There are so so so many ways to do this, like a big sweetie shop, but you must know which sweets you want before you go in!
So very true - Even life is not just "black or white"
A very interesting debate with some great comments from all - I am a typical alpha male - who from the age of 16 only wanted to be my own boss - mainly because I thought I had everything needed to get to the top in what ever career I decided on
So I am more of a BSD type of guy - but for me it was also one of my failings
Yes I got the degree in Economics ( but only a 2 2) went on to do Business studies and Accountancy before I opened a wine bar at the age of 24 - knowing nothing about wine - but saw the opportunity - and milked it
6 yrs later I sold out and was in a totally different business and then within another 4 yrs was advising RB on how to run his condom business and then within another 4 yrs did a MBO along with 2 other guys - borrowing $2.5 million and paying it all back in 4 yrs.
But when I think about it - I was from a business family - I had seen my Father "wheeler deal" from the age of 10 and so grew up knowing I wanted to be my own boss and make it in the world.
I retired at the age of 50 - but within 5 yrs lost large amounts of money in various ventures both sides of the pond.
I now look back and some of my buddies from the 70's and 80''s who went work in various businesses - and have never been at the real "sharp end" - ie making the "hero or zero" decisions have actually ended up far better off than me
I sent both of my children to private school and emphasised to them the importance of a qualifications and that sometimes "steddy eddies" come out just as well as the young high flying go getters
Its interesting both of RB's children have gone through a great education and his daughter studied to be a Doctor. I don't think either have the real "entrepreneural spirit" - not as though it matters if you father is worth 3 billion or so.
As in anything in life - the top 2- 5% whether in Business or Sport or whatever are really "special people" - totally focused - driven - born winners etc - different to the 95% who are looked upon as normal human beings
I therefore do see Shakone's point of view and he always makes sensible comments - even when I don't alway's agree with them - it does not mean he is wrong.
BSD - you ought to be a motivational speaker if you not already earned a few millions - you have such a PMA - and I just hope it rewarded you well
We have not even mentioned "luck" in the mix neither yet
To me RB was the luckiest person I know - if anyone could walk on water - it would be him. It's OK saying you create your own luck - that's partly true - but I have never really studied to see if you can always sit in the right seat in a plane or car crash and always walk away unhurt ( David Coulthard holds that award)
Look forward to reading more of all the comments