Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Nobody has noticed!! Why the heck would they? This is T2W, a place devoid of perception. Can I prove it? Yes I can. Look around. They never got the memo that their Empire had ceased to exist 100 years ago but they still think they are top dog even though they scream, "how high?" when America tells them to jump!!!!

THEY don't even know that there is an epic BEAR market in force since January 2018. They got a stern reminder of dire straits in Feb 2020 but they have already forgotten that warning.

THEY don't know that the leading kingpin country that makes 'em look like a molehill compared to the Empire State building, has one out of two unemployed or under-employed and that the workforce of said kingpin is down to 60% of the workforce. They don't know that the current mass of jobs are delivery drivers. No Sir, they know none of these things. They don't even know that the middle-class has shrunk so much that it in now enveloped in shrunken straits of DEPRESSION

That's T2W for you!!! But they pose and pose and pretend that they can help newbies! THEY guaranty the newbie death on arrival - in spades!!! It would be way better to just let NVP gorge on fresh meat when these newbies stumble in - at least they might learn something and survive!

The biggest downfall of T2W is not seeing that the epic BEAR has displaced sooooo many from their regular jobs that they now not only do not want to return to their slave jobs of yesteryear but rather want to walk into the CASINO to save thessselves!!!!!

And they come into the T2W Casino by the droves and get this .................. THEY ASK FOR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother Mary will not tolerate Big Joe allowing her lost souls (newbies) to be devoured by deceit and subterfuge and false promises!!

This is the reason Big Joe was sent by Divinity! They picked a Man of considerable intemperate disposition who truly does not give a rat's ass about pubic opinion

Run boy, run, run, run run. Get as far away from here as possible and find a new line of work!!! YOU will die here!

Stance: Continue to be ready to Short the livin daylights out of the SPX, Nasdaq, Dow, Transports ................. especially the London FTSE 100. Short them to kingdom come on the slightest provocation SIGNAL. Avoid LONGs at all costs!!!

Short, short, short is the stance until further notice!!!

Short the f***in daylights out of this SPX/Vix indicator = short the SPX with impunity - but wait for signal, pull trigger only when signal comes!! But all weapons should be oiled and greased and ready to SHORT. No Longs to be tolerated

If anyone here is wondering why the UK is a total f***up compared to the USA, look no further than this chart. No stupid esoteric discussions are needed about politics, financials, weather, disharmony, employment et al - none of that sh*t matters

UK versus USA .... since 1984 at least (no more data beyond that for now until found) ............. USA has UK in a chokehold and is strangling it and yet the chokee screams in delight, "how high do you want me to jump?"


Shocking that not a single one her at T2W got the memo



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Its as bad as being married. If you're a trader and married, then when you die, the moment you arrive in HELL, the Devil will offer you a job with a stunning salary, luxury apartment and benefits as you already qualify in the HELLISH experience dept.

Fibo's 3rd wave actions continues but in very early stages ................... real action will happen only if/when Dow Jones turns


F L U N K!! (Albert Einstein: If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.)

Context is important so therefore w.r.t. T2W may I offer this explanation of TRADING ....................... 🙂

Buy high Sell Low

off topic but ................. why is trading so hard?

Midget in crowded elevator smells things differently
US Markets: Fibo's stance continues to be SHORT ............... waiting, waiting, waiting for signal to jump on the WAVE and surf it to Hell

Dow Jones 1H trendline is the current guide ...........................

US Markets: Fibo's stance continues to be SHORT ............... waiting, waiting, waiting for signal to jump on the WAVE and surf it to Hell

Dow Jones 1H trendline is the current guide ...........................

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Slam Dunk!!!! 🙂 but it ain't worth a damn just yet!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Went according to plan but thus far Can just about buy one hamburger for it! 😗😗


A MENTOR will never, never, ever ,ever, under any circumstances take on an ENTITLED mofo trader!!! this pretty much rules out ALL BRITS on the spot!!! No exceptions perceived at T2W in this regard!


Mother Mary will grant me 8,500 points of credit to my spiritual account for this advice I am about to give. But this is BritLand. It will go over everyone's head and be worthless. Main obstacle? American wrote it! But there just might be someone from Africa, The Islands, South America, India, EskimoLand who might stumble upon this and fly with it to Heaven in a rocketing trading career

There is no better way known to Man than to have a MENTOR fall in love with you as a friend of substance! And it skyrockets when its reciprocated!!!

Welcome to the best of the best MENTORS - who had been trading since the cradle when his pops opened an account for him.

The MAN from God (THE MENTOR) saw-ed the Big Joe load stuff into the house the thai girl and Joe were moving into and bellowed thru' a megaphone from 30 years away ................... I'm Craig, don't sell INTEL"

I looked up at this paisan and nooo right away, "this be NO ordinary fella" turned out I was spot on.

He walked down to see me and introduced hissssself as a friend and neighbor.

Long story short.

This fella turned out to be the MENTOR, creme de la creme! MY one and ONLY mentor!!!

We became-d inseparable .............. only later did I find out that his decision to help me was made AFTER I said to him, "teach me, Master, I am wiling to pay the price in blood!"

The calls started automatically coming thru' from brokers to open accounts. The setups were pouring in! I had inadvertenly entered the millionaires club
My TRAINING consisted of just shutting the f****k up and listening to the wisdom pouring forth. I became good at this.

On Friday evenings before the market closed THE MENTOR would take me downtown to enjoy the fruits of his labor with the BROKER as the CASH for the weeek's profits were laid out on the table. The bag was biG. It had a nice shoulder strap. THE MENTOR would put it around his neck and off we went to drink, drink, drink! And dine, dine dine!!!! The tips given to the waitresses were YUGE!

Fibo was in HEAVEN!!!!

His girlfriend and mine became-d sisters of blood! A unique bond based on the bond between their MEN!

MENTOR was a tape reader like new_trader and dabble only a bit in TA and did not play any FIBO stuff at all.
MENTOR had a deadly weakness. He suffered from Edema and the doctors had given him no more than 1 year.

Aside from liking and trusting Big Joe, this upcoming feature was his biggest reward .................. I only found out about this much later on after his death ................

He could drink hissself silly and pass out and know that Big Joe would carry him in his arms to the car and take him home and tuck him in, lock the door, take the money bags home for safe keeping until the next morning - when we would have coffee together! He know-ed this with certainty! In his estimation nobody else could fulfill this level of care!!!
When MENTOR died, BIG JOE wept for days. Could not trade!

Then it happened! The American Embassy/Consulate came to our area to do the books on the MENTOR and I was informed that ALL accounts were signed over to me as beneficiary! ALL!!! Including Trading accounts stateside!!!

But there was somebody who would contest that! It was MENTOR's big sister who had flown in internationally!

She said to Big Joe, "You are his best friend and he loved you but I am his blood and I have 2 children and we are near destitute! I pray you will understand and do the right thing!"

That did it! I signed all docs over to the sister, every single penny!

I became a FREE Man from that point on!!!

The MENTOR was sent to teach me, not to give me his money!

RIP, brother!!!!


Keep eye on Shanghai Composite & Hang Seng .................... the assault could come from that angle as a financial entry virus ............ appears to have started already but needs watching for confirmation
Slam Dunk!!!! 🙂 but it ain't worth a damn just yet!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Went according to plan but thus far Can just about buy one hamburger for it! 😗😗

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Update Dow Jones 1H: obvious to everyone .............. NO worthwhile Short YET!. Top taken out so back to square 1.

I've done new Wavecount from the March 2020 low as shown. Based on this therefore if Dow Jones goes below the wave low marked (4) its all over and the TOP is finally IN.

As always I am in vigilant SHORT stance. No change in stance. Not interested in LONGs.

Dow Jones daily

BEAR's loy-tenant, El Terri-blay was seen getting off a train in El D.F. He was taking his time traveling due to the fact he was early yet. His next Stop was Guadalajara on his way north to his final destination.

His destination is cast in stone. Pre-ordained. It be Beverly Hills/West Hollywood/Bel Air/Brentwood/Westwood/Sunset blvd.,/ ................... from this central depot HE will fan out loy-tenants to penetrate Santa Monica/Pacific Palisades/Venice/Marina del Rey!

On loy-tenants' way to Santa Monica it is now confirmed that they will turn left at the Pacific coast Highway and not right. Thereby, the realm and domain of Fibo will remain SAFE for NOW!

lesson for ALL T2W especially for new_trader ................... why the actual/successful rich align 100% with Fibo regardless of methodology (Fundamental or TA or Star gazing or Tea leaves or Astrology ... or whatever)

Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rickards, Tony Robbins, Ray Dalio, Peter Schiff and many others, you name 'em one by one and they are all aligned with Fibo's market stance and have been in some cases for at least 2 years!!!!!

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