Boiler Room Scams

Fisher Capital
Anyone heard of Fisher Capital based in South Korea trying to sell shares in GreenCell Technologies?
Have been getting the hard sell.

Actually I thought I remembered something about Fisher Capital Management, they were actually linked to Strathclyde Associates here but the original website is now down. That would make sense with them both selling GreenCell Technologies.
Actually I thought I remembered something about Fisher Capital Management, they were actually linked to Strathclyde Associates here but the original website is now down. That would make sense with them both selling GreenCell Technologies.

yes it is funny how these companies all have very similar looking websites...Trent Consultants, Strathclyde and Shaw Capital. When I next speak to my "friends" at Fisher Capital I must commend their web page designer for lack of imagination.
The other tactic they use is to act hurt and insulted that you would think of them in the same way as 'those scammers'. I've even had them become annoyed and aggressive, which is great. All they are trying to do is to put the doubt in your mind that they are trying to steal your money in the hope that you will either get sucked in or at least you will not publish their name on a website like this. It's important to keep these sites updated with the names they are using. It may save somebody from making a very expensive mistake and hopefully drive the scammers to an early grave.
Just found this site while looking for Legatus Consulting Ltd (no address given). I was cold called by "Richard Dunbar", the only name coming up when googled is that he is fund manager for Scottish Widows UK Equity Income account (I don't think so). Received a purchase contract for North Thunder Bay Mining shares asking for a transfer to Deutsche Bank in Hamburg. They are phoning every day to ask when the funds will be transfered. "Andrew Taylor" rang today to try a bit harder sell. Now calling themselves Houston Research in Texas. Still trying to get any contact details, but these are scammers and thieves.
Just found this site while looking for Legatus Consulting Ltd (no address given). I was cold called by "Richard Dunbar", the only name coming up when googled is that he is fund manager for Scottish Widows UK Equity Income account (I don't think so). Received a purchase contract for North Thunder Bay Mining shares asking for a transfer to Deutsche Bank in Hamburg. They are phoning every day to ask when the funds will be transfered. "Andrew Taylor" rang today to try a bit harder sell. Now calling themselves Houston Research in Texas. Still trying to get any contact details, but these are scammers and thieves.

The name will be fake for sure, ask them are they FSA regulated, that should get rid of them.
Victim of, these organization claims to operate from tokoyo with bank account in Liechtenstein. After website suspended - they claim merger with thomas moore.
Idiots: Mike Stevens, James Appleby, Mark Tan, Steve Macnnon, etc. They can use any name they want. BEAWARE... they claims to do institutional trading, and the shares they deals with are all good shares listed in the US market, but in fact there is no dealing at all. They do not owns the shares, as they go missing the minute the share got de-listed after acquisition. the recent case of dynacorp is a classic example.
Re: Stratton Wainwright Advisory, Bio Defense

Cold called offering Bio Defense || BioDefense Corporation - Prepared to overcome obstacles of microscopic proportions || at £5/share prior to listing. Contacted Bio by Email & got partial reply, ie they confirmed that they were offering shares @ £5 prior to listing but did not answer any questions re stratton. Any further info contact investor relations. I tried that by phone twice, no body could take my call: leave a message & we'll get right back to you-they didn't. Emailed again-no reply.
Smell a rat? Company product seems great, is it just an idea or does it exist? I do not know, but the investor end is suspect.
Again does anybody have any more info?

Not sure if anyone's posted, but I've found two links of interest here from the FSA in the UK

Just in case anyone wasnt sure that this was a 100% scam...despite what "bigbrains" aka Brett Hamburger (Colombo crime family, convicted for fraud, etc) has to say about it...
Probing, drop an email to Operation Archway, the Police unit looking into boiler rooms and give them all the details including the bank account numbers etc. As I've always said that banks are their weak links because without an account no scamming can happen.

Anley,Thanks for this advice. I have also informed the FSA on their online fraud form at:
Probing, the Police are a better bet, the FSA are are completely useless organisation and the only thing they excel at are creating paperwork and having meetings.
Re: Stratton Wainwright Advisory, Bio Defense

Not sure if anyone's posted, but I've found two links of interest here from the FSA in the UK

Just in case anyone wasnt sure that this was a 100% scam...despite what "bigbrains" aka Brett Hamburger (Colombo crime family, convicted for fraud, etc) has to say about it...

Yes I believe that information was posted some months ago, maybe early this year. I think that after it was posted bigbrains was threatening legal action, of course we never heard another word about it, what an idiot.

Tell us more about Bigbrains/Hamburger.
Re: Stratton Wainwright Advisory, Bio Defense

Not sure if anyone's posted, but I've found two links of interest here from the FSA in the UK

Just in case anyone wasnt sure that this was a 100% scam...despite what "bigbrains" aka Brett Hamburger (Colombo crime family, convicted for fraud, etc) has to say about it...

Check out this post then click "view all posts" and see the history for yourself.

