Bitcoin correlated stock-Potential stock to skyrocket


Yesterday I checked the announcement of Future Fintech Group (NASDAQ: FTFT). In the past six months, they have successively issued announcements to acquire Hong Kong Nice Talent Asset Management, Sichuan Tema supply chain management, Indonesia Asiasens Investment Holding and Bitcoin Bank in the Caribbean, Blocknance etc, but none of them seemed to have officially completed the acquisition. As a small retail investor, I called to ask about this. Their staff answered mainly because of the Covid-19, which prevented the due diligence from being implemented as planned. The approval of the local government of the acquired company was also delayed due to the Covid-19. However, it should continue in the near future. M&A will be completed.

I personally think that FTFT itself is a blockchain concept stock. The stock price has recently risen with the skyrocketing of Bitcoin; once these acquisitions are completed, the stock cannot rise 10 times? I have listed these announcements. What do my friends think? Let's discuss it together. Maybe there is another GME hidden here.

★Future Fintech and Blocknance Signed Term Sheet for Potential Acquisition

★Future FinTech Enters Into Indonesia Market, and Signs Share Exchange Agreement to Acquire Asiasens Investment Holding Pte. Ltd.

★Future Fintech and Benma (Shenzhen) Industrial Co. Ltd. Signed an Equity Acquisition Frame Agreement

★Future FinTech Announces Acquisition of Nice Talent Asset Management
Yesterday I checked the announcement of Future Fintech Group (NASDAQ: FTFT). In the past six months, they have successively issued announcements to acquire Hong Kong Nice Talent Asset Management, Sichuan Tema supply chain management, Indonesia Asiasens Investment Holding and Bitcoin Bank in the Caribbean, Blocknance etc, but none of them seemed to have officially completed the acquisition. As a small retail investor, I called to ask about this. Their staff answered mainly because of the Covid-19, which prevented the due diligence from being implemented as planned. The approval of the local government of the acquired company was also delayed due to the Covid-19. However, it should continue in the near future. M&A will be completed.

I personally think that FTFT itself is a blockchain concept stock. The stock price has recently risen with the skyrocketing of Bitcoin; once these acquisitions are completed, the stock cannot rise 10 times? I have listed these announcements. What do my friends think? Let's discuss it together. Maybe there is another GME hidden here.

★Future Fintech and Blocknance Signed Term Sheet for Potential Acquisition

★Future FinTech Enters Into Indonesia Market, and Signs Share Exchange Agreement to Acquire Asiasens Investment Holding Pte. Ltd.

★Future Fintech and Benma (Shenzhen) Industrial Co. Ltd. Signed an Equity Acquisition Frame Agreement

★Future FinTech Announces Acquisition of Nice Talent Asset Management

Interesting post ive not considered stocked correlated to BTC before. Ill definitely look more into this
I would caution against looking for the next GME, but you make a valid point about correlated or associated stock.

If you are looking for individual stock opportunities it is worth looking behind the scenes very often, so for example rather than buying a finished article, who is involved in the manufacture of components for the company who sell the finished item.

A good example of this can be demonstrated by my experience of working with a fund manager quite a few years back. China was growing it's infrastructure massively at the time, and we were looking at taking some strategic positions in the region to take advantage, particularly in construction. At the time, in the southern provinces a high number of steel mills were built simply to keep up with building demand. However it was clear to us that after the boom, not all of the mills would be able to sustain production.
So, which ones should we invest in? Not easy, even after visiting the region because at the time all were highly productive.
So the decision? Invest in none of them, and instead take positions in the iron ore extractors in Australia - who supplied all of the steel mills.

So yes, the business hitting the headlines might be a good investment, but who else is benefitting from their success - worth researching.