Becoming a successful forex trader

what problem?

I have none

If u are asking for the EA , it decides when to trade or not trade depending on the output of pro-trader indicator


Would this lovely indicator be the one that you know nothing about? that you tell someone to write for you with instructions like: make it look like a combined RSI and MACD or something and add some pretty colours as well. While you're about it play with some variables to make the back tests look impressive?

You know, I could do that too, and I think I could do a better job than you.
Logic and code is trivial. We are just prodding you to see if you understand what you claim to have said. I repeat that you mentioned that part of your system can combine two probabilities and yet you don't seem to be able to do it yourself. If the programmer does that for you then it's not your system is it? And that would mean that you are playing with things you don't know anything about.


It is my system .I own the copyrights

Are u asking exactly how it is being combined ?It is definetly being combined although it is in the early stages at present

Well that's the trade secret!


It is my system .I own the copyrights

Are u asking exactly how it is being combined ?It is definetly being combined although it is in the early stages at present

Well that's the trade secret!


erm, let me see here: the way you combine is a trade secret, and yet you don't know how to combine the probabilities of two independent events which is elementary?
Would this lovely indicator be the one that you know nothing about? that you tell someone to write for you with instructions like: make it look like a combined RSI and MACD or something and add some pretty colours as well. While you're about it play with some variables to make the back tests look impressive?

You know, I could do that too, and I think I could do a better job than you.

Probably u would do a better job than me.

It is my own custom has no macd,no rsi,no stochastics,NO CCI,NO HMAS,NO ADX INFACT NONE OF THE STANDARD XXXX........just a combination many important conditions for entry /exit of trades.

This problem (you have the memory capacity of a goldfish)

This is your training data for class A and Class B



Classify This.


2 minutes work at the most, come on, what's the first step ? we are waiting


You see, Zupcon really has nailed it for you. Because if you refuse to answer the above it shows us not only your ignorance, but your total and utter incompetence and lack of any understanding at all, because Zupcon is just asking you to do plug in figures and do the calculation. If you can't even be bothered to do that, and yet talk incessantly to us, then what conclusion do you think we might draw about the nature of how you arrived at your indicators?
erm, let me see here: the way you combine is a trade secret, and yet you don't know how to combine the probabilities of two independent events which is elementary?

I don't know what the other guy's wife looks like but I certainly know my baby

I know what I have but not what I don't have

What exactly does that mean ? "it is in the early stages at present". Next you'll be telling us your wife is a bit pregnant.

Probability calculus is a well defined set of rules (that you appear to be totally ignorant of) You are either combining probabilities, or you are not. Which is it ?

Still waiting for step one to the little classification problem.

WE have stage one of the indicator coding and later on this year we improve with CPI,YIELDS ,UNEMPLOYMENT RATE etc


You see, Zupcon really has nailed it for you. Because if you refuse to answer the above it shows us not only your ignorance, but your total and utter incompetence and lack of any understanding at all, because Zupcon is just asking you to do plug in figures and do the calculation. If you can't even be bothered to do that, and yet talk incessantly to us, then what conclusion do you think we might draw about the nature of how you arrived at your indicators?

U can think what u like.

I devised an indicator based on my hands on experience of what works in manual trading ie price action,chart patterns etc

I do not need to give your exam

But of course you wont be able to classify or express "price action" or "chart patterns" in any meaningful way because without statistics, you lack the language to do so.

If you cant express the logic required to handle something trivial, then you certainly cant specify a chart pattern 😆

If you where just a harmless half wit we'd allow you to post your garbage, but the difference in your case is that you are a vendor, and vendors are required to adhere to slightly higher standards

By the way, still waiting for your instructions on the classification problem.


When the expert advisor is ready and fully tested in about 3 months ,both u and TT will be given the opportunity to see everything in a live account with investor password.
The whole message board will see it .Everybody will get a password

U will see the money printing machine make over 500 pips a months consistently.

