Bob Volman Price Action Scalping

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I'm 1 trade away from my 200 pip goal for the month! the count right now is 194 pips from 25 winners 2 break evens and 4 losers.
New pip total 271 for the month!!! Smoked my goal of 200. Price action trading is the only way to go. If I never read Bobs book i'd still be a break even trader.
Well guys I'm on vacation with the family for a week at the cabin. I still plan on trading every day. I'll only have my P3 ultrabook (great for scalping)and a hotspot, so I might not get to add much to the website. But if you have any questions feel free to ask. I over hauled the my charts page so you can see them better. and added my ATM's too. Check it out if you want
Never forget... There is no HOPE in trading....If the trade is not going the way you planned GET OUT. Don't HOPE It will go your way.
There is a lot to be said about trading in the zone. When I am trading at my best I can almost foresee the market. You guys know the setups and when to stay out. So when trading conditions are right. Cut all distractions! no music, no wife, no husband, no web surfing. Nothing but your chart, T&S, news app. that's it. everything else must go till your trading conditions change to unfavorable. Focus focus focus, 1 are we trending higher? yes 2. is there a good amount of orders coming in ? yes Buy the FB, SB, BB, and mostly the DD . How big are the swings (measure them) If more than 10 shoot for 10 pips, If less than 10 lock in 5 and look for the next setup if you get stopped out at the +5 . I usually risk 10 pips But you should not try to enter where you risk only 5 or 6. GET IN TO THE ZONE. WIN great lose great forget both and move on to next setup stay focused. No reviewing or thinking about the past trades till you are don't for the day . The only thing to allow your self is time to get a snap shot of the trade for your record and a drink. If you lose 2 in a row your done live trading for the day because your overlooking something. This is how I do it and it works, Allen

P.S. I add more detail in this video
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total PIPs for March 318.7

2 1 RB Win 5.6
3 2 None Loss -10
3 3 News Win 5.5
4 4 News BE 1
4 5 RB Win 10
5 6 News Win 38.6
6 7 RB Win 10
6 8 RB Win 3
7 9 RB Win 5
10 10 RB Loss -7
10 11 FB Loss -3
11 12 RB Win 5
11 13 News Win 5
11 14 RB Win 6
12 15 RB Win 5
12 16 RB Loss -5
12 17 news Win 12
12 18 RB Win 12
14 19 FB Win 4
14 20 BB Win 4
14 21 News Win 11
16 22 REV Win 5.4
16 23 FB Win 5
17 24 RB Win 10
17 25 FB Win 5
17 26 News Win 22
18 27 MACK Win 5
18 28 RB Win 5
18 29 Mack BE 1
18 30 RB Win 6
19 31 FB Win 12
19 32 News Win 11
19 32 News Win 6
19 33 News Win 60
21 34 MACK Win 4.6
24 35 BB Win 1.5
25 36 None Win 9
25 37 None Win 5
27 38 RB Win 7
27 39 FB Win 1.5
28 40 BB Loss -6
28 41 BB Win 10
30 42 News Win 5
31 43 FB Win 10

total pips 318.7
average 7.5
Traderallen there is some good advice in your earlier post about staying focussed. Also on the days I can trade I’m trying to limit myself to 1-2 hours sessions as you do, it’s much better fully concentrating a shorter session than getting bored and distracted watching the charts all day
I use Ninjatrader for my charting with MB trading demo connection, but I have noticed the printed bars can change when I reopen the platform. This is a trade I took today, which at the time appeared as a DD long setting up right on the EMA, but after re opening the platform and looking at the same bars now there are 7 bars in the setup, so it appears as a BB and underneath the EMA, and many more bars in the pullback.

Is this because historical data is now loading, different to the live feed?


  • Diffence live to history.jpg
    Diffence live to history.jpg
    111.9 KB · Views: 209
Tick charts always load backwards so any time you open a ninja trader chart it always looks slightly different. That's why I always suggest taking a snapshot of your trade right after closing the order so you always refer back to exactly what you're looking at. the new charts are created from the last new tick and backfilled with the data.
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Ok that makes sense now, and yes I have just noticed that when I open my platform this morning, a new tick bar starts instantly.
Tick charts always load backwards so any time you open a ninja trader chart it always looks slightly different. That's why I always suggest taking a snapshot of your trade right after closing the order so you always refer back to exactly what you're looking at. the new charts are created from the last new tick and backfilled with the data.

I'm using Ninja with MBT data as well. i have not noticed this thing. That should not be like that. A chart is a chart , once a bar is on the chart it should stay there for good . That is what happened , this bar and this tick number is history , any time someone wants to look it up what happened at this time it must be the same , it must be there as it was at the this particular time. Except of course if somebody wants to rewrite trade history or provides some bogus make believe , made up information for traders.
I'm using Ninja with MBT data as well. i have not noticed this thing. That should not be like that. A chart is a chart , once a bar is on the chart it should stay there for good . That is what happened , this bar and this tick number is history , any time someone wants to look it up what happened at this time it must be the same , it must be there as it was at the this particular time. Except of course if somebody wants to rewrite trade history or provides some bogus make believe , made up information for traders.

I don't no of any tick chart platform that don't do this. Its the nature of how a tick chart is made. There not like a time based chart there is no reference point to build a chart from till you ask for it. So you close out a chart and open it again the reference point to start counting from changes.