Best place in the world to trade?

Dubai. Good clean environment. Multicultural population. Great beaches and one of the best tourist spots in the Middle East. Reliable internet connection too!!!

Is buying a place in Florida still a good investment ,dose anyone own a villa there,would like to hear how things are going ,are you pleased with your investment ,etc, cheers .
I was speaking to someone last week about this.

You can pick up a 4 bed three bathroom for less than £140,000 with the current exchange rate. The person i was talking too was getting an average occupancy around 9 months of the year for his Villa and is buying more.

However I don't think House prices tend to rise in the US like they can do here.

Given interest rates and other costs I reckon you need around 25 weeks occupancy to break even, maybe someone who actually does this can give a real world example?

Of course if you buy one in joint names you can deduct a return flight and other costs against the income as expenses or so I've been told ;o)

aha! I am going there to live in September, any experience of trading there? their IT is naff and their broadband is typically the width of a strand of cotton but hey...

According to me the yank markets open at about 2130 there (Bangkok local time), I am sort of worried about late nights...


andrewmooton said:
yep. gotta agree with zarif on that one.

I lived in Thailand for 2 years b4 coming back to the UK.

I'm going back there as soon as I can afford to, hopefully for good.
David Brook said:
£40,00 to do what?

Lived in Oz for 16 years, great spot. Gods own country.


I was responding to AA99's post yesterday, but hadn't realised there were so many posts in between. I Thought I was going to be the next post.

It isn't the first time I've 'lost quotes'....(nor the last I'm sure).

adrianallen99 said:
I lived in Newzealand for a year, I would probably go back there. In fact when I have enough cash I will 🙂

Need about £300,000 to get residency as an investor
You can get residency in New Zealand with less, just if you have $1,000,000+ you can apply for residency as an investor. As mentioned in another post, Im not allowed to enter Australia until 2005/6 as I have been excluded from the country due to trying to enter on the wrong visa.

Even with the time difference NZ would be my choice, although I have been offered a trading job in Mexico and have been told there are some nice places there and the beaches are great.
What about Iraq?

Great weather, and its now officially an 'emerging market', so Im sure there are lots of opportunities for the commercially minded. As for trading, their currency can only go one way now (that it's worthless). Similar situation to Argentina. Worthless currency one minute, triple your money over the next four months!

Property is dead cheap too. Petrol price is rock bottom.

There are loads of fat brainless yanks there - so you'll feel just like you're in Florida.

The best bit though is that there is no government, so you dont have to pay any tax 😉

See ya - Im packin' my bags......
I hear that there are weapons of mass distruction in Iraq, so be careful.

Personally, having lived abroad for 7 years of my life I now prefer living here and taking lots of holiday. Although S.E.Asia is the closest I have been to staying away.
Gordon Gekko said:
Are there any opinions as to where the best place in the world to trade is. Factors to take into consideration:

1. Warm Climate

2. In a time zone that can trade the London & New York Markets.

3. Reliable internet connections

4. Low income tax

5. Good health service and schools.

6. Easy immigration with a UK passport.

What do you people out there reckon?

Hi guys, is there any new place apart from few mentioned already since it has been over 2 years since most people post their replies to this thread. So far these countries have been mentioned South Africa, Thailand, Italy, Spain, USA, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Dubai, Cyprus, Barbados, UK Surely it must be more than these 12 countries.

It will be very interesting to hear from people from all over the world. Comments or experience from Carribean, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America and Africa will be much appreciated.

I have heard good comment from some countries like Seychelles, South Africa and Mauritius in Africa Is there any other good African country which meet above criteria.

Eastern Europe:- Heard positive stories about Slovenia. Anybody living in these countries or have been there?

How about Brazil is anybody trading from there.
Pat494 said:
What are you - NUTS or something ? LOL ( sorry coudnt resist it !)

Why "NUTS or something?" Feel free to express you opinion,criticism and say whatever you want but don't call people NUTS without giving any reason It is not good and is rude. No need to insult others. Of course you could resist if you wanted to, it is not that hard.

You could explain at least mention one reasons why is not good place to trade That would have been more intelligent way to carry out your argument.

Or you could have ignore the post and move on. No need to answer NUTS post if nothing else you would have save yourself precious time.

Most places some people would consider it good place to trade and others will consider the same place not good enough. But if there are reasons mentioned people can make their own judgement.
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bizmanny said:
Why "NUTS or something?" Feel free to express you opinion,criticism and say whatever you want but don't call people NUTS without giving any reason It is not good and is rude. No need to insult others. Of course you could resist if you wanted to, it is not that hard.

You could explain at least mention one reasons why is not good place to trade That would have been more intelligent way to carry out your argument.

Or you could have ignore the post and move on. No need to answer NUTS post if nothing else you would have save yourself precious time.

Most places some people would consider it good place to trade and others will consider the same place not good enough. But if there are reasons mentioned people can make their own judgement.

Erm, chill Biz.... think about it.... (Brazil) nuts! 😆
Sorry guys, Pat494 i think somewhat i didn't see the relation but now understood. It is all good.