Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Warren Buffet preaches, "wait for it, then take the big swing"

Fibo does it in Life like there's no tomorrow and the best part is, "not yet ever had a blown account in trading"

They say, "not a single trader has gone on without at least one blown account!"


Can it happen to Fibo in today's world? No way Jose!! Why can it not happen? Because Fibo sealed the backdoor the way Jimmy said todo it - the stupendous, magnifico STOPLOSS that nobody can find no matter how hard they dig. Some say this type of Stoploss is a Catastrophic Stoploss. Yeah baby, that it is

It is therefore too late for it to happen to Fibo!

Pound for pound the top 10 is where he resides ....................

Hey guys .............................. for your caution and defensive barricades ...................... be different from the Herd, being a Robin Hood trader means you will make money like the shoeshine boys who say to everyone in the latter stages of a frothy bull market, "Its so easy to make money in the markets, I just borrow and borrow and plug it in and it pays me bigtime"

Then, as every time before in History, the Top came in and wiped them all out! Every damn time.

Is there a cure? Yes! The middle portion of the TREND, the 1/3rd that all trend riders make good earnings. The tailend of the last 1/3rd is where Paul Newman shrieks, "FIRE!" and the stamped thru' the one door gets underway in one shot. Trampled? Yeah!

Where was the 1/3rd that played the middle portion only and got out like Bernard Baruch? Why of course they be on a cruise for months.

Chart does NOT belong to me - it belongs to the Federal Govt. but is now mine as I make it my own by studying it! 🙂🙂


The director of the movie is like Big Joe - does the homework and toils and toils to find the gems - the gems in this movie come from Uganda, not known to America back then but the cognoscenti like Denzel & director, Nair, know it is truly sheer exquisite poetry but will go unnoticed by whities because the stem is blackie. Fibo cotts it on first click the very first time he saw the movie, he exclaimed, "song shoots to top 10 in my collection in a heartbeat"


Big Joe salutes her efforts. Her research was deeep, deeeep, went undercover, ran into all sorts of opposition. Jesus H Christ, just one song can save the entire world, it sure as sh*t saved Fibo from despair many a time when bored sh*tless and nowhere to go except to die

CHINA scaring the daylights out of everyone ................

but can they trick Big Joe? NO!

YouTube China expats from Eurozone flooding the lanes with how USA has already been defeated by China. Thenof course there is all sorts of talk especially from Bill Maher about how this is true and that it is the scene.

Here's the thing ................ if China is to be the next superpower it has to control the Reserve currency

Goodluck Chino, dream on!! See chart. USD vs Yuan finished Primary Wave 1 up from year 1980, then did the magnificentissimo correction to the Golden Ratio, Fibo's Home at 61.8% and then charged north again. Now we watch how things develop.

The huge upwave to the left of the chart is a MOTIVE = IMPULSE WAVE. What has to follow if this is correct s that the correction must be a 3-waver .................. we give this more time to develop. This is such a serious issue ...............

So where do I stand? Chino will fall hard, fall big, will not be able to become the Reserve Currency.

Injuns put out good stuff in the realm of Fundamental Analysis. Big Joe got all the technicals totally covered SOLO. But Fundamentals? Injuns are a good source as their life depends on it especially as Chino is trying to push them around ............

You know Fibo loves Injuns, right? Yeah baby, its true

see @ 1:44 for Fibo's counterpart (USD) bearing the same name as Fibo aka Thunderlips delivers a shocking magical piece of Fundamental News to the heart of Fibo, courtesy the nice looking Injun anchor

She says 61.99% at 1:44 in video ..................... The Golden Ratio is 61.8%

Can you dig it?
Can you dig the serendipity of this News item from the Injuns? Fibo can always count on the Injuns


Brits bent on spending spree as pubs, shops, gyms and hairdressers reopen in England​

Last Updated: April 12, 2021 at 1:06 p.m. ETFirst Published: April 12, 2021 at 9:31 a.m. ET

Pierre Briançon​

Lambs to the slaughter
It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
Last updated by Fibo April 12, 2021
Hey guys, quick update on something spectacular-issimo - a revelation, a reckoning , the final separation and distancing of Fibo from ALL Wave practitioners of every stripe - meaning any and all wave practitioner are now just simply left in the dust on Blueberry Hill.

How & why so? 99.99% of them are not even on the same playing field of Fibo so these are easily defeated and dispensed with. Most stock trading forum members, especially at ET, hate Elliottwave with a passion so consuming they can literally get so angry and come to your house and harm you if you promote it 🙂🙂 I could never blame these boys because I myself knew that Elliottwave kills and maims and leaves investors breathlessly dead. Traders? Everyone I knew back then, has been dead a long time.

But its a business. Those who don't trade, teach how to trade and teach Theory and write newsletters. That's how they make their money and pay 300k salaries and so on. And what of the sheep who get burned and then keep coming back for more punishment at the hands of Elliottwave Theory? They are addicts. They cannot quit and just walk away

I am the only survivor out in the open. There could be others but they do not come out in public for fear of being stoned to death.