Patience is a virtue and all good things in life are worth waiting for

But of course you wont be able to classify or express "price action" or "chart patterns" in any meaningful way because without statistics, you lack the language to do so.


Remain deluded!

It is really very simple and u won't know how simple.K I S S and it works beatifully


When the expert advisor is ready and fully tested in about 3 months ,both u and TT will be given the opportunity to see everything in a live account with investor password.
The whole message board will see it .Everybody will get a password

U will see the money printing machine make over 500 pips a months consistently.

Patience is a virtue and all good things in life are worth waiting for


I have absolutely no interest in whatever it is that you are pitching, for the simple reason that you can't answer an elementary fact. My advice to you is not to play with real money, because you will be sorely disappointed.

I think I do speak for a lot of people here when I say I'm disgusted at your behaviour and aversion to the simple questions at hand. In fact, I'll go further to say you don't know what you are talking about, and are trying to sell something because it's something you think can be sold, and nothing more.
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I have absolutely no interest in whatever it is that you are pitching, for the simple reason that you can't answer an elementary fact. My advice to you is not to play with real money, because you will be sorely disappointed.

I think I do speak for a lot of people here when I say I'm disgusted at your behaviour and aversion to the simple questions at hand. In fact, I'll go further to say you don't know what you are talking about, and are trying to sell something because it's something you think can be sold, and nothing more.


I would suggest u only speak for yourself .A simple look into your posting history suggested this is the type of person YOU ARE.FACT.THIS IS WHAT U WROTE.The first post in the search gave your credentials.

Van Tharp's a very good example. He writes books like "Trade yourself into financial independence" or whatever. The person doesn't even trade so what's the point of listening to him? What? So he's a psychologist so he might tell you about the psychological aspect of trading? Total utter rubbish! Let me tell you all first and foremost that you can have the best mental preparation in the world for trading but that would mean absolutely nothing if your trading plan does not work!!! If you read some of the review in Amazon about Van Tharp you know what I mean. Like one reviewer said: "why trade when you can teach?"

I really do not use the opinions of 95 % club hanging around in forums.I never did unless they traded from their yachts

Today's lesson

In post no 55 I reccomended reading this book.Trade your way to financial freedom

Positive expectancy .Van K Tharp has taught positive expectancy and a load of people around the world have benefitted from his teachings

Trading 101: Expectancy Trader Mike

your trading system should have a positive expectancy and you should understand what that means. The natural bias that most people have is to go for high probability systems with high reliability. We all are given this bias that you need to be right. We’re taught at school that 94 percent or better is an A and 70 or below is failure. Nothing below 70 is acceptable. Everyone is looking for high reliability entry systems, but its expectancy that is the key. And the real key to expectancy is how you get out of the markets not how you get in. How you take profits and how you get out of a bad position to protect your assets. The expectancy is really the amount you’ll make on the average per dollar risked. If you have a methodology that makes you 50 cents or better per dollar risked, that’s superb. Most people don’t. That means if you risk $1,000 that you’ll make on the average $500 for every trade - that’s averaging winners and losers together.


Van Tharp Institute

Arbitraguer wrote a really nice post about learning and any knowledge u can gain will be helpful in your development as a trader.

Reviews of "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" by Van K. Tharp
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Sidetracked by several posters ruining this thread.

This system details in post 1 is all I provided to a programmer .The programmer did not ask anymore questions.He provided a fully funcional expert advisor without any errors .If u read all the system rules until the sentence for clock time , you will read all I have to provide in the exact format in the post.

It takes 7 years to be a profitable trader

Where has this figure come from ?
Also it still does not account for the 95% who lose because it implies that 95% of traders must have less than 7 years experience or they would suddenly become profitable when they have completed 7 years of trading. Either that or there are only 5% of traders who have 7 years experience or more.

