Becoming a successful forex trader

You no longer visit TSD, because you where banned. You where identified as a "commercial scammer", and furthermore you where accused of attempting to solicit funds from members.

Funnily enough, you where desperate enough to actually pay TSD to access EA's via their elite subscription service. Quite why anyone who had the first clue would need to do this really is beyond me. 😆

I paid $20 for two months then ditched them.It is all lies printed behind my back...LIKE A STAB IN THE BACK.It is what TSD is good at.

Why the hell would you want to pay $20 ?

What exactly did you expect to achieve by doing this ?

By your own admission you are not a coder, why would you wish to participate in a forum dedicated to open source development ?

The more cynical amongst us might suspect that the accusations that you joined in desperation to get your hands on an EA are actually true. The fact that you renamed and repackaged EA's from TSD tends to lend support to these accusations.

The fact that you are incapable of answering the most basic of questions tends to lend support to the argument that you don't have the foggiest clue as to what you are doing.

Now, just in case you forgot, I'm still waiting for your input on that little classification problem. Come on El Cid, lets see you answer the question.


You have to realise this is a thread about succesful forex trading.All your posts are off topic.Is this all u can do in threads ?Just ruin it for others

Please show some consideration for readers and other members of this message board.If u have a problem with that ,please ask for help to the moderators

Please do not post OFF TOPIC

Agreed. Stop it please zupcon. If you haven't made your point by now then you're not going to.

I'll delete any more off topic posts & responses ... if illicit commercial activities were to take place then hit complain and we'll look at it.
Well, after a while you can spot them easily, you know. If someone says 'Bill Lipschulz' or some trader did it this way', it is a fair bet that this person is a bit... If they quote from some book about Lion countries and stuff...hmmm. The definite give away is a Van Thrap follower, what with compounding being a novel concept to people of that ilk.

Trading is hard and the only people who know anything worth listening to are people who have actually done it, regardless of what style they use. Spot the winners and go there. Clue: winners sound different, outside the box.

What, you reckon the stuff everyone repeats ad nauseum can possibly be true? I am a good trader if only I could control my psychology and money management. Yeah right.

I do no sell anything on this forum.There is nothing to discuss or prove about the vendor status.

This is your broken record again and again

Limitations SUCK imho

1 year learn total loss 1.5 K

traded in the money for 1.5 years

doubled 2 accounts while sbing and 1/2 way towards double on next

I am a car painter and I can not spell worth a sh...t my math is very average my discipline is not what I would like and I left school with zip

but obviously good enough to get by

I will never trade complicated options strategies or trade / program a computor to do it for me etc a real limitiation.

WHY the limitations everyware :?::?::?:

once you say or accept a limitation in your mind your done = Resistance😡

No need what so ever to think you are not good enougth just because such and such says this or that and as four degrees one in quantum phisics the other up is own assssssssss hole

I observed many would be snooker players in my youth at a top northern club

at the time there was 16 jobs going in the world (top 16) if you wanted wages that is.

I can tell you now it was not the most talented that made it to the centre stage to take their chance far from it ................

95% of them never got past county level, they were just ...............

WEAK with no back bone to see the job through, never wasted a penny on them with a bet.

Pretty boys with no fight ! there are plenty of names in the top 16 with exceptional talent today who get beaten up many times in a season by good solid journey men who no how to fight.

Read the lot.
Educate yourself the best you can.
Take a good look at yourself and be honest what you can and can not do with a degree of competence.(real limitations obviously exist)

take some time off and ............

DO IT and see what your limitations really are = after the event.

Small stakes at 1st are fine there is no difference thats bullsh...t to imho 1% is 1% fear of failure is what makes the genuine competitors heart beat faster, that fades to a level where it is of more use than hindrance.

take the next shot = take the next shot = take the next shot = take the next shot 100% on each and every one

100% effort in the moment is your job the results will look after themselves

nothing else matters only the next shot NOTHING

DO NOT GAMBLE trade your plan the way you wrote it. Let your opponent GAMBLE

good money management will enable you to take that next shot when trading

Limitations SUCK imho 🙂 all in your head (mine to/ but less so of late 🙂)


sorry flat at minute waiting for price to be touched ~

off on one again 😆

Gone 🙂


U haver made a mistake.It is not sold by me.It is sold by somebody from TSD.