Be careful Scunny2
I think it would be useful to set up a thread listing all the Boiler Room Scams that are currently in operation.

What is a boiler room?

Basically, a room full of salesmen (con men really), who are unregulated, and will cold call you to try and tempt you to part with your money and invest in some "amazing" company which will make you a millionaire. The stocks are usually unlisted and therefore difficult to sell once you have bought them. In reality they are likely to be worthless.

They tend to target people who already own shares, and will get your phone number / contact details from lists that they have bought, including shareholder lists.

More often than not, they are based overseas.

Whatever, you should NEVER deal with them, and NEVER deal with anyone who cold calls you from a company who you have never dealt with before.

I hope that this thread will be used for people to list the names of the offending companies, in order to warn others.

To start with, here is a list of those already mentioned on other threads....

Portland Ventures

Elliott Price

Edward Tate

Capital Asset Commodities

Jefferson Holt Consulting

Please feel free to add any more.....


I am a part of a prop firm and actually represent a group of traders.

I like to read what people say about prop firm (bad or good) and actually understand how we could offer a better service.

I know that there is a lot of firms out there promising that they will make you rich with their training or recipes for success, charging you exorbitant fees and that maybe most of them are a scam but at some point, individual traders need stop and think about it.

If there were any kind of magical formulas for trading, do you really think that people will waste their time in recruiting traders and ask them to put money down. They would trade their magical recipes, recruit people to trade their own money ( you probably heard of hedge founds or prop desk at banks 😆).

Nothing is more important that experience and that is my next point, prop firms are just here to give you access to the trading business and that is why you give them commission, nothing else.

The rest, paying for a training or coaching or whatever else they can come up with is really up to you and the confidence you have in your group.

Trading is a business, it takes time, capital, commitment and there is no shortcut. You should wonder why brokers online are faring better than traditional brokers with the retail investors and apply this thinking to active trading. They offer an access to the market for a fare price, free information and the rest is really up to you.

Thanks to tell me what you think about that.
Anybody heard of Woodbridge Business Corp., Woodbridge Asset Management or Woodbridge Investments Group...?
The other tactic they use is to act hurt and insulted that you would think of them in the same way as 'those scammers'. I've even had them become annoyed and aggressive, which is great. All they are trying to do is to put the doubt in your mind that they are trying to steal your money in the hope that you will either get sucked in or at least you will not publish their name on a website like this. It's important to keep these sites updated with the names they are using. It may save somebody from making a very expensive mistake and hopefully drive the scammers to an early grave.

Yes indeed , Droyston : very important to keep updating but how many 'hits' would T2W
get of 'the scammed', the 'potential victim' searching for the SCAMMERS ? I have been
at this now for nearly ten years hunting down the rogues and it seems to me that it
would take a lot of regular advertising on ALL the media - including this forum to
keep on warning investors of the dangers of those 'boiler room' louts who come in
the form of Attorneys , Lawyers, Escrows and Pseudo High Street 'Stockbrokers', pseudo
analysts etc etc . It takes the utmost vigilance. It is a Global issue - just google
Jerome Hertzberg, Hong Kong, Philip T Powers, Handler Thayer,Chicago
, SEC v Benger et al, FOX HAYES , UK. Paul Gunter,U K & Florida, Jeffrey
Revell Reade,(Oz & UK) David Rycott,(UK) Jack Flader California & Hong Kong, Greg
Scott Rullo, Info Field Investment , Frankfurt, Berlin & Hong Kong -
outfits in Spain & Gibralter . Steve Griggs, Pacific Continental Securities. UK & other
addresses ! : If this is not enough to give potential VICTIMS a flavour of the trouble
they can bring on themselves then I may give up ! ! Maybe ? Not before I drive them
to an early grave !
I have some great fun when these guys phone up.

Having spent most of my life in sales I know all the tricks in the book(but never use hard sell tatics myself I like to sleep at night) and would never buy of these guys no matter what they said.

On several occasions I have actually got them to hang up on me!!!! when I started giving them feedback on their selling technique.
Re: Stratton Wainwright Advisory, Bio Defense

That's new, I knew about Lord Guthrie being an 'advisor' as well as some ex FBI guys.

My only hope is that they were all paid in shares.

Obviously this is board is monitored, as the prop posting had nothing to do with the subject. So I want to revisit this subject. Look at the time difference of posting and the content looks copy and pasted.

The scammeres obviously had anticipated on catching more fish before the Stratton Wainwright Advisory, Bio Defense warnings came out. They must have put a lot of worldwide effort into this one and don't want to see it end this quick.
The SEC has published the following list of fake regulators that were presumably being used by boiler rooms to appear legit.

Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities (PAUSE)
List of Fictitious Governmental Agencies and International Organizations Associated with Soliciting Entities

The SEC receives complaints from investors and others, including foreign securities regulators, about securities solicitations made by entities claiming to offer investments endorsed, approved, or otherwise supported by governmental agencies, including the SEC, or international organizations. As reflected in the SEC's investor alert entitled, "Fake Seals and Phony Numbers: How Fraudsters Try to Look Legit," the SEC does not "approve" or "endorse" any particular securities, issuers, products, services, professional credentials, firms, or individuals, and does not allow private entities to use its government seal. Here is the link to the SEC investor alert:

The SEC has looked into these complaints and has learned that in many cases, the governmental agencies or international organizations claimed to have lent support to such investments do not exist. In an effort to warn the public about these entities, the SEC is posting the list below. The SEC will regularly update this list.

You should be aware that this list does not include all fictitious governmental agencies and international organizations. Also, you should understand that the inclusion of a name on this list does not mean that the SEC has concluded that a violation of the US securities laws has occurred or that the SEC has made any judgment about the merits of the securities being offered.

For a list of entities claiming to be registered, licensed and/or located in the United States and that have been the subject of investor complaints [click here] to access PAUSE. To see the official SEC release describing and providing more details about this list, [click here].

If you have information, questions or comments about the entities on this list, please contact [email protected] or call 202-551-6551 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************202-551-6551******end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Name Comment

The Center for Securities Department
1870 Twin Towers East
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: 770-824-0505
Fax: 770-206-2394 and 770-872-5506

Center For Securities Investigation Department
324 W. Main St.
Brighton, MI 48116
Phone: 810-852-1701
Fax: 810-852-1702

Central Equities Administrators
1201 Main Street, Suite 180
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-227-0805
Fax: 803-753-9559

Central Stock Regulators
3200 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 615-349-9977
Fax: 615-250-4897

Federal Securities Regulatory Agency
Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 27th Floor
915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 202-747-7823
Fax: 202-478-1738

Global Compliance Agency
201 S. College St.
Charlotte, NC 28244
Phone: 704-817-0614
Fax: 704-817-0615

Global Investments Compliance Center
5005 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131
Phone: 216-220-1600
Fax: 216-220-1601

Global Securities Crime Investigators
7700 Queens Ferry Lane
Dallas, TX 75248

Global Securities Protection Agency
41 Marietta Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 678-954-0522
Fax: 678-954-0523

International Association of Transfer Agents
30 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005

International Commission of Securities
600 Superior Avenue East
Fifth Third Building Suite 1300
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: 440-869-9952
Fax: 440-848-2305

1. Onsite inspections conducted over the past year by the Ohio Division of Securities found that no regulatory agency was located at the address given for this entity.

International Compliance Assistance Center
41 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-947 0105
Fax: 614-947 0106

International Equities Administrators
5865 Ridgeway Center Parkway, Suite 350
Memphis, TN 38120
Phone: 901-896-0327
Fax: 901-339-0522

International Exchange Commission
545 8th Avenue, Suite 501
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-330-0995
Fax: 212-465-3392

International Fraud Assessment Agency
1001 Fourth Ave. Plaza
Seattle, WA 98154
Phone: 206-274-0077
Fax: 206-260-3086

International Information Exchange
775 15th St. NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-263-1950
Fax: 202-263-1951

International Organization of Transfer and Registrar Agents
501 N. Brookhurst Street, Suite 310
Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: 714-844-4831
Fax: 714-844-9083

International Securities Accreditation Authority
30 E. Broadway
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 801-618-2100
Fax: 801-618-2119

International Securities Administrators
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1500
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-297-1593
Fax: 513-672-2308

International Securities Regulators
101 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617-861-9038
Fax: 617-507-1076

International Securities Commission
1250 E. Apache Blvd.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone: 480-240-5726
Fax: 480-240-7129

International Securities Validation Division
251 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: 602-926-1312
Fax: 602-926-1313

International Share Verification Department
1 W Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: 828-420-0484
Fax: 828-420-0485

International Shareholders Compliance Department
500 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 320
Chicago, Il 60611
Phone: 312-281-0329
Fax: 312-276-4752

International Stock Regulators
2415 East Camelback Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: 602-357-1678
Fax: 602-391-2036

1. Onsite inspections conducted April 30, 2007 by the State of Arizona Corporation Commission found that the purported regulatory agency was not located at the address given for this entity.

Regulatory Advisory Commission
350 S Main St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734-619-0501
Fax: 734-619-0502

Securities Compliance Agency
212 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28281
Phone: 704-817-0609
Fax: 704-817-0610

Securities Regulatory Agency
801 W. Main St.
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: 208-906-2310
Fax: 208-906-2311

Securities Regulatory Authority
203 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
Phone: 504-210-1576
Fax: 504-210-1577

Securities Validation Department
600 South Lincoln Avenue
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Phone: 970-367-1704
Fax: 970-367-1705

US Shareholders Registry Department
240 Woodrow Street
Chester, PA 19013
Phone: 484-694-9433
Fax: 484-694-9433