Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Take it from me fellas, this one universal truth will set you free and give you enjoyment and sheer sybaritic pleasure of the nth degree if you pull off the big gains profits in this USDJPY move. Think about it. In 2-3 years you will be able to walk away from your slave lives, all of you and pick a destination holiday resort of your own choice, its does not have to be Thailand or any of my choices but all yours entirely. When you arrive there at your selected place, it will be as if a giant planet has lifted off off your shoulders thereby restoring you to your native towering height in stature and confidence - as a result of this, your enjoyment, happiness quotient and pleasure will skyrocket.

HEAVEN will not be much better than what you will experience if you follow my formula.

Can you dig it?
For a definition of the above happiness quotient, here is a true example of how sybaritic it is to escape from jail and have not a care in the world, no schedules, no worries, no nothing but sheer poetry ...................

This 65 year old fella from a western country was sitting with a group of fellas talking about our serendipity in discovering the Land of smiles (Thailand) ......................... there were about 12 fellas there from many countries. He leaned over to me and asked, "don't you love it here?" I said, "more than you'll ever fathom" ..................... that really got him going ...............

his story ...................

"Joe, back home I'm a rich man, super rich, but nobody in my family really cares about me, they are after me only for the money - no respect, no nothing. One even got so indignant when they found out I was moving to Thailand that she yelled at me, 'if you hook up with any black bastard female I will hunt you down' ................ Death was inevitable until the day I arrived here and people all over started wishing me Good morning and wanting to get to know me. The girls, of course they are attracted to money but there is something huge when a beauty walks up to you and whispers all sorts of stuff your wife never dreamed of ever saying to you"

This grown man was in tears of JOY

Such is what you fellas have in store for you instead of that stupid life in the UK or USA for that matter!

Escape; boys escape, the opportunity of the Millennium is knocking .................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE TWIN TOWERS (USD & JPY) can set you FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to Fibo's HOME, the find de la find, the discovery de las discovery that has stood the test of time thru' numerous countries

USDJPY (now at 109.329) will arrive at Fibo resistance at 109.386 on 1H. Be ready to TP for maximum possible gain at this Fibo level. If it works, then it will be the first time in History that a TREND surfer has captured near 100% of the move as opposed to the best of the current best capture record of 33% of the move.

But only if it works. Alternate TP = a close on 1H below 109.22. This alternate would give back some moolah, not much but some.

In any event the profit, if correctly called in advance, will be stellar.

If there is no trouble at this level then next station is at 109.88

God, do I love it so! Such precision strikes, such best job in the world status (no boss-es, no secretaries, no dumbphucks all over the place contaminating my psyche by proximity 🤣🤣🤣)

Covid-19 update for HISTORIANS today's date May 1st, 2021 ............

years/decades from today Historians will gasp in awe that in the midst of such cheering/complacency/partying/fun & frolic/total disregard to danger in the greates country in the world with the greatest most knowledgeable experts and priveleged ones ........................ only on person, that too one of considerable intemperate disposition, CALLED the phenomenon as Wave 2 = the greatest TRAP in 75 million years of Earth and the Galactic Confederation of 76 planets

Called by WAVE-er ................ Solo ............

video shows the level of complacency quite clearly!!!!

My God! When Wave 3 comes in it will be like shooting ducks in a barrel - the shock surprise will be so YUGE that the govt. will be petrified into pillars of stone - immovable

USDJPY ..................... a blast from the past ....................... so therefore a slight detour to enjoy the few hours I spent with T2W's best poster, NVP 🙂🙂

see posts .... 111, 118, 144, 161, here

then see posts .... 1,150, 1151, 1186, 1225, 1247 in this thread you are already in..

one thing though, and it was Mother Mary who said this to me when months later NVP stabbed me in the back in the thread to ban Fibo for Life ................. Mother said, "My dearest Joe, try not to be too harsh on NVP, he cannot deviate from the mob of T2W, the price his will pay will be too high for him to bear considering that this is his HOME - forgive him, is my recommendation, he is a good boy" 🙂🙂

the thread starter named Trendie above already had feelings that this place T2W had fallen apart and was dying but he like the others do not have the brass balls to engineer change and instead will sink with the ship all the way to the bottom of the ocean. Fibo don't operate in Life with such a loser mentality.

God, do I love it so! NVP is the only Englishman here at T2W along with outstanding newbie poster ssam who don't have any grudges towards Americans and can rise tot he occasion and converse on a level field. Just 2 Englishmen, that's it. 🙂🙂
USDJPY ..................... a blast from the past ....................... so therefore a slight detour to enjoy the few hours I spent with T2W's best poster, NVP 🙂🙂

see posts .... 111, 118, 144, 161, here

then see posts .... 1,150, 1151, 1186, 1225, 1247 in this thread you are already in..

one thing though, and it was Mother Mary who said this to me when months later NVP stabbed me in the back in the thread to ban Fibo for Life ................. Mother said, "My dearest Joe, try not to be too harsh on NVP, he cannot deviate from the mob of T2W, the price his will pay will be too high for him to bear considering that this is his HOME - forgive him, is my recommendation, he is a good boy" 🙂🙂

the thread starter named Trendie above already had feelings that this place T2W had fallen apart and was dying but he like the others do not have the brass balls to engineer change and instead will sink with the ship all the way to the bottom of the ocean. Fibo don't operate in Life with such a loser mentality.

