Best place in the world to trade?

I agree with Mr C and BBB, Florida's where it's at.

Miami or Miami Beach. Nice weather, babes galore, no income tax, great nightlife and cheap (certainly cheaper than London). English language, plenty flights back to Blighty.
Time Zone's perfect as well. :cheesy:

But watch out for hurricanes.

Why no income tax??!!
You're all wrong!😉

Canada is the place to be. Fantastic scenery, great people, EST, not nearly as much crime or problems as the states but just as cheap.

Miami???? Are you mad? Its a dump and there are shedloads of murders there if you do so much as take a wrong turn off the main strip.

Yep that is where i trade from!! Moved from London to a very small town in Ontario. Some days trade Europe some days US. Summers are amazing and winters there is plenty to do, cost of living is pretty good too, CAD$ is almost 2-1 against £ but if it costs a quid in UK then CAD$1 here. Property is pretty good aswell once you move outside the GTA.

I just had a house built in a small town (biggest freshwater beach in the world, but ski resort 15km's away) on almost 1 acre, 7 bedroom, 5 bathroom, and fully sound proofed office with all wiring in ready to go for trading...cost about £300k

I also know a couple of other traders who trade from home nearer the GTA..1 uses a T1 line fixed to Montreal..i personally trade on a VPN link to London and in 1 year have had little or no problems. The amazing summers made it easy to just walk away and forget trading in July and August this year, whilst the cold winters make me focus int he months that are historically my best.

If it is fit women that you are after then look no further than Montreal, i swear they lock up all the mingers there.
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Uh oh... I was also looking for the best place in the world to trade and I found that maybe that's where I am: Porto, Portugal. Let's see...

1. Warm Climate

Average 20 degrees celsius, 30 degrees August, 10 degrees February. Dozens of beaches, bars and SPAs. Tourism is growing. Porto and nearby cities are at the seaside. We have about 1200 Km of seaside in Portugal.

2. In a time zone that can trade the London & New York Markets.

It's GMT: London session 08 AM - 4 PM, NY session 2 PM - 22 PM.

3. Reliable internet connections

Three fiber optics providers: Zon, Clix and Meo. See prices/month:

- ZON Multimedia

- Clix FIBRA - O poder da Fibra Óptica

- MEO Fibra - À velocidade da luz Serviços e Equipamentos (TV + NET)

These are retail fiber optics providers. You also have Vodafone, TMN and Optimus mobile internet providers. We have good cable and ADSL, but everyone is upgrading to fiber.

4. Low income tax

- No need to apply for commercial activity, IRS for capital gains was 10 percent but I think the law changed this year so I don't know how it works or if you need to declare it here.

5. Good health service and schools.

- Several public/private universities inside the city, many hospitals, many many clinics and family health centers.

6. Easy immigration with a UK passport.

You don't need special formalities to be here - Portugal is an EEA (European Economic Area) member, just like the UK. That means, if you have a UK passport you don't need nothing more.

From the USA, I think it's easy and there must be no special restrictions.

And that's not all.

- Good transportation (brand new Metro network)
- Consumer products are cheap
- Renting is exploding (you can rent an appartment for 400 euros/month)
- We have about 6 big shopping malls with free Wi-fi connections.
- We have IKEA, MacDonalds, Burger King, Blockbuster, Pizza Hut, Warner Cinemas, all that stuff.
- City parks
- One of the best ATM machine networks
- Excelent mobile phone services - it's very usual for a portuguese to have 2 or 3 mobile phones

TIP: do a Google street view.
i thought trading is ok anywhere in the world as long as there is good internet connection available. Hmmm, should ask my friend what he likes about trading in the Philippines. He's been here for like a year already. He likes the weather a lot. And the beaches too. 🙂
Philippines hey

i thought trading is ok anywhere in the world as long as there is good internet connection available. Hmmm, should ask my friend what he likes about trading in the Philippines. He's been here for like a year already. He likes the weather a lot. And the beaches too. 🙂

"Yes i am thinking of moving there in January for a year or two, could you give me a contact detail cause i have some questions about internet speed and what not. Thanks in advance.
O I see you are from the there?
"Yes i am thinking of moving there in January for a year or two, could you give me a contact detail cause i have some questions about internet speed and what not. Thanks in advance.
O I see you are from the there?

really? where are you planning to stay? if you would opt to live in the city there are a lot of good internet service providers here. People are really nice too.
Online trading is okay. So that wherever you are, you make money. Everywhere is a strategic location. All you need is a good signal, good ISP, and good IT unit. But the risk is higher.
NOw, can anyone make suggestions or perhaps safer strategies for online trading?
where does one go to get 0-5% net taxes on short term capital gains without being a resident, just a visa? a list would be much appreciated
Where is the best place for New York time zone with CHEAP living costs?
I don't have much capital as I am a student...but made 120% return this year....and would love to start doing this as a living while I travel the world as well. I would love to go to Cambodia or Thailand with cheap expenses but the time zone is too bad
Rumour has it that one has to be careful where one goes if one is white. e.g. Jamaica used to be a peaceful island paradise but now is too unsafe for foreigners except in fenced off tourist areas. Drug cartels/pigsty cultures run some of these places now.
So take care
how did you make a return of 120% ?.

Where is the best place for New York time zone with CHEAP living costs?
I don't have much capital as I am a student...but made 120% return this year....and would love to start doing this as a living while I travel the world as well. I would love to go to Cambodia or Thailand with cheap expenses but the time zone is too bad
how did you make a return of 120% ?.

i either got really lucky this year or just analyzed the markets way too much... im actually up 260% for the year... I bought VXX from May and was long TMF since Feburary... I also bought TVIX on Oct 27th and sold it on the 30th for a 60% pop in 2-3 days.
You can check my blog for the calls I have been making...
HeavensKrow Investments
It's very difficult topic to get a conclusion where best to trade. It depends on what products, how attractive of the product , the purchase capbility of the region you trade to and how much of their demonds. If you got a very good product, I think China might be a ideally place to bring you huge money.