The Probability Meter - Page 2 - Forex Trading

and u all know I do not visit TSD


Oily, I have no idea who is selling it, be it you under a different alias or the ghost of Ben Gurian, but if one goes to TSD and does a search for your name, OH MY GOLLY GOSH --- THERE YOU ARE !!!!!!!

It appears anyway, that you are associated "in some manner" (hows that for being nice ?) with a commercial venture which would tie in pretty well with what youre saying on this post and around the net, so once again --- if its good and it works for you, thats wonderful --- if its for sale and actually works for others, then treat it as such !

I remember a conversation on some thread when the EA contest was going on --- were you not involved in that situation with a EA that did NOT DO WELL ?

Remember, whatever youve said on other sites remains there to be read by anyone !

enjoy and trade well

enjoy and trade well



If I wanted to sell a product I would advertise on EBAY ,Google and Fxfisherman and I would be honest about it.Advertising only costs $200 per month and I would recover the cost.

The FACT that I am no selling anything and I am developing expert advisors for my own use ,is the reason I am here.What is there to admit?

I don't like two faced people.What u see is what u get

U got people mixed up with some EA contest I have nothing to do with

Please stop taking the micky

Mp -- Hey Nine !!

Agreed. Stop it please zupcon. If you haven't made your point by now then you're not going to.

I'll delete any more off topic posts & responses ... if illicit commercial activities were to take place then hit complain and we'll look at it.

I guess its starting to wear, but on the other side of the coin there is obviously something of the iceberg in Oily's posts ---- 90% of it is hidden underwater !

around the net there seems to be a bit of a problem with Oily, and i think some of it should be examined and looked at, if only to bring it out in the open and at best to protect others !

The case has been stated -- the information is available on other sites to check out and will be there forever !

Stopping problems BEFORE they become problems is also part of our responsiblity to newbs, and airing facts and reality should be no problems.

As far as your statements to me Oily, theres a wide paper trail out there and I see no reason to bring up all thats been said about you, and all of your answers ------ I grow tired of this, and dislike flooding peoples mailboxes with excess nothingness, so can we find out what was the ORIGINAL reason behind the thrread, or find something else to disagree about, so as to at least change the subject ??


I have avery good suggestion

Please start a separate thread with all your Hogwash , and take all the posts not realted to this subject to that thread.

U guys can go and post what u like on that thread .U can also invite your masters from Forex TSD

1 year learn total loss 1.5 K
Limitations SUCK imho 🙂 all in your head (mine to/ but less so of late 🙂)
sorry flat at minute waiting for price to be touched ~
off on one again 😆
Gone 🙂

PIG -- gonna be honest here --- didnt like you at first mostly cause i couldnt understand anything you were saying, but Im really beginning to like you a hell of a lot, not to forget you sound like someone I would love covering my back in a pub brawl !

so how much do you want to make ??

You will have to work hard for me to ban you - possible but unlikely except on short term basis unless you join the spammers.

Perhaps instead you will learn that when you've said the same thing 3 ways its enough. My intention, when you harass the originator of the thread sufficiently is simply to delete your posts. But if you want to study the site rules and step over the mark sufficiently far I'll try to meet your needs.

Say what you want to say ... without too many personal insults ... and then wait and see if you are proven right. Then everyone can admire your wisdom and perhaps even drop into Malta to buy you a beer.

As long as Oilfxpro doesn't breach the site rules then he has every right to contribute without harassment.

Now. Thats enough off topic posts. If it gets any worse I'll be forced to tidy up the thread and delete my posts and yours. If you just keep on going everyone will think you are some kind of obsessive.
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During this time in which he is learning and honing his skills,a trader will be paying his 'tuition in tading the same way lawyers,chefs and doctors pay $25,000 a year to learn their craft"

In my view there is simply no comparison between the training and skills acquired by doctors / lawyers and that of traders. In my view people should stop making this analogy as it is totally irrelevant and is just an attempt to make out that successful trading requires PHD level capability which it doesn't.


PIG -- gonna be honest here --- didnt like you at first mostly cause i couldnt understand anything you were saying, but Im really beginning to like you a hell of a lot, not to forget you sound like someone I would love covering my back in a pub brawl !

so how much do you want to make ??


