Going back to answer the Original Post,
Bitcoin, or rather, cryptocurrency, IS the future of money.
Few Traders understand Crypto.
They see things either as a Currency
Or a Commodity
Or an Asset
Which results a lot of speculative trading & all the wild fluctuations in value for which it is notorious.
Cryptocurrency is the future of the exchange of goods, services and rights between people.
It will become this because it addresses and solves the issues of trust, corruption, manipulation and central control of traditional currency systems.
However, for these very reasons, it is will be strenuously and vigorously opposed by the vested interests of the established way of doing things.
Fiat currency and in particular the Fractional Reserve Model is fundamentally flawed by design.
All fiat currencies fail. Often spectacularly.
When this next happens, then people will perhaps turn to using Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange.
But right now, the vast majority simply don't consider it s practical or valuable in everyday exchange.
This will change.
Meanwhile, feel free to speculate on which super new bitcoin variant will make your fortune.