So, what have I uncovered? A flaw so serious, so egregious in practitioners' thought-ing that it floored me and brought on gobs of light and minutes and minutes of bellowing in pleasure, "YEAH!"

I know the mistake they make. They make the exact same mistake in LIFE by ignoring NATURE'S basic warning, "if its processed (food for example) it just simply cannot be right/good!!!!!!

Can't embellish for the danger of being sued to eternity. So that's all that will be said.

Moving on ....................... with my own brand of WAVE Trading/Investing, now totally disconnected from everyone I knew.

But Big Joe is in Heaven with this giant move and can now stand in the ring with BEAR, take a beating but cannot be killed! And therein lies yet another secret of Trading, "to succeed in the long run, you must LIVE, i.e. not get killed in the formative years"

Any white cop messes with Fats will get slapped around by Fibo real good 🙂🙂

Now that I am on a whole new level of WAVES, a whole new plateau, there will be nudity = mistakes now and then, but its all part of the process. Best not to follow Big Joe now as he takes a beating as he is going into the ring without any indicators and operating only on PURE WAVES ........ welcome to Big Joe in Kindergarten level 🙂🙂

Going up against the Nasdaq with no weapons except my SPIRIT

But as I step into the ring to take a solid thrashing every now and then, the WAVES of the Universe have already sent me their blessings and welcome to the CLUB. Which Waves you ask? Nuclear, photon, Electromagnetic, Aerodynamic, Fluid Mechanics, Light, Sound, Heart, Brain, Ocean, Tsunamis and others . .......................... these are Financial Waves but the principles are the same .............................


How do I feel, Lord? Knocking on Heaven's door as close to Heaven as one can get in this song ...............

Sorry guys, see Nasdaq 1H chart above was missing some of the count in the middle portion - corrected now ..............

Nasdaq at WAVE EQUALITY now, a common feature in WAVES. Will I be right?

Fck knows but I'm going with it! If it works I'll be rich, if it fails, its just another tub of boiling water 🙂🙂


USDJPY & DXY in corrections of Wave 1 now. Do something else while these 2 boys prepare for the big wave up NEXT, the one that will make you 1 mil with ease.

If I'm late and/or fck up, just know that if you see the recent top top being taken out, the gig is on and its got a loooooong way north to go. Its gonna be a full blown MOTIVE WAVE. But alas, we do have to live with corrections as per the Universe design 5 steps forward, 3 steps backward and then repeat, that being the definition of TREND we are stuck with.

Fibo has a new way to explain the concept of rejoining the Primary Trend after an intermediate correction - it came about when the girls who are now traders under my tutelage on the Stock Exchange of Thailand flat out said, "we don't understand the concept!"

A big, big, big fight with the boyfriend by the girls = separation, social distancing, no smiling, no talking, no discussion, just misery. Then much late down the road, the heart softens and voila, the miss and huddle and cuddle follow. At exactly that moment the Corrective Wave has ended and the Wave reverses course and rejoins the Primary TREND - the Primary Trend being the one that has the ROOTS of CORE LOVE. A corrective wave cannot defeat this bastion of Love.

They get it now. They understand clearly the concept and are ready to move on. So they ask Big Joe, "but what shall we do while USDJPY is correcting? Big Joe replies, "enjoy the spoils of Wave 1, live live live"

An intermediate wave correction demonstrated by song below ......................

Hey guys, here's something about Big Joe's love of women. I love 'em all but this girl here is my bread and butter dates in Chiangmai - these are University girls who go for Big Joe in a big way - and Big Joe for them. On a date they just touch and touch Big Joe on the arm and they cannot stop talking, so excited are they to meet a fella who duplicates them perfectly and LEADS while others fawn .................

Notice the following ...............

pretty, soft, delicate, smooth skin, silky voice, ambitious, studious, very fast thinker, capable of making rapid fire decisions - this part you might not know but Big Joe can see this easily .............. she is from a village, could be a village near BKK but she is supporting her Ma and Pa, most likely sending 85% of her salary HOME to look after the parents. She is the pillar her parents rest upon as the government give a rat's ass about helping the poor.

Now she has a job offer for 3 months from this nice American. I'm thrilled to see it happen.

I will contact her down the road as I do believe 20,000 Baht per month is way too low for a girl with such potential.

I will add her to the Trading class with the other girls. 100,000 per month is where she will start on even during training class for trading. Then the earnings start rising exponentially as the capital grows and she adheres to the rules of trading especially the stoploss concepts

But I won't interfere with her job with Chris. But really 20k Baht is too low but the poor thing cannot possibly know this, too yound and inexperienced in the ways of the world

Hey guys, here's something about Big Joe's love of women. I love 'em all but this girl here is my bread and butter dates in Chiangmai - these are University girls who go for Big Joe in a big way - and Big Joe for them. On a date they just touch and touch Big Joe on the arm and they cannot stop talking, so excited are they to meet a fella who duplicates them perfectly and LEADS while others fawn .................

