Becoming a successful forex trader

Hi folks

Here is an example of a highly rated indicator ,which proved useless.

Rsioma indicator from forex tsd was applied to a system.Another test was applied without using the indicator.

Using the indicator resulted in profits reduction by 3,000 pips.Here is proof.

The owners of TSD removed my posts , since the forum has 2980 useless indicators



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Mp --- Hmmmmm -- This Should Be Fun ~!


Today's lesson

Are you finding that your charts are not telling the full story? Timing off - again and again? Stop too close - again and again? Dollar fell on 'good' news - how could it - again?

Now look at yesterday's spikes and previous spikes here

If USD was in a interest rate increasing mode ,the spikes set ups and eventual rally would not have worked.The preeceeding trend in both cases would not have occured.

If you look at chart patterns, the same chart pattern can have two different outcomes.

Chart patterns work more effectively when used with fundamental anylysis.Look at the image below with upward spikes , the upward trend failed to materialise because of fundamental reasons ,like U S dollar was in an interest rate increasing mode .What this proves is chart patterns should be applied with fundamental anylysis



i want to approach this one slowly and simply so as to keep your temper down, but Im afraid I will have to disagree with just about everything youre saying here.

Technical analysis IS the FOREMOST decision maker in the forex business, and can be proven repeatedly to be correct. "Events" make the short term moves, either up or down, BUT then look at a chart a day or two later and SEE THAT THE PRICE HAS RETURNED ALMOST TO THE PENNY TO WHERE IT DIVERGED, AND IS NOW CONTINUING IN THE ORIGINAL TREND DIRECTION, AS IF THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE ROAD BUT A HICCUP OR A SPEED BUMP !

If its all fundamentals, why can so many predict what the price will be a week or two down the road from using the daily, weekly and monthly charts ? And HOW COME thats where the prices hit !!!

Those who trade off the daily charts can fairly easily predict where things are going, but they also suffer dramatic drawdowns because of the nature of intraday forex trading --- the ever present REVERSALS, where half the day the currency is going one way, and half the day its going in another ----- using a shorter timeframe then the daily allows one to place more lots on a currency because they can eliminate the drawdowns almost totally.
(I have never really looked at drawdowns before, but I did a detailed statement of one of my accounts and saw that my "drawdown percentage was 4.9 % --- you will NEVER have that low a drawdown by using the daily charts !

Forex, WITH EXPERIENCE, is one of the simplest trading venues I have ever seen, which keeps me trading it and enjoying the rewards. It isnt brain surgery or even rocket science (which is pretty simple once one takes a good look at it) but simple concepts of trend combined with support and resistance that every pro uses, and that every retail trader SHOULD LEARN to use !

I shall grant you that the information and experience does not come in a day, but foolish indeed is one who thinks they can go up against the greatest traders in the world, armed with reading some book or trying to become a junior grade economist, when there is absolutely no need for such activity !

My greatest wish is that there was some pill or injection or something that could cut the two years of learning down to nothing, but until that exists I can only tell the newbs what I see and how I go about making profits ---- its so danged simple that I dont know whether to laugh or cry over most of what I read on these forumns.

enjoy and trade well

Hi folks

Here is an example of a highly rated indicator ,which proved useless.


And even more amusingly its the very same indicator you've been pimping for months, and the very same indicator that you claimed was the only indicator that worked for you in post 41 of this thread !. whoops !

There is simply no such thing as a useless indicator, either you use it appropriately, or you don't, you cannot blame your shortcomings on an indicator.
And even more amusingly its the very same indicator you've been pimping for months, and the very same indicator that you claimed was the only indicator that worked for you in post 41 of this thread !. whoops !

There is simply no such thing as a useless indicator, either you use it appropriately, or you don't, you cannot blame your shortcomings on an indicator.


The indicator I use is not the same indicator used in the above test.The indicator used in the above test is called rsioma.

The indicator I use ( which no body else has) and which is successful for me is calledTHE OILFXPRO RSIOMA .i do not offer this or my new multifunctional /predictive forex indicator for sale.


The indicator I use is not the same indicator used in the above test.The indicator used in the above test is called rsioma.

The indicator I use ( which no body else has) and which is successful for me is calledTHE OILFXPRO RSIOMA .i do not offer this or my new multifunctional /predictive forex indicator for sale.


