Big Apology - so embarrassed


Legendary member
I have really let myself down this morning

To compensate - I have come straight out with it - and have apologised here on my LIVE thread

Thread 27382

My mistake was posting an excellent LIVE scalp on the Eur /Aud a few times - in advance - ie prior to the move

This is just not on - as all my dissers and haters know - I never do that - ROFL

OK - on average out of the 2700+ calls I have made on the thread - there might have only been only a 1000 plus - genuinely - by mistake prior to my entry - and this of course was wrong - I should always enter - before I post my call - as making money is surely more important than giving out free intraday FX calls

I am also sorry that my calls are specifically designed using language that only true followers would understand - as its just not industry standard speak - shame

I also apologise for spending approximately 9 months assisting Major Magnum to learn and trade my method and then for him to subject himself to so much stick for taking a demo up 2000% in just a few days. ( proof available of all calls )

I mean that type of stuff is just not on - but I had told him he really needed over a 1000 live intraday trades before he starts increasing his own LIVE trading account by a more sensible 10% per week - with no stake over 1%


I an going back now into my shell - as I am a quiet introverted ( nearly OAP) person and really should have known it's just not on to help traders - free of charge - with proper ways - that work - not all the standard Industry cr** / rubbish

Have a great Trading month

I will

Best Regards

I am really beginning to think many members here just do not get the irony in my post

Just like my Live tread - it seems to go way over their head

Members are just not thinking things out correctly before dissing etc

Maybe thats another reason why so many traders fail and end up beating themselves up - or taking it out via their comments

Looks like that guy in the picture had also forget to think things through before meeting the plane

Always engage brain before making actions of any type ;-)
I am really beginning to think many members here just do not get the irony in my post

Just like my Live tread - it seems to go way over their head

Members are just not thinking things out correctly before dissing etc

Maybe thats another reason why so many traders fail and end up beating themselves up - or taking it out via their comments

Looks like that guy in the picture had also forget to think things through before meeting the plane

Always engage brain before making actions of any type ;-)

For a long time I thought you were just a walter mitty but not anymore ..I actually believe you have the mad cow 😆
For a long time I thought you were just a walter mitty but not anymore ..I actually believe you have the mad cow 😆

I will admit I do like a nice fillet steak - medium rare - no sauces - just French mustard

That must explain it all - lol

I have so much time to waste today - in between the 10 to 15 trades i will take - trading is so boring when you get to my level etc

With regards comments in your thread showing your own trades in forums around the internet - maybe one day when you have had trouble with the HMRC- then you might change your ideas. But don't worry it only happens after large £10k+ wins so you will have many many years still to find out

Live and Learn ;-)

Regards - sorry Mooooo

I will admit I do like a nice fillet steak - medium rare - no sauces - just French mustard

That must explain it all - lol

I have so much time to waste today - in between the 10 to 15 trades i will take - trading is so boring when you get to my level etc

With regards comments in your thread showing your own trades in forums around the internet - maybe one day when you have had trouble with the HMRC- then you might change your ideas. But don't worry it only happens after large £10k+ wins so you will have many many years still to find out

Live and Learn ;-)

Regards - sorry Mooooo


that maybe so but demo money isnt real so you will never know at all
how about don't include the money in your statements, and make it just show the pips??
Nothing to worry about then?
Yesterdays results, please.
how about don't include the money in your statements, and make it just show the pips??
Nothing to worry about then?

Very good point

I have finished my 12 months at the end of this month

I have more than 2 live accounts - no comment on how many in total

If I did that - would that then prove to everyone I am just totally conceited and very big headed and therefore not a nice person though ?

Good Trading

Very good point

I have finished my 12 months at the end of this month

I have more than 2 live accounts - no comment on how many in total

If I did that - would that then prove to everyone I am just totally conceited and very big headed and therefore not a nice person though ?

Good Trading

I am a very good judge of character and i believe you are making profits and want to help others.scepticism and cynicism are also good qualities so i know where the haters are coming from.F its friday .Give us a treat and post em.:clap:👍
A year, eh - well you know what they say: you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time (or maybe a yearsworth 🙂)

Keep truckin' mon brave :drunk:

Hi Jon

I liked your comment - mainly because of the "keep truckin" part

But with regards to the fooling people - I take exception to that - the reasons being as follows -

I I start a thread and was attacked by idiots from day one - OK I did go in hard and over the top - to rattle the dissers cages -

2. I change my ways slightly to accommodate the lags in the systems - with many followers not seeing some posts until up to 5 mins after I post them - and if the page changes meanwhile - they get lost and only seen if the members check back

3. I openly explain my methods - on the thread - and on another thread - which yet again was attacked from day one

4. I then take a trader who I have never met - have no arrangements with at all - totally not connected etc - only via a mutual known trader from another forum - and spend 8 months - on the thread - taking him through the method and taking live calls with him and generally explaining what he needed to do

5. This trader Major Magnum - had already spent 18 months or so learning the basics of forex trading and was into Harmonics and Pitchforks - but was still not trading profitable on going

6. Besides assisting MM - I also explain openly on the thread what I am doing along with my own sayings and abbreviations and chart set up with time windows and linear regressions.

7. I explain the hard work and chart time required to really get there

8. I work to assist intraday FX traders on this forum - totally free of charge - I make my money trading - I do not send any PM's - and ignore the request to go one to one etc and even take money off other people etc etc

9. I am polite to all normal members and very helpful - and only give lip to dissers etc

10. I refuse point blank to even show just one trade on one of my live platforms- its none of any members business if i make $20 a - $200 - $2000 or even $10k per day - What on earth has that got to do with traders I don't know etc etc- and even then it could be totally made up if I really wanted to get down that line - just like clocking a car - what you want to see on a live account - £50 k in a week or what.

However MM - my only student so far who has spent 8 months working hard to change to scalping and short term intraday trading - was recently challanged to take part in a demo contest on another forum

MM as already been trading live for a few months - and might even have shown some of his live trades etc - felt that he needed to show what he could achieve in a demo contest - so instead of taking part for a few weeks or month and taking him off his live trading progression - he opened up a demo on Monday and then took $3k to now $72k + in just a few days - ie approx 2500 % increase in under a week

Now all proper traders know demo is totally different to live - because of mindset emotions etc with real live money - especially if its your own

I had told MM - to stay on his live account and by the time he got to a 1000 live trades - ie in under a couple of month - he could then start upping the anti etc etc

He wanted to see what he could do on demo - purely to answer any critics - even moderators - who think all out trading is hindsight

Well you cannot even trade demo by hindsight - lol

Yes - all the figures could have been totally forged etc etc - But I know they were not - why even bother on a demo

So you have the audacity to say I am fooling people ??

I thought you were a sensible member Jon - who called it as you see it

Ok I am arrogant and a pain - if dissed - but so is Jose Mourinho - so was Michael Schumacher - so are so may experts at there craft.

But away from the the forum dissers and nutters - I am polite - helpful - rarely rude and openly admit what I can and cannot do

Maybe - you now might see the other side ;-)


Good Trading

A few people have contacted me here and on other sites re what happened to fxmo and MM

They are both fit and well and absolutely still creaming the market .....believe me

they were both banned from t2win ......still such is life ......I still am learning from them so no complaints here

A few people have contacted me here and on other sites re what happened to fxmo and MM

They are both fit and well and absolutely still creaming the market .....believe me

they were both banned from t2win ......still such is life ......I still am learning from them so no complaints here


Must be psychic Neil...ordinary mortals would require proof of such trading claims. None was ever offered to my knowledge !