransay, it's all lies.

As for where they're really located, probably the Costa Del Sol or the Far East (Bangkok or Jakarta).

All you have to remember is whatever they say is all lies, repeat ALL LIES.
I got contacted by a company called SMG capital a few months ago trying to sell me Apple shares. They were convinced that they were going to do a stock split so they were calling around hoping to get people invested before this happened. I strung them along so I received their brilliant research report which was the most laughable report I have seen, but to the next 'brokers' credit he was quite talkative and well scripted. Although he did seem to try and rip out a long spiel of facts - once he got going there was no stopping him! He did say that it was impossible for an individual investor to buy AAPL shares because there was a minimum to keep the housewives out, and that as an introductory offer he was going to give me 10% off the current share price. WHAT A DEAL! The catch was I could invest anything from £5000 to £50 000. They didn't want to take anymore than 50 grand because that would be too high risk. They also had previously invested in First Solar before it became big, but they decided on calling people with Aapl because everyone would have heard of it. Funny stuff. He advised me to read on seekingalpha (the most accurate unramped shares blog in da world!) and called me the next day where I said no I'm not doing business with anyone who just cold called me. Their website SMG capital was also a bit naff.

But still - I guess if I went through with it I wouldn't have even received any worthless shares back.
I got scammed about year ago on two shares Tri-Hub aand Kalahari Greentech. Have learnt my lesson and after talking to people on here have written the money off. Now I have just been contacted by John Walker (good trustworthy name!) of, Hong Kong saying they have a buyer for my Kalahari shares. Now considering a legit broker tried to sell these for me and gave up as they were untradable and the current stock price values them at £20, how come Global World Acquisitions have a buyer at $112,000!!! lol. I was warned that I would eventually get some crook trying to extract more money but All I am asking is what is the scam here? He has said they will take 1% out of the proceeedings and doesn't need any money up front. Wants my bank details to transfer the money (but last scammers already know this anyway) Has anyone else heard of GWA? How will they try to get money from me?

The scam here is when you send a 'copy' of your share certificate another caller contacts you to advise that your shares are REG-S 144 restricted but he'll have a broker that can derestrict them for almost what you paid in the first place.

Another interesting point about Global World's website is that it's almost identical to the Bundy Group website.

Don't touch them with a barge pole and on that note how does one go about getting restricted shares derestricted for free once the stipulated time limit has lapsed (12 months for affiliates & 6 months for non-affiliates unless otherwise stated)?
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