I hate to break the news to you, but simply renaming an indicator does not alter the way in which it works :cheesy:
I hate to break the news to you, but simply renaming an indicator does not alter the way in which it works :cheesy:


I gave u an honest answer and since your levels and arguments are those of the 95% club.I will repeat what I posted before

Avoid all these idiots on message boards who have a following of idiots

Hello Fellas,

I am so embarrased and forced to do these, I have been trading for few months now which I was making a good profit, I trade with marketiva, But it was unfortunately that for the past few weeks I have been losing so much on every order that I placed. I dont have any job for now and I have decided to trade (forex) in the mean time till I have a new job. I am afraid I might go bankruptcy. A friend of mine advice me to download MT4 and use there indicators, But still its not cutting it for me, so much indicator to figure out.

I huge anyone that could give a word of advice on how to be a winner or a nice software indicator that will indicate when to buy/sell. although I have seen some and try them but still all resulting in the same thing. I have a strong believe in these business and these is why I keep pushing harder and hope that I could definatly fixed it right. I will be looking forward to hear from anyone that cares to be a brothers keeper. Thanks

Technical analysis IS the FOREMOST decision maker in the forex business, and can be proven repeatedly to be correct. "Events" make the short term moves, either up or down, BUT then look at a chart a day or two later and SEE THAT THE PRICE HAS RETURNED ALMOST TO THE PENNY TO WHERE IT DIVERGED, AND IS NOW CONTINUING IN THE ORIGINAL TREND DIRECTION, AS IF THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE ROAD BUT A HICCUP OR A SPEED BUMP !

If its all fundamentals, why can so many predict what the price will be a week or two down the road from using the daily, weekly and monthly charts ? And HOW COME thats where the prices hit !!!


If technical anylysis is king ,then why does the same technical set ups produce two opposiote/different outcomes?

I suggest u provide some evidence of 100 cases where same set ups using technical anylysis provided the same result.

If u test systems on trade station using the same technical set ups ,why do u get 50 different types of results with same set ups?

I stated before

Technical, Fundamental
and Relational Analysis
Another whopper of a lie is that the forex market is ideal for technical analysis. It is the least suitable of all the major markets for technical analysis. Don't fall for this marketing wizardry. It is very easy to concoct 1-2-3-you're-rich technical trading systems with fancy names. The people that know, the people who made real money in forex long before you and I joined the queue, simply used the most basic technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental and other types of analysis. I call this relational analysis. This is one of the main keys to success in the forex market.


I will give you the example of a signal seller who went to forums to find customers.

He introduced himself as a professional trader and went to FF ,T2W ,Strategy builder and tsd plus many other forums.He started with hull moving averages and demo accounts on whc.

He convinced everbody that his moving average system without specific rules was a winner.Six months down the line he was looking and testing another system using technical anylysis,three months later he is using yet another system using technical anylysis.Every moment in his career he is looking for another system.

He is actually not a professional trader but just an amateur signal seller.He now runs a signal service at forexTSD

Reasoning:His systems were not working and he kept looking from system to system

Soon he will be looking for another technical anylysis based system

His only intention of claiming to be a professional trader and having a system was to become signal GURU

.If he was a professional trader he would not be hanging around 10 forums trying to promote his signal services with false representations

I do not want to name the person or show proof.Let him earn his living.

If technical anylysis is king ,then why does the same technical set ups produce two opposiote/different outcomes?

hey, i could tell you word for word and move for move how i trade (which is really only support and resistance) and you could easily blow it --- how do I know, although TWO completely opposite results -- think thats a tad bit of stretching ! Of course, you can go directly to my answer concerning tradestation and read what I and a heck of a lot of others think of backtesting !

I suggest u provide some evidence of 100 cases where same set ups using technical anylysis provided the same result.

well pilgrim, OK --- attached chart should say something --- i just happened to grab one, but if you want I'll attach 100 others, although after 25 or so you should start getting tired ! Since you spoke of the DAILY charts, I picked one of those which is EURUSD going back two years ---- May I ask what is so hard about trading this chart for profits, even while completely ignoring the fundamentals ?

OK, just to show its not a one trick pony, I decided to attach another (albeit a more overlay filled chart) to show how methodical currencies arre about moving --- its a little harder to read than the other, but just look at the channels, the red and blue dots which tell you where to enter and exit and the strong trend --- this chart was moved by fundamentals, but so easily traded using technicals that it was a sheer joy !