Trader 333

7 years is my own personal achievement

Here is an extract from High probability trading by Marcel Link
"From everything I,ve ever heard ,read,and seen , a trader needs about 3 to 5 years to get through the learning curve.During this time in which he is learning and honing his skills,a trader will be paying his 'tuition in tading the same way lawyers,chefs and doctors pay $25,000 a year to learn their craft"

Dear oilfxpro,

If you think van Tharp knows what he's on about then me and Zupcon know where you are coming from😉.

Van Tharp cannot trade (and most likely he tried and failed), probably the same for Elder too. Both organize seminars and courses and other merchandising rubbish that they sell to people because it's blatantly obvious that they can't make money from trading.

You, oilfxpro, talk about your indicators, say that 95% of them are useless, and yet for some reason say yours works when you don't have clue about combining them in elementary ways. Then you harp on about your competitors and how much each indicator is costing you to code, with your inconsistent time frames to delivery, and we are also none the wiser whether they are completely yet, and also, to crown it all, you go on about improving them by taking into account of other factors as well before the final product is even evaluated. What conclusion can one draw of all this?😆😆

I would suggest u only speak for yourself .A simple look into your posting history suggested this is the type of person YOU ARE.FACT.THIS IS WHAT U WROTE.The first post in the search gave your credentials.


I really do not use the opinions of 95 % club hanging around in forums.I never did unless they traded from their yachts


For what its worth I quite like the Van Tharp book, although I'm not entirely sure about the books true agenda. The relatively inexperienced will probably fail to see or dismiss the very few words of wisdom the book offers, whilst the more experienced will find Tharps treatment of the subject matter rather lack luster and lacking in detail.

Its quite clear that the books underlying agenda is a marketing tool for further products and services, its very firmly aimed at those who've been about a while but haven't got it figured out, and are therefore susceptible to his pitch. Nevertheless the book has at least a reasonable back of a fag packet types overview of how you might go about getting your ducks in a row to develop a strategy, but its nothing that isn't freely available or much better presented elsewhere. Despite its faults its still a book I'll occasionally dip into.

Temptrader hit the nail on the head really, Its well known that Van Tharp does not trade, nor is he actively involved in systems research, and the book certainly reflects that, and I guess thats why many dismiss the book, in my view perhaps unfairly.

Tharp and Robbins are basically repackaging fundamentally sound concepts, and delivering them in a consumer friendly fashion, targeting I suspect very similar markets.

Take my advice, yachts are for sailing, not trading on.

Take my advice, yachts are for sailing, not trading on.


Yachts are for succesful people qualified to give advice, they have the members of the 5% club worth listening to.

The programmers who hang around forums are 95% club members ,who have probably blown their accounts several times.They probably can't find a job cause they are no good at either programming or trading

Here is a great programmer hanging around message boards

If they believe these type of theories work, everybody will buy Pring's Technical anylysis and u would get 95% traders making money.The fact that 95% lose money means all these theories do not work in trading.

Ahhhhhh Oily --- you misquote so nicely ! 95% of those who START trading will lose, be it equities, trading cards or forex ----- STARTING implies that the people ARE NOT YET TRADERS, which does take years (although certainly NOT 7 !) Now, if we take the number of "traders" (which already implies experience and time spent REALLY trading, you no longer have the 95% figure !

It takes 7 years to be a profitable trader and 7 years experience and knowledge is input into the EA logic.The fact that I have found something which works for me ,something which came from trial and experience (as opposed to theories)and trader's intuition ,does not require it to have come from a theoretical background.Most of the theoretical traders are looking/searching for their holy grail by inputting every theoretical value

well, the 7 years thing is a crock, but if it works for you thats wonderful --- DOES IT WORK FOR OTHERS IS THE QUESTION !!!

Trading requires lots of hands on experience to be good at it,some guy who knows all these elementary formulaes may not necessirily have the right background to write the logic.It is like giving a poor system logic to a great programmer ,whose output is great coding but you still get a poor system.Somebody who understands the elementary formulaes probably lacks the hands on experience

It is my own version of something similiar.I am not selling it so it does not matter.

If indeed youre not selling it, why do you run ads in ebay to buy it ?



