Beautiful women

With time one can get to appreciate the more intellectual type.
Any of these have noted brains.

Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t some of these men ?.....:LOL:

I was lured here expecting dodgy pictures from the tabloids and press of scantily clad women .....

Anyone fancy Scarlet Johanson ?
A yummy blonde that the AI boys in Japan have copied down to the last detail ( anatomically correct )
Just wait a little longer for the AI to improve and....................


  • Scarlett_Johansson.jpg
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Marilyn must be on the all time top list


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Treat the clever ones like your own super AI machine. They love the attention and praise.

These are good for more than the usual. A massage and workout too !


  • woman wrestler.htm
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Beauty is a great comoulflage for what's inside usually.
A lot of pretty girls have been spoilt by their parents and admirers and become self obsessed with their power and money.
Aaah but then I must confess that I haven't posted my special beauty. Just hogging her picture to myself until I tire of her impish good looks.
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