Can you not see that the currencies bounce from the bottom LRC channel line and then strive to hit the TOP line, where it then reverses the process and heads back down ? WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH FUNDAMENTALS ----- NOTHING !!

Now if you realize, as you can see in the H4 chart, FOREX BEHAVES EXACTLY THE SAME WAY INTRADAY as it does on the daily, weekly or monthly chart, NO MATTER WHAT FUNDAMENTALS COME ALONG BECAUSE THATS THE WAY THE BANKS WANT IT !!!!!!!

Where the trend is completely understandable, the tp points are spelled out so a baby can figure them and every move is laid out for you to simply follow --- the only thing easier might be the Heiken - Ashi charts, which have made a whole lot of people a whole lot of money.

Fundamentals move the market FOR A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME, like a day or so, BUT Forex ALWAYS returns to trend, even though it will move up and down within its trend lines, offering a decent trader the opportunities to go long or short as the case may be. Although I use indicators on these charts, one could actually trade without them, as you can see !

If u test systems on trade station using the same technical set ups ,why do u get 50 different types of results with same set ups?

cause trade station bites the big one and backtesting has been proven to be of not much worth in this world !!

I stated before
Technical, Fundamental
and Relational Analysis
Another whopper of a lie is that the forex market is ideal for technical analysis. It is the least suitable of all the major markets for technical analysis. Don't fall for this marketing wizardry. It is very easy to concoct 1-2-3-you're-rich technical trading systems with fancy names. The people that know, the people who made real money in forex long before you and I joined the queue, simply used the most basic technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental and other types of analysis. I call this relational analysis. This is one of the main keys to success in the forex market.

the words "quantatative analysis" seems to be all the rage now ---- its simply a combo of technical and fundamental designed to leave everyone happy, BUT look at the attached chart and you can see how on a normal day I put away 350 pips or so, AND that doesnt count the hedge trade either !

note that Ive never constructed a fancy "system", but simply teach the absolute realities of the market -- its intraday reversals, support and resistance and what the banks and mm's are looking for and how they trade the markets, not a pile of stuff that "should" work, but rarely does.

Youve seen my statements --- youve seen how i hit every tp point at the exact reversal point for that timeframe --- DO YOU THINK THAT HAPPENS BECAUSE OF NEWS or some good luck given me by the gods of trading ????? iT HAPPENS BECAUSE THE TECHNICALS TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND WHEN TO DO IT, NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS, and when i stick to the rules of the market, and not mine or others, I simply accumulate money (accumulating pips doesnt pay the bills !) !

It is an impossibility for fundamentals to be king in the forex market because no one can fortell what will happen down the road, but tech analysis presents a roadmap and simply looking at the map, one can tell where tops and bottoms lie, and knowing where the tops and bottoms lie, one can have a very interesting time watching as the female side of the world gets suntans !

quite honestly, single handidly, youre spouting some strong hogwash on this site, and ITS TIME TO STEER SOME OF THE NEWBS BACK TO A STRAIGHT LINE !

You know me oil, and you know how and what i teach ---- only reality, not discussions of "how many angels can dance on a "buy" button !", which is why there are a lot of newbs now MAKING money and not losing it !

enjoy and trade well



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MP -- renaming an indicator

I hate to break the news to you, but simply renaming an indicator does not alter the way in which it works :cheesy:

While I certainly cant disagree with you on this subject, I have found that re-naming a woman can sometimes alter her methods and mannerisms tremendously.

take a Barbara and name her Martinique, or a Susan and name her Selisia and see what happens.

one cannot backtest this theory, but I leave it to you to forward test and see how it works for you !

I think you shall like it tremendously

enjoy and enjoy well

enjoy and trade well



Your posts argue for either technical anylysis to be king or fundamental anylysis .It is quite clear you are making a strong case for only one type of anylysis to exist.

The case I am making is both fundamental and technical anylysis for forex to be used in conjunction with each other.

I read about real forex traders and they only trade 4 to 5 times a year AND THEY WORK FOR BANKS , unlike the new generation of forex traders who want the forex roulette to turn every minute.
Bill Lipschult traded mainly on fundamental anylysis and he is the only well known succesful forex traders


All these t/a charts look great after the event ,I wish they did before the event.

