As being scammed myself, I noticed that I was undergoing a psycho-shock; fear, unbelief, bullishness, belief, anger and shame. It takes up and downs. Esp. when you lost all of your savings to one of these crooks. It changes your life, you´re pressed in a role you don´t want... After sentiment you start thinking and deliberate action.
Here are my findings:
- doing nothing is wrong!
- making new expenses is unavoidable.
- you need real professionals to go after them:
1. Report your case to the right authorities in the right country. No blind reporting.
2. Engage an intelligence agency (Caution: don´t get another scam) who can excecute an investigation.
3. When these findings show a little chance; engage a laywer or other services.
4. If the money is unreachable, forget it. Get a good psycho and start another life. Forget about the money and work hard.
5 Every known identity of any "boiler room" should be reported to the authorities. When no money, then at least a just punishment.