Best way to get rich from low capital. Your portfolio


Hey guys. I have about 15,000 to my name. I convert vans to campervans as a hobby. I'm a bit undecided on which path to go Down ATM. I'd like to get some opinions on how to turn 5,000 into bigger money. I want to diversify and wanted a fixed percentage return with a 1/3 of my money. However to me it doesn't seem any point because you get 5% annual return unless you got about 100,000 to get decent returns theres no point.
a 1/3 into property. Once you got property I think it definitely gives me some breathing space financially. The other 1/3 trade with stocks. Swing and position trading i think.

So the q's really is... what's the best way to earn alot from £5,000???
Opinions are much appreciated. 🙂
Buy 5,000 lottery tickets.
Unless you know what your doing turning 5k into something big on stocks alone might be take a while. I would maybe look at the likes of an ETF which follows the rate of something depending on the fund. I.e Gold,Ftse 100 etc

If your willing to do a bit more then perhaps learn to trade futures or FX but this can become time consuming. Or find someone credible and have them trade your money for you with a certain % guaranteed of your initial investment as safe money. The returns with these latter options will be much higher, but they carry a higher risk also.

5K for property? I think not! Ignoring the stamp duty, solicitors fees, survey fees etc - the biggest LTV you get these days is 90%, that means you can afford £50,000 provided you can get the mortgage. Not a lot you can buy for that. BTL mortgages are very expensive at the moment - usually a fee of around £2,000 is payable.

To your last question - there are many ways to "earn alot" from £5000 - something I'm sure you haven't considered - to make money you have to risk money. Given your limited knowledge and experience how would you feel if you lost this £5000 on those risky trades?
get rich...this is the dream. if you really want to go for it then risk £500 per trade and aim for 3:1 so £1500 profit. keep doing that on good high quality setups on Daily timeframe say......I'm not recommending this but you want to get some fast cash right ? - what about putting 1k on a footy match or high stakes black jack ??

alternatively be sensible and get rich over time....slowly
I was talking to this woman in my work about this guy who sold up everything, all assets house car furniture etc.

He then took all his family to Las Vegas and made them watch as he put everything on red lol.
Thanks for the advice guys. Curious to know best way to grow the money steadily because i know capital is very important and I want to bet less than 2% a trade.

Regarding the property comment. I meant when I have more capital I would like to split my money 3 ways lol/ I know you can't get a house for 5,000 😛. Sorry if I was a bit unclear I'm doing this off my mobile.

So what would you do if you started with 5,000 guys? Do you think that's enough? I know it's no red paper clip 🙂
Thanks for the advice guys. Curious to know best way to grow the money steadily because i know capital is very important and I want to bet less than 2% a trade.

Regarding the property comment. I meant when I have more capital I would like to split my money 3 ways lol/ I know you can't get a house for 5,000 😛. Sorry if I was a bit unclear I'm doing this off my mobile.

So what would you do if you started with 5,000 guys? Do you think that's enough? I know it's no red paper clip 🙂

By far the most likely outcome of trading with your 5k is that you will lose most or all of it. I'm saying that because that is what happens to the vast majority of people. It could take years to become profitable even if you are studying it full time.
Depending on what your wanting to trade, you can be profitable in 6 months. (Here come the haters)

Just find someone to teach you, whoes reputable. I was lucky in this sense when the person who taught me did, first thing I asked was this can take years right? He just said LOL. No people make this harder than this is. 6 Months and you have it or you don't

Hopefully some encouragement.

And its not BS which im sure someone will swoop in and say, I learned at 18 im 19 now and earning plenty.

So after that half rant, find what you want to trade find a mentor, Job Done