There are many traders on this forum who agree to my views on both types of anylysis to be used.By fundamentals I am reffering to any activity that will lead to a change in interest rates.

Today the euro/usd is trading at 1.57 and not 1.20 due to fundamental reasons .The yen is trading at 99instead of 122 because of INTEREST RATES AND FUNDAMENTALS

The Japanese Yen trades at a discount and is undervalued due to INTEREST RATES AND YIELDS , despite having cash surpluses and trade surpluses.It is all about fundamentals and interest rates

It is time to cut the real HOGWASH!

Maybe u all want to follow your new technical analysis wizard MP AND oilfxpro is talking hogwash.All the signal sellers are great sending 5 signals a day cause they have better prediction methhods than MP , you should all buy these signals to trade 5 times a day.The GREAT NEW MARKET WIZARD IS HERE ON THIS BOARD ,MR MP is how hanging around free message boards.FANTASTIC

I see you on many message boards TSD ,Fisherman and here AND MAYBE OTHERS.Are your intentions the same as this signal seller?

O K New traders ..........all the new forex wizards AND GURUS are here ....follow them .All the real traders are now hanging around message boards!soon they will be offering some training education and signal services.The word teach has been spelt out of MP many times,go u found a new teacher /educator,MP is going to teach how to make 1600 % per year.It still amazes me every time I search "forex trading" or "forex training" to see all the new forex trading "experts" out there. Another day, another expert, all vying to reach the top of the heap. And each one has got ANOTHER easy money-making forex trading system.

I have never stated that u can not make a living from trading either technical or fundamental anylysis on their own.Well known traders use both types of anylysis.Go read a free review from a known trader using both
Trading Currency Cross Rates - Google Book Search

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While I certainly cant disagree with you on this subject, I have found that re-naming a woman can sometimes alter her methods and mannerisms tremendously.

take a Barbara and name her Martinique, or a Susan and name her Selisia and see what happens.

one cannot backtest this theory, but I leave it to you to forward test and see how it works for you !

I think you shall like it tremendously

enjoy and enjoy well


Yes u will enjoy it better than picking pretty looking historical charts , charts which CAN have two different outcomes

Mp -- Can A Mean Point Be Found ??


Your posts argue for either technical anylysis to be king or fundamental anylysis .It is quite clear you are making a strong case for only one type of anylysis to exist.

The case I am making is both fundamental and technical anylysis for forex to be used in conjunction with each other.

I read about real forex traders and they only trade 4 to 5 times a year AND THEY WORK FOR BANKS , unlike the new generation of forex traders who want the forex roulette to turn every minute.
Bill Lipschult traded mainly on fundamental anylysis and he is the only well known succesful forex traders

Im really gonna try to lay this out as simply as possible especially as to avoid arguements and rancor, but im sure it shall continue for a while anyway because our two ideas are so intertwined at one point, and so independent at another that one must first define where theyre standing, before they can explain how they got there !

FIRST, trading of any kind is not limited to only ONE method, and while some traders from years back traded one way, the computer and the new retail traders have changed the landscape significantly ---- retail traders have been allowed into the spot forex market for only a relative few years now, and they have dramatically altered the way the markets now perform, and thats in ALL types of trading, be it commodities, futures, options, equities or forex !

WHAT WAS GOOD TRADING 5 YEARS AGO is now only ONE WAY of trading, as all the other methods were not being used (except by the institutions themselves) only a few years ago.

I have shown you charts which INCLUDE all types of fundamental situations --- news releases, downside moves on the dollar, fed presidents wearing the wrong ties, etc ---- what you see before you is a roadmap --- it shows trend and it shows "normal" support and resistance points for the currency pairs and pretty much spells out how one can trade these currencies, in two different timeframes.

while the tops and bottoms of the channels are "usually" support and resistance areas, what I always teach is they are the points where one takes profit and then GOES FLAT, waiting for what shall be the next move (either a historic "bounce" back in the other direction or a possible breakout !)

Having said that, one also understands that the ORIGINAL TREND was driven by fundamentals --- the weakness of the dollar vs. the Euro, so in that case your fundamentals were the driving factor behind the ORIGINAL trend change. But once that trend changed, technical factors of support and resistance came strongly into play, resulting in the relatively easy to chart and trade charts I supplied.