God, do I love it so! NVP is the only Englishman here at T2W along with outstanding newbie poster ssam who don't have any grudges towards Americans and can rise tot he occasion and converse on a level field. Just 2 Englishmen, that's it. 🙂🙂

Now get your head blasted to WOW smithereens by seeing post # 381 on July 1, 2019 ..... this thread

USDJPY & Englishmen post #381 says it all for Historians
Homework for the Englishmen 🙂 😎

USDJPY ............ big opportunity to finally be able to clear out of London and bugger off where other Brits have gone and are in Paradise - many destination Paradises. But one thing is in short supply. The vehicle to engineer one's escape from London. All these other cats are generally living on fixed income plus a few extra bucks here and there.

They don't got what the Englishmen here got. A retirement opportunity so compelling, its staggering.


stare at the 100 year monthy chart first. Then stare at the weekly then the daily. Confusion ought to reign supreme. Then drop once more to the weekly. Look again. See the triangle sideways pattern for years?

Its ending soon.

Upwave aborning. Prepare weaponry.

READ quote first (from July 1, 2019), then send letter to Oxford dictionary to put the photo of Fibo as the replacement for all the text defining .............. P R E S C I E N C E


Reminder of the generosity of Fibo ..................... casting pearls among ............................. 🙂 🙂 👍👍😆😆

and done in barely the 2nd month at T2W, a place where to find a technical chart is harder than passing a camel thru' the eye of a needle. Pick any oldtimer and count the number of charts posted. And mind you, this place is called Trade2Win.

How the heck did things get so bad, so slovenly, so asinine, hovine, bovine?

You got me. I don't have an answer!
The safest places to be to avoid the Pandemic are listed in the video.

But Fibo says, they are anything but safe, all will be ramrodded in Wave 3, especially Singapore.

Hey guys ................................. great News ......................... fingers crossed; 2021 high odds of being the ultimate banner year for Fibo. Why? I believe I might be going into a 3rd Wave up myself. The world will be in a downwave, the thread BEAR market. This is as it should be - the Lord rewards those who put in the work! Money is hardly the reward I'm after. Its way bigger. Way bigger. Its an accomplishment, a reckoning!

The problem with Money is that its only great and terrific to those who don't got any, but the savvy know that once you have some or plenty, you're pretty much back to square 1 in your own Universe, a mere first rung of the ladder. But to the rest of the world you are a towering giant because you can afford all sorts of sh*t.

Circular motion with the right hand!

So those who want to feast can meet me on the Parkway

Sometime I in Brooklyn sometime I in Queens
Sometime I gone down to Manhattan to check out the scene
Well I'm always keeping on the move, I love to roam
So I want the ladies to know its hard to find me at home

I wake in the morning, I leaving the stables
I don't know what time in the evening I'll be coming back
So you see it don't make any sense for you to call
You'll just be wasting your time
I'm hardly ever at home at all
So meet me on the Parkway.
If you miss the train you can get Bus 44

Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂 Read para #1 in quote from last year. Now confirmed Fibo is in a 3rd wave for his own life overall (all aspects of life not just trading). I said year 2021 would be the "ultimate banner year" for Fibo

I also said 21 is a magical number of stellar healing and jet propulsion properties. Well boys, I'm in it now. The magic of 21 has enveloped Fibo
My expectation is that my personal 3rd wave will last 8 or 13 years, not 21 years. All 3 are Fibo numbers with 8 being the most likely. In any event the entire move in mypersonal life will be subdivided into 5 internal waves so it will not be difficult to gauge when the 5th wae of the 3rd, aka ultimate wave is at hand. When it ends, the Universe demands I go into a corrective wave. I intend to spend that corrective wave exclusively in The Land of Smiles aka Thailand
Slam Dunk!!! confirmed!!! 🙂 I'm on my way, its defo a 3rd wave, I can feel it 🙂 Everything is becoming effortless. This is the signature of a Wave 3 the opposite direction of a Wave 3 down by BEAR. Any resistance in life I run into is still a resistance but it stands no chance against my knife-thru' butter INTENTION that fires out from dead center 1" behind the eyes where I reside.

The words NO and can't have lost meaning - this is normal operation in a 3rd wave

Based on the last 3 posts today it should therefore be quite obvious that Fibo's entire time at ET (2019) and T2W (May 4, 2019-now) has been a BEAR market Wave 2 for Big Joe (in the entire aspect of Life not just trading)

Therefore if I did as well as I did even in a Wave 2 down (=BEAR move), imagine what the f*** is going to happen in a Wave 3 up!!!!!