Hi mp

thats what Mrs Pinkpig said 😆

played a lot of snooker for money in my youth and developed a reasonable edge

All the F..ckin way mp, as far as my ability allows ~ until they drag me off the table 😆
IDeleting posts, closing threads, banning people wont make the problem go away. I'll make you a deal, remove El Cids vendor tag, and I'll cease to treat him as a vendor


I have no objection to removing the Vendor tag.If i decide to sell products I would inform everbody first before doing so

For what its worth I quite like the Van Tharp book, although I'm not entirely sure about the books true agenda. The relatively inexperienced will probably fail to see or dismiss the very few words of wisdom the book offers, whilst the more experienced will find Tharps treatment of the subject matter rather lack luster and lacking in detail.

Its quite clear that the books underlying agenda is a marketing tool for further products and services, its very firmly aimed at those who've been about a while but haven't got it figured out, and are therefore susceptible to his pitch. Nevertheless the book has at least a reasonable back of a fag packet types overview of how you might go about getting your ducks in a row to develop a strategy, but its nothing that isn't freely available or much better presented elsewhere. Despite its faults its still a book I'll occasionally dip into.

Temptrader hit the nail on the head really, Its well known that Van Tharp does not trade, nor is he actively involved in systems research, and the book certainly reflects that, and I guess thats why many dismiss the book, in my view perhaps unfairly.

Tharp and Robbins are basically repackaging fundamentally sound concepts, and delivering them in a consumer friendly fashion, targeting I suspect very similar markets.

Take my advice, yachts are for sailing, not trading on.

I say that van Tharp and Elder are useless in the sense that they don't trade. Because they would if they could. And if they could they wouldn't be writing lots of books or offer courses.

The problem with advice and what certain authors spout is that some of it is "good", and the author himself might not know it because he has a different agenda. I am certain that some of the stuff they write is of value, but it makes them hypocrites since they do not trade. In the same sense a simpleton can conjecture something about number theory (for example the Goldbach conjecture) that would stump the experts (and is still an unsolved problem). This is the situation that we find ourselves in with books/so called gurus like this.

Trader333 said:
In my view there is simply no comparison between the training and skills acquired by doctors / lawyers and that of traders. In my view people should stop making this analogy as it is totally irrelevant and is just an attempt to make out that successful trading requires PHD level capability which it doesn't.

Nah, oily here just rehashed that rubbish from books/seminars that he has been to. He doesn't have the foggiest.

I think we ought to be strict with vendors like oily: They should either be forced to put their own money on their own products or not advertise at all. But I have a feeling that might not be in the interests of what keeps this forum going . . . .
In my view there is simply no comparison between the training and skills acquired by doctors / lawyers and that of traders. In my view people should stop making this analogy as it is totally irrelevant and is just an attempt to make out that successful trading requires PHD level capability which it doesn't.



The anology is used due to the losses most new traders make in the early years ,and it has nothing to do with education.

The best traders are morons by their intelligence levels.These people just follow the trends and exit positions and never think for themselves.These morons see a trend and jump on it and they exit faster than anyone else without thinking.They claim to know nothing whilst trading.Their mind is only focussed on entry/exits

If i can find the videos on A C D method ,you will see what I mean

NYMEX Symposium 2003

Please note I do not mean morons in a disrespoectful/insulting way

I actually own a yacht which by your own twisted logic means that I'm someone worth listening too. Work than one out if you can.

The fact I own something that you consider a status symbol does not in any way qualify me to give advice. Perhaps my parents where wealthy, perhaps I won the lottery, perhaps I robbed a bank, perhaps I earned the money. Regardless of how I acquired the means to purchase a yacht is completely irrelevant.

You certainly have issues that need to be worked through.

or perhaps, in your previous life, you stole other people's indicators, combined them by paying p*ss poor programmers to do it for you, talked a load of whaffle, started multiple threads to get people hooked, reeled in your money from interested parties and then sailed away into the sunset . . . :cheesy:
The best traders are morons by their intelligence levels.

If anyone believed that, oilfxpro, they definitely deserve to lose their money. I can assure you, the best traders are anything BUT morons. That statement says a lot about you than anything else.

If I were to hazard a guess, you make that statement as advertising that your system is idiot proof and even a moron could make money with it.