What i put forth is that EVEN WITHOUT KNOWING OF THE DOLLARS WEAKNESS ( lets assume you lived in a cave somewhere), the trend change would have been noted by tech analysis, positions sold or added to depending on your holdings, and you would be trading in the right direction again.

Because of that "built in" warning and alerts, a technical trader can survive almost anything whereas a fundamental trader would only be "guessing" as to outcome !

to make it clearer, let us imagine the NFP is coming out on friday --- WATCH the direction the currency is moving for a few days before AND ESPECIALLY AN HOUR BEFORE THE NEWS ----

The banks and the mm's pretty much KNOW what the release will be, as they have large research facilities behind them that follow each currency VERY closely, so if you see the currency being runup before the news, you will know immediately that the currency will continue to runup after the news is released, to its major resistance area, where it will then turn around and go short for a few days. The banks have simply run the price up so they have the highest STARTING POINT FOR A SHORT --- ie: they have SOLD INTO THE RALLY, which is what the SMART MONEY does !

Now, have you ever seen a currency that receives BAD news continue UP for another day or two, and wondered WHY this is happening when it should be going down ? What you are seeing, if you use the channels i presented, is that the currency had NOT YET HIT THE TOP RESISTANCE POINT, and the banks wanted to continue moving it up so they could short at the top of the channel ! This is often called "the news was priced in", but in reality the price was not yet high enough to initiate the shorts that the banks desired, and so they let the price go higher, selling into the rally once again !
so after a fashion, what you say has much truth to it, BUT for the realities of trading the currency for profit, the TECHNICALS are the ruling reasons behind how the currency moves !

Many indeed DO bet on the continued weakness of the dollar, but you also hear analists speaking of "late spring" or early summer for a reversal ---- they do this because they are checking back many years to find support figures for the currency, and once the market makes its decision as to "thats it" on the LONG TERM MOVES, the currency will reverse again. If you wish to see this simply go to a weekly and monthly chart, using the channel, and where you find TWO timeframes agreeing, ill bet that is where the currency reverses !

Technical analysis has become a self fullfilling prophesy amongst traders simply because SO MANY PEOPLE are using it. If a currency is reversing, a fib of 50 is usually chosen as support, and if you see a few of the more impt moving averages, a strong pivot point and a few other telling indicators LIVING AT THE 50% POINT, I will put dollars to doughnuts THAT IS WHERE THE CURRENCY WILL REVERSE !

of course none of this is written in stone and there are many analysts out there who havent a real clue but mouth off anyway, but how the currencies move repeats so often intraday or on the dailies that to ignore what is happening is to invite failure in trading.

so the whole thing comes down to STRONG FUNDAMENTALS will alter TREND, but that trend is then TRADED using technicals and technicals only because thats how everyone else is trading it !

therefore I agree with you that with MAJOR, earth shaking news that can change trends, you are correct in what you say, but I ask that you notice that the trend change ALWAYS OCCURS AT A TECHNICAL GO/NO GO POINT and after that point, fundamentals take the back seat to technicals until the next asteroid hits the planet !

So to answer another thought you put forth, concerning how tech analysis "looks good after the fact", understand that tech puts forth the points of caution to a decent trader --- those that try to lead others around by support and resistance and even my beloved LRC channels should be followed UP TO A POINT --- and that point is where resistance or support is reached --- it is the point where one goes flat and WAITS to see if there is more upside or downside, because to rush in at that point, assuming the currency will go up or down, is to invite disaster from the pantheon of gods who sit on the shoulders of bankers and brokers and laugh at we mere mortals !

TECH WORKS BECAUSE EVERYONE EXPECTS IT TO WORK, JUST AS THE DOLLAR HAS NO BACKING UNDER IT BUT FAITH IN THE COUNTRY, WHICH ALLOWS IT TO WORK ---- but betting the farm on something that "might" happen is senseless until it DOES happen !

Going further, one can learn to trade amazingly well with some EXPERIENCE --- that experience gives you insights into how the markets work, how a price is moved in ways other than an amazing runup, and it teaches of how the markets reverse twice a day, going from long to short (or the opposite)

What i teach is the "realities" of trading, and yes I will ID support and resistance and normal tp points (those who know me are no longer in awe as to how I hit the topmost profit point, day after day after day -- Its amazingly simple once you understand the movements of the market) I have a thread somewhere around here, opened by the mods since i had gotten into a "scuffle" with a drunk on site, and once i find it I shall probably start laying out some surprising ideas that most brokers DONT want you to understand, cause if you understand they wont be able to take your money anymore !

enjoy and trade well

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so the whole thing comes down to STRONG FUNDAMENTALS will alter TREND, but that trend is then TRADED using technicals and technicals only because thats how everyone else is trading it !


