This week really put a trader's patience to the test. Fortunately, a clever scalper has no need for a trade. If he remains calm and patient, his moments will come. And indeed, despite the lackluster character of all of last week's price action (big volume definitely absent), there were opportunities abound in both the European and US sessions. It is my sincere wish that aspiring scalpers are slowly starting to tell the high odds plays from the less favorable ones. A good idea might be to assemble all of the extra charts I have sent so far (week 38-42, over 100 charts in total) and to categorize all the opportunities per individual setup. And in particular the IRB. For example, if you build a file with nothing but IRBs in it, and then replay them one after the other, chances are that they really start to make sense, if only for their unmistakable similarities. Another thing that might help is to block the outcomes from view in order to develop an eye for how things tend to look on the brink of entry. Ultimately, it really should not be that hard. It is just a matter of training your eye. Fight boredom, fight impatience and above all, fight frustration. Very few traders pass through the gate after just a couple of months in the game. Progress is not measured by the amount of pip won or lost for the week, although it is easy to fall into that trap. The actual progress is a feeling that you can do it, that things are starting to materialize in your mind, that you can swing them around any time soon. It is all about confidence. Confidence often comes as a side-effect of skill, that is true. Yet very few skills are built up without the confidence to acquire them in the first place.