Bitcoin future?

What is your Bitcoin price prediction for 2020

from post

After getting year 2019 right (not exact but close, close, close with the 6,908) now I will shoot for year 2020. Prediction made on Jan 31/2020 in Los Angeles, CA

then toward my original targets in post #11 of 13-18k during year 2020 Possible = 18,825.

Mummy, see Bitcoin's future for 2020. Will update and modify if I see something developing with a new angle or twist. Until then, this prediction has the date and time and d**K stamp of Big Joe. There ain't nothing better.


Now fetch me some water from the well. I like my water fresh.
When I return I fully expect to see ............... at the bottom of the thread

Your posting priveleges have been revoked

(Circular motion with the right hand!)
Over the past 2 years, Bitcoin has become mainstream, and many people have begun to invest in it. Since its cost is high, people are now investing in various altcoins that can be easily exchanged for qtum price. Altcoins such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, etc., turned out to be an excellent investment for both short-term and long-term trading.
right now its coasting but i think we are in for a few more small surges before a big hit upwards
My cryptocurrencies have been doing really well since all the speculators bailed out.

Well out-performing the stock markets in terms of stability and recovery.

The only problems have been network connectivity- internet being overloaded by all the unwashed masses confined to their homes with nothing better to do than browse fakebook for coronagossip.

The overall market outlook of digital currency is good. Trading on a good platform will make many people feel safe to invest in it.
What is safe platform in your view? Can we consider FX brokers which offer bitcoin CFDs as reliable platform for speculations? Do you know any of them?
What is safe platform in your view? Can we consider FX brokers which offer bitcoin CFDs as reliable platform for speculations? Do you know any of them?
Now I know a relatively safe platform, so do you specialize in investing in Bitcoin?
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In my opinion, Bitcoin is the world's currency of the future. Everyone knows that if you have a large enough amount of bitcoins, you need a secure bitcoin wallet, otherwise there is a chance of going bankrupt. I have been using bitcoinofficial for a long time. I can recommend it to anyone who thinks bitcoins are the currency of the future and who want to keep their bitcoins safe.
I don't agree with the theories that bitcoin might become a single world currency. If we're talking about the future potential of cryptos, it looks like CBDC's are where we're headed on the long run.

But this year has been good for bitcoin in terms of acceptance.
I don't agree with the theories that bitcoin might become a single world currency. If we're talking about the future potential of cryptos, it looks like CBDC's are where we're headed on the long run.

But this year has been good for bitcoin in terms of acceptance.
Which are what exactly ?
''I don't agree with the theories that bitcoin might become a single world currency. If we're talking about the future potential of cryptos, it looks like CBDC's are where we're headed on the long run.''

You're right, of course;- there's simply no way Governments are going to tolerate a decentralized currency over which they have no control becoming a de-facto world currency. Not a chance.

What they are all busy working on is a Central Bank equivalent that they'll call a cryptocurrency and will then outlaw the others in the same way they banish things like local community currencies or anything else that might undermine or rival the official legal tender being the only legal tender.

But one would remind folks of the reason that Bitcoin was developed in the wake of the last financial crisis- specifically to eliminate the meltdowns caused by corrupt or Lax Regulators, Markets, as manipulated by Governments & Central Banks.

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You're right, of course;- there's simply no way Governments are going to tolerate a decentralized currency over which they have no control becoming a de-facto world currency. Not a chance.

What they are all busy working on is a Central Bank equivalent that they'll call a cryptocurrency and will then outlaw the others in the same way they banish things like local community currencies or anything else that might undermine or rival the official legal tender being the only legal tender.

But one would remind folks of the reason that Bitcoin was developed in the wake of the last financial crisis- specifically to eliminate the meltdowns caused by corrupt or Lax Regulators, Markets, as manipulated by Governments & Central Banks.

Not been here since 2012, when i ran the Forex Net Trap forum and private members forum. Happy days, ended up a £2-3k in profit over a few years. I quit trading in 2013 when i discovered Bitcoin. Fair to say i aquired a reasonable amount abd instantly understood it's importance and never sold through 2 bear markets.

I sit on six figure £££ gains, and will never sell more than 50% even in BTC passes $100k next year.

They will never ban bitcoin, it will also never however be a worldwide currency, but what it will be, is Digital Gold , the hardest asset ever, as even Gold inflates a 2% p/a through mining. Gold's worth halves in value every 35 years due to supply inflation, buy it for you Newborn today and it will be worth 1/4 of it's value when they retire @ 70.

How ever bitcoins inflation halves ever 4 years approx, and its current inflation rate since May 2020 is just 1.8%. In 2024 it will drop to 0.9% , 2028 0.45% , 2032 0.225% , 2036 0.1125% , and in 2 decades time, just 2040 0.05625% per year. Gold supply will still inflate at 2%. it's the hardest financial asset ever.

This is why institutional investors and billionaires are now taking a position, by 2021 Bitcoins market cap will easily be over $1 trillion, sounds impossible? that's only 3.37 x the market cap from now, or $54k per BTC.

Buy some now!!!

Anyway just came here to change my email address, i may check back in 2029 after the 5th BTC halving and see who was right, from my Yacht!
Which are what exactly ?
You mean CBDC's? Cental bank digital currencies, such as the digital yuan that was in the news a lot not long ago. Basically the digital, blockchain based alternative for individual countries' fiat money. Like cryptos, but centralised.