Notice the following ...............

pretty, soft, delicate, smooth skin, silky voice, ambitious, studious, very fast thinker, capable of making rapid fire decisions - this part you might not know but Big Joe can see this easily .............. she is from a village, could be a village near BKK but she is supporting her Ma and Pa, most likely sending 85% of her salary HOME to look after the parents. She is the pillar her parents rest upon as the government give a rat's ass about helping the poor.

Now she has a job offer for 3 months from this nice American. I'm thrilled to see it happen.

I will contact her down the road as I do believe 20,000 Baht per month is way too low for a girl with such potential.

I will add her to the Trading class with the other girls. 100,000 per month is where she will start on even during training class for trading. Then the earnings start rising exponentially as the capital grows and she adheres to the rules of trading especially the stoploss concepts

But I won't interfere with her job with Chris. But really 20k Baht is too low but the poor thing cannot possibly know this, too yound and inexperienced in the ways of the world

Coincidence bigtime. She said in the video she is from Northern Thailand = my Home base 🙂 🙂 🙂

I probably guessed right, Chiangmai University is where she graduated. If not, the only other option is Chiang Rai. A toss up but more likely my backyard, Chiangmai.

USDJPY & DXY in corrections of Wave 1 now. Do something else while these 2 boys prepare for the big wave up NEXT, the one that will make you 1 mil with ease.

If I'm late and/or fck up, just know that if you see the recent top top being taken out, the gig is on and its got a loooooong way north to go. Its gonna be a full blown MOTIVE WAVE. But alas, we do have to live with corrections as per the Universe design 5 steps forward, 3 steps backward and then repeat, that being the definition of TREND we are stuck with.

Fibo has a new way to explain the concept of rejoining the Primary Trend after an intermediate correction - it came about when the girls who are now traders under my tutelage on the Stock Exchange of Thailand flat out said, "we don't understand the concept!"

A big, big, big fight with the boyfriend by the girls = separation, social distancing, no smiling, no talking, no discussion, just misery. Then much late down the road, the heart softens and voila, the miss and huddle and cuddle follow. At exactly that moment the Corrective Wave has ended and the Wave reverses course and rejoins the Primary TREND - the Primary Trend being the one that has the ROOTS of CORE LOVE. A corrective wave cannot defeat this bastion of Love.

They get it now. They understand clearly the concept and are ready to move on. So they ask Big Joe, "but what shall we do while USDJPY is correcting? Big Joe replies, "enjoy the spoils of Wave 1, live live live"

An intermediate wave correction demonstrated by song below ......................

USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

Such an important instrument deserves a top mechanic ..................

Correction tend to go to the previous 4th wave. But in this case due to the extended 5th wave of the rally, the optios for the correction end are

108.35 or the 4th wave marked was south at 104.46. That's just the way it is. I have also marked the 61.8% white dashed line as oftentimes the correction can reverse on a dime at this location (107.76). Then of course there is the business world of Waves where Ocean waves have a tendency to reverse at 50% (106.75) or the sister of the magic wand at 38.2% (105.80). These levels are all part of WAVE behavior and there is no way to know with certainty the actual final level of correction that the corrective wave will perform. Or is there?

I believe there is but Fibo is too young to know such esoteric stuff - this mystery is foremost on my mind as a target accomplishment for year 2022-2023. It is a huge goal, an epic goal because corrections are super tricky, super complicated and often they just plod along and frustrate and thwart. Therefore a break thru' in wave understanding of this arena would be just sheer poetry for Fibo. But it will take time, Providence and Serendipity for this nugget to come my way.

So therefore in the meantime all I have is the above mentioned 61.8%, 50%, 38.2% and finally the true 4th wave extreme zone. Our job therefore is to just stay alert for when not "if"

USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

Such an important instrument deserves a top mechanic ..................

Correction tend to go to the previous 4th wave. But in this case due to the extended 5th wave of the rally, the optios for the correction end are

108.35 or the 4th wave marked was south at 104.46. That's just the way it is. I have also marked the 61.8% white dashed line as oftentimes the correction can reverse on a dime at this location (107.76). Then of course there is the business world of Waves where Ocean waves have a tendency to reverse at 50% (106.75) or the sister of the magic wand at 38.2% (105.80). These levels are all part of WAVE behavior and there is no way to know with certainty the actual final level of correction that the corrective wave will perform. Or is there?

I believe there is but Fibo is too young to know such esoteric stuff - this mystery is foremost on my mind as a target accomplishment for year 2022-2023. It is a huge goal, an epic goal because corrections are super tricky, super complicated and often they just plod along and frustrate and thwart. Therefore a break thru' in wave understanding of this arena would be just sheer poetry for Fibo. But it will take time, Providence and Serendipity for this nugget to come my way.

So therefore in the meantime all I have is the above mentioned 61.8%, 50%, 38.2% and finally the true 4th wave extreme zone. Our job therefore is to just stay alert for when not "if"

View attachment 298984

USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

How much money am I expecting to make on the next upwave? 47 mil. which will include a trailiing CORE Stoploss at a location that