I think we should kidnap Sarkozy and put him in Number 10. The French have done well with him IMHO.
Premature. Very premature judgement...
🙄 What do you base this on - two days in office?
I remember the optimism and highs I felt when Blair got in. Don't ask me how I feel about him now.
All I remember is he spent a lot more time abroad in his first term in office than he did at home.
We are now fighting to keep Barking Hospital open in Redbridge (King Georges hospital closed several years before). Can't begin to imagine where all it's patients will go when it closes. Really can't.
😢 This is because we have had more money spent on NHS which was much better managed.
😆 Yes I can clearly see the results so we don't need as many hospitals as before because the ones we do have are so much more efficient. Stupid or what?
You can't send your kids to the nearest school because they are full of clever gits from 10 miles outside the borough. League tables and targets are there to be manipulated. Not about learning anymore just learning how to pass exams. Universities don't believe that standards have risen nor do the business but hey Mr spin says otherwise. So you end up sending you children to a school 3 miles down the road instead of the one 200 yards on the otherside of the block.
The army is virtually up in revolt as many think they are fighting a losing war. Remember the general who spoke out. It was like as if a coup had just been orchestrated against parliament. He was shut up pretty quickly eh? What happened to his point and comments. Bet he got a good kicking in white hall. I can see politicians saying give me 5 minutes in darkened room with him. Those politicians... Savages they are... :cheesy:
The police are fighting a losing battle and are blamed for the terrorists that do get through. Remember, not a question of if but when? Ask Mr Bresident and he'll tell you we are now living in a much safer world than before because he did what he believed - hand on heart was right and he still holds this view. Somebody should put him in the white padded cell for 5 minutes so he finds his sanity.
Prisons are full and view on punishment is we are sending too many to prison let's be nice and stick a shiny ASBO label and tag their ankles and tell em to sit at home and play nicely. In turn these ASBO stickers are like recognition of talent and are considered to be rank status. They are selling on eBay - Buy a tag and have respect.
😆 Do it the easy way without getting caught...
😆 😆 😆 Crazy but true...
Private finance initiative is the best they can come up with for more investment. How to screw the tax payer for more whilst offering less services - which will be better managed so statisticians (the 'management') will tell us we are getting more value for money. Yeah right.
I saw my accountant last week. Mention G.Brown and IR and he puts his hands to his head and rubs his temples. All the controls and changes he says are not good at all. Too much meddling and changes that makes the system complicated. He didn't go into detail but I could see stress take a strangle hold on him. All I know is body language dont lie.
Two points I do agree on were good ideas brought in by Labour are...
1. Making the BoE independant
2. Minimum wage
Let's weigh it up...
😱 🙄 Tough call. :cheesy: