Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The greatest feature of a TOP and/or BOTTOM is that it comes quietly and softly and without fanfare - the same way LOVE does!!!!!

WE all have tremendous experience with LOVE.

USE it! It works the same way with Markets!

Tomorton, a young banker decided to get his first tailor-made suit during his visit to Los Angeles to see Fibo for some R & R​

So Fibo took him to the finest tailor in town named Dead_broke and Tomorton got measured for a suit.

A week later he went in for his first fitting.

He put on the suit and he looked fabulous, he felt that in this suit he can do business in Los Angeles. Both Fibo and Dead_broke acknowledged he looked good in the suit.

As he was preening himself in front of the mirror, he reached down to put his hands in the pockets and to his surprise, he noticed that there were no pockets.

He mentioned this to the tailor, Dead_broke who asked him, “Didn’t you tell me you were a banker?”

Tomorton answered, “Yes, I did.”

To this, Dead_broke said, “Who ever heard of a banker with his hands in his own pockets?”

Mexicans are now using the language of Fibo as if its a 2nd language in their daily lives ........................ they are saying the Third Wave has hit Mexico big time 🙂🙂

Covid explodes in Cancun & Los Cabos as Third Wave hits Mexico​

BEAR thus far appears to be relatively sparing Northern Baja California but is nailing the southern region. He's got Guadalajara by the kahunas, Spanish language schools are closing down by the yazoo. My my my, you take out Guadalajara and you've taken out Poet City, not dissimilar to the mighty heart of the French Resistance.

BEAR going after ART big time. Paris is tatters reminiscent of when Hitler screamed to I believe it was Goering, "I only care about one thing and one thing only, 'is Paris burning?'"

I look deeper and HE is now nailing the easy prey species. Why easy? Because they are missile guided solely by their c***s and v*****s. Cancun, Isla Muheres et al .................... the 3rd wave has arrived in spades

Ride the cable car in mighty gorgeous ZACATECAS? Forgeddabout it! BEAR zim zam zoomed Zacky with a neutron gallop on July 21. Boom!

Years ago, a German, a Japanese and Fibo were pulled over by a humungous Police sting at 3 AM on the road to Zacky. They had stopped a sh*tload of cars. We were learning spanish at the University of Guadalajara and had taken some days off to travel to Zacky et al.

We all spoke good enough Spanish. Cops came by and asked me, "drogas?" I said, Si, he said get out of the car and show me where and how much? I showed him 2 12-packs of Negra Modello and he and his cop buddies burst out laffffing and said to me and the others, "Welcome to Mexico, Adios!"

What a country!!! They have such a sense of humor!!! In America, the cops would sock it to us for even showing one bottle of beer and if it was an open bottle, our asses would be grass and grasses!!!
Bear has declared outright war on my beloved Yucatan Peninsula. 90% of the Lacondan Jungle is deforested already.

The guide took me to meet a Hah-g-war (Jaguar). never did find one!

Son of a gun had Chiapas left in peace but now is attacking big. Why would anybody attack Chiapas?


The Lacandon Jungle (Spanish: Selva Lacandona) is an area of rainforest which stretches from Chiapas, Mexico, into Honduras and into the southern part of the Yucatán Peninsula
San Miguel de Allende, a lovely town in Mexico, home to the most number of American retirees .................... these fellas sure knowhow to relax and enjoy. They enjoy their breakfast in the town plaza, chatting, reading the papers and magazines, playing morning chess

Then in the evenings its beer and wine time.

They is old fellas, the heart still gots some juice, the legs are wobbly but they enjoy their time knowing that they be running out of time and that that day will come.

Almost brought tears to Big Joe's eyes, had to struggle to keep them back ...................... on my 3rd day there the entire gang threw a farewell party for me and we was sitting around a huge fire drinking and talking and telling stories about America and the world ................ when 3 of the wives said this, "Joe, we would like to submit a petition for you to move and live here amongst us - we can arrange anything you need, maids, housecleaners, cooks, laundry so you have exactly the same you have back Home - would you consider it?"

I asked, "I've been her only 3 days and you like me so much already?" and I laffffed! But they smiled and were deadly serious when one of the wives replied ...............

"Joe, with you amongst us we would all automatically live at least 10 years longer"

I didn't got the words to reply ................

Sad, sad, sad about France ................ very sad indeed! 🙂 Fibo's #1 benefit country in the world. Without 'em Europe is not worth 5 bucks.

Help 'em Father.

Lambda variant ................. my my my oh my ................... BEAR is sending in lieutenants ..................... why?

Teejeeack's (Earth's) stable datum is: if vaccinated you are FREE to live in peace!

BEAR by definition will assault this stable datum and make mincemeat out of it!

Fibo's lingo terminology of WAVE 3 aka THIRD WAVE now being used freely in speech by even street hawkers in Peru!!!

🙂 (no disrespect intended to the suffering)

Reminder: A THIRD WAVE is characterized by sheer breadth and majesty on zibelengo full throttle wherein the scope of the concept of "full throttle" is ever widened until it reaches full exotic thrusting power in the THIRD of THIRD = the middle portion of the THIRD WAVE. This portion of the THIRD is called the RECOGNITION PHASE

Entertainment for the foreigners here if any are left, highly likely all Americans have gone or been banned ....................... when the THIRD of THIRD wave hits, keep eye on all Brits here, especially the likes of Timsk, Atilla, Tomorton, Counter-violent ........................ watch their midriffs as the FAT of the colonial empire finally starts dropping in pounds ...... as the reality sinks in and the Memo finally arrives in spades that the Empire died a long time ago and this here is the finally onslaught to put them away for good!!!!

Third Wave Zibiledengo frukase reality check that nobody is cogniting on ........................ BEAR's mathematical formula ............

Dr. fauci and other medical experts are busy busy busy extrapolating and calculating galore what the difference is in the strains that are appearing .................... they are saying all sorts of stupid sh*t like the Delta variant is 50 times more powerful bla bla bla .............

They don't know BEAR the way fibo does!!!!


BEAR is following the simple Fibo code: Variant x 1.618 gives the next variant strength ..............


Dead_broke and fibo were standing atop a mountain in Glendale, CA 🙂🙂 and dead_broke almost fell off his horse when he heard Fibo pound the mountain with, "BEAR, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"

The Ben Franklin Close ......................

Amazon OR Trading!

Closing question is ..................... "Which way would you rather go?" Boom!

Lambda variant ................. my my my oh my ................... BEAR is sending in lieutenants ..................... why?

Teejeeack's (Earth's) stable datum is: if vaccinated you are FREE to live in peace!

BEAR by definition will assault this stable datum and make mincemeat out of it!

The assault on the Stable Datum mentioned in quote will start gradually. The interesting feno-menon will be how long it takes Dr. Fauci to realize that BEAR is attacking the backbone of the Stable Datum

I told you guys sooooo many times Americans are a beautiful people. Benevolence is here to stay as long as Americans continue to stay. The Thai people know it well. The Donation Log book at the local Police Stations across Thailand list the donors of FOOD/AID/MONEY by nationality. The American donors are so staggeringly high percentage compared to Europeans, Australians, Canadians and all others, that Thai Immigration has started to take notice of this stunning development during the Covid-10 crisis as the starving rate escalates like a rocket.

Always super friendly and kind and generous toward Americans, Thai officials are now taking it to the Moon by having one employee at Immigration visa renewal lines, go thru' the lines and take the Americans aside to the waiting room where they have a place to sit in air-conditioned space and are served first. Visa renewals are dished out to Americans like candy.

Does not surprise Fibo!!! For years I've noticed the warm reception Americans get upon arrival at Bangkok airport. The Immigration officer of course might not know the difference just by looking but the moment he sees the passport, he lites up like a christmas tree and the Welcome to thailand gushes forth. Stamps in the passport are the quickest compared to any nationality including aliens.

All well-known and well established for years .......................

Look at video below ................ EVERY American is like this guy when it comes to giving. Americans cannot stand to see a person hungry! They hurt big time. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that This American in the video is keeping not only many people but the 4 elephants alive with the 800 Baht per truck per day of vegetation necessary to feed them.

They (Americans) is lovingly referred to as Khun Saharat America


Trading is worse than divorce, you'll lose everything and still have your wife!

T2W master trader, MasterOfCoin walks into a pizza shop & orders a large pizza. Cook asked him how many slices he wanted it cut into? MOC replied, "I think you better cut it into 8 slices instead of the usual 6 because I'm rather hungry today"

Good advice in Trading that has stood the test of time ..........


The most successful female financier was Moses’ mother. She went to the bank and floated a prophet.

A Greek, an Irishman and a Portuguese go into a bar and order drinks. Who picks up the bill? A German.

A Japanese man walked into the currency exchange line in a New York bank with 2000 yen and was sent 66 m฿. He asked the teller why he got less money than he had gotten the previous week. The lady said, “Fluctuations.” The Japanese man stormed out, and just before slamming the door, he turned around and said, “Fuck you Americans too!”

See the part where you enter a forum to learn trading. The slope goes u p for a bit and invigorates you and you think you've hit the jackpot. But then it reverses and steepens. By that time you're so hooked on forums, you call it HOME. You spend the rest of your days living the lives of new_trader, Timsk & MasterOfCoin, not to mention counter-violent who has been here since before Jesus and never posted a single chart


What’s the difference between a pigeon and a stockbroker? The pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.

A pure Fibo discovery of a feno-menon that is unique to ALL stock trading forums and is a guarantee that the poster does not trade, is a losing trader, knows doodly et al ....................... the poster posts a blank chart .................. common at every mother's Forum in existence. ................................... All losers ..................

At T2W, the only fella who posted at least one line on a chart to offer perspective was a trader named Dentalfloss (a dentist, yes). Now he's gone too. all others are blank chart posters ............

Guiltiest ones are the following losers to the nth degree ...................


Currently the only exception at T2W that posts a chart with at least some perspective on it, is a girl, yes a girl. Her name is new_trader and she has been around T2W since before Sharky was born. She and only she takes her craft seriously and strives to improve but has never had any guidance in this rotten desert of losers galore!! She and only she, may go in Peace. She has Fibo's blessings!!! 🙂

There are primarily 3 different types of investors who post on the message boards.
1. Those who don't know anything: approx. 10%
2. Those who know a little: approx. 10%
3. Those who don't realize they don't know anything: approx. 80%

A T2W minister named Tomorton dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. Some say this man is Fibo.
Saint Peter addresses this guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?"
The guy replies, "I'm Joe Cohen, stockbroker, of Noo Yawk City."
Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the stockbroker, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
The stockbroker goes into Heaven with his robe and staff, and it's the minister, Tomorton's turn. He stands erect and booms out, "I am Tomorton Trade2Win, pastor of Trader333 state penitentiary for the last forty-three years."
Saint Peter consults his list. He says to Tomorton, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Just a minute," says Tomorton. "That man was a stockbroker-- he gets a silken robe and golden staff but I, a minister, only get a cotton robe and wooden staff? How can this be?"
"Up here, we work by results," says Saint Peter. "While you preached, people slept; his clients, they prayed."
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