Hi Kulpio,
Thanks a lot for sharing your trading. Congratulation for following Volman's teachings. I know what it takes. I'm not trading currently using Volman's methodology, but plan to come back to it in the near future.
Your charts are very realistic and depict what an excellent student would trade after knowing the method inside out. Please keep posting your trades.
A couple of questions: Are you trading using Proreal charts, or just use them for visual aid and take the trades with another sort of platform?
How many hours per day are you devoting to trading like this?
Keep up the great job.👍
Hi Keen246,
Thank you for your comments. I am using prorealtime just for the chart. Then I use MT4 on the background and the oneclicktradinglevel2 plugin window on the side of my chart to buy,sell and close. So all I see is my pro realtime chart and my oneclicktrading window.
I generally wakeup at 4-5am (eastern time) and trade up to noon, so I get most of the action. I workout and breakfast from 6:30-8:30 during the UK lunch hours so I am approx. 5-6h per day in front of the chart. I used to just keep my chart open all day long and trade here and there without structure and it was really bad for me. I need structure, and it seems to pay slowly back. We will see how it goes.
I won't trade the next 10days as I will be in vacation, but I will update afterwards more regularly.
What kind of system do you currently use for trading? Are you full-time?
Thank you for your words,
Best regards