Jesus H Christ!!!!!!!!! I really have to remind myself that I must sleep!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
21 grams is what they say the soul weighs, because if a corpse is weighed, curiously there is a difference in weight with respect to what it would weigh if it were alive.

Yes, yes, yes the above applies to Brits too 🙂
USDJPY (now at 109.329) will arrive at Fibo resistance at 109.386 on 1H. Be ready to TP for maximum possible gain at this Fibo level. If it works, then it will be the first time in History that a TREND surfer has captured near 100% of the move as opposed to the best of the current best capture record of 33% of the move.

But only if it works. Alternate TP = a close on 1H below 109.22. This alternate would give back some moolah, not much but some.

In any event the profit, if correctly called in advance, will be stellar.

If there is no trouble at this level then next station is at 109.88

God, do I love it so! Such precision strikes, such best job in the world status (no boss-es, no secretaries, no dumbphucks all over the place contaminating my psyche by proximity 🤣🤣🤣)

SLAM Dunk! 🙂🙂 Fibo's called Resistance played out as called but with a trap as USDJPY penetrated deep and then slingshotted back proving that the resistance called by Fibo "fired late" The no-brainer Fibo stop was so perfect as it was placed as per WAVE MECHANICS FIBO STYLE 109.22 .............. see 2nd para in quote for specifying everything well in advance of the trade reversal.

Total NETT PROFIT capture % of the entire move from low to reversal high after STOP taken out = 71.3%

Captured 71.3% of the entire move

If you recall my earlier generalized statements about TREND followers like the Turtles and company and Ed Sekota, generall they capture 33.3% of the move because they get buggered at both entry and exit = always late.

Fibo is so far ahead of these sons of b*tches its not funny!, its downright hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But my goal is to get higher rates of capture to 88.3% next stop, then 94.5%.
The trade chart 1H USDJPY barebones chart tos how only the resistance I called and the stop area at wave 4

USDJPY 1H trade review:

I could have got out at 109.503

Additionally I missed a key observation point @ approx. 109.625.

Yeah but excuses like shoulda - woulda - coulda are worth doody when it comes to getting paid and laid

TRADER trading camp for excruciating pain is a luxury hotel even better than Hotel California .............

what does it take to become a Special Forces Fighter in the Financial Markets?

See video

They say that BEAR did that to him, but Harry put 'em straight by telling them, "no way BEAR did that because the guy still looks too damn good"

Lesson: BEAR only personally goes after guys of substance like those in the special Forces. Small timers are left to loy-tenants



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TRADING skills/prowess thoughts during a 3rd Wave in Life in general ................ would include Trading too along with all other aspects of Life ...............

In Life these waves a super long and make commodity waves (loooong waves esp. in the 5th wave) look like puny sons of b*tches.

So therefore I expect that it will years to get to NETT PROFIT EXTRACTION up to 88.3% and then in the 3rd of 3rd I might get it u p to 94.5%.

So, we are talking YEARS, not months weeks or days

Of course I will love to be surprised by windfalls in this arena but I know I am in the esoteric, aesthetic zone where subtleties reside. For example, just changing the angle of attack by 0.001 degree can have a monstrous effect on the outcome of the arrival at target.

But they say, the journey is a whole lotta fun not just the destination and I agree, its the whole trip that is full of pleasure of work and accomplishment.

God, do I love it so!

🙂 🙂
For NVP .............. 🙂🙂🙂

You still want to exchange phone numbers, addresses and whatnot? I'm always game but will these deadbeats who have you bounded, gagged and imprisoned on the Brit Jail Island the size of Louisiana with no view to the rest of the world, release YOU?

there is no honor in premature ejaculating, amigo. You are doing well trading the scalps but you can increase your stature to that of a Prince by just changing the timeframe to longer and reap phenomenal rewards and not have a drastic impact on the quality of life by being stuck to a computer terminal.

Besides, your wife or gf will love you for it! No woman digs a man who drops the hammer on the vas deferens in seconds

Satisfy her once a week with some solid time drilling, NVP and then just watch her attitude. You will be pleasantly shocked!

Get the LIFE concept from this post that only Oscar Reed understood or had the guts to acknowledge. The rest here are all politically correct scaredycats .......................

Post #88

Why investors should ignore the old Wall Street adage ‘Sell in May’​




Florida Gov. DeSantis suspends all remaining Covid restrictions: ‘We are no longer in a state of emergency’​



Forgive them Father for they know not what they say or do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slam Dunk! 🙂 on Fibo CALLs , "bull market icons become BEAR market pariahs"

I had mentioned Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and many others .................... many times ..............

its underway now, the concrete is starting to crack as BEAR nails them one by one ................

Poor Warren! The respect from Big Joe can never fade because he's lived in same house he grew up in, drives the same car wile every other jackass has 100 cars and houses and yachts. But wait it gets better: when he goes to work every morning, his wife gives him exact change for the McDonald's take out window ($3.50 ??). What a guy!!! THEY've already started to mock him. I'm with Warren. Big Joe never forgets HISTORY

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