This is exactly what i do.I trade using expert advisors which place trades based on technicals.My Expert advisors are coded with fundamental analysis triggers ,so if the technical anylysis is triggerring trades , the expert advisors will place trades based on fundamental bias plus technicals.If the fundamentals trigger trades and technicals say no ,we have no trade.If the fundamentals say no and technicals say yes,we look at the edge of the two analysis to see the probabilities of each


This is exactly what i do.I trade using expert advisors which place trades based on technicals.My Expert advisors are coded with fundamental analysis triggers ,so if the technical anylysis is triggerring trades , the expert advisors will place trades based on fundamental bias plus technicals.If the fundamentals trigger trades and technicals say no ,we have no trade.If the fundamentals say no and technicals say yes,we look at the edge of the two analysis to see the probabilities of each


How exactly do you combine the probabilities ?
How exactly do you combine the probabilities ?


With all due respect to u and I would like to share this trade secret with u.

We made an indicator called pro-trader , it calculates all the anylysis and combines the two different types of anylysis and triggers a trade.The indicator alone cost 800 euros to code



With all due respect to u and I would like to share this trade secret with u.

We made an indicator called pro-trader , it calculates all the anylysis and combines the two different types of anylysis and triggers a trade



I'm not asking you to divulge a trade secret. I'm asking how you combine probabilities. Lets start with something relatively simple.

Lets assume you have 2 indicators A and B.

A gives a signal that is correct 70% of the time, B gives a signal that is correct 55% of the time. How do you combine these probabilities. Come on El Cid, lets hear your thoughts on this
I'm not asking you to divulge a trade secret. I'm asking how you combine probabilities. Lets start with something relatively simple.

Lets assume you have 2 indicators A and B.

A gives a signal that is correct 70% of the time, B gives a signal that is correct 55% of the time. How do you combine these probabilities. Come on El Cid, lets hear your thoughts on this


U hang around with the competition so I am gonna have to pass , cause that is all the competition needs

I will give u a uses 20 of the USEFUL working indicators and calculates


This is exactly what i do.I trade using expert advisors which place trades based on technicals.My Expert advisors are coded with fundamental analysis triggers ,so if the technical anylysis is triggerring trades , the expert advisors will place trades based on fundamental bias plus technicals.If the fundamentals trigger trades and technicals say no ,we have no trade.If the fundamentals say no and technicals say yes,we look at the edge of the two analysis to see the probabilities of each


theres a bit more to it than just that, but i was trying to be nice to you and may have gone to far in that direction.

but remember, when i talk about fundamentals, im talking about EARTH SHATTERNING ones, and not your monthly NFP or anything else. Once the trend is set in place, one can read techicals to find a bottom and to allow you to trade profitably all during the trend, but remember trends come in different sizes and shapes cause theres one running the gamit of timeframes from one minute to one month, and you can choose to play ANY of them and you can choose your trend to be ANY of them, so while the daily may be in a downtrend, you will find the weekly is in an uptrend, and the monthly can be in either direction ---- YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE WHICH ONE TO PLAY !

as i said before, to define their importance depends on where youre standing, and defining where youre standing can be the most difficult thing in the world because of the intertwined nature of both.

fundamentals, at its simplest, can alter market direction, although it will always happen at a technical go/no go point and tends then to be a longer lasting situation, as one could see from a multi year chart of eurusd, for instance, BUT one cannot tradeit to its next "change" without using technicals.

one may well be involved with the other, but the technical trader makes more in the longer run (and not so longer) using simple s+r, the lrc and charts, then does the fundamentalist who can only guess at where things are going. I shall take KNOWING where my exact tp point is over having to guess at it every time !

as far as your EA is concerned, although i am not privy to EXACTLY how you trade and therefore have no visulization, trading the technicals simply doesnt require fundamentals, because the technicals will encompass whatever the moves are !

since im more interested in day to day trading, fundies are of little use and technicals are king --- you may be trading in a differing manner to mine, and maybe fundies count, allthough i cant really imagine how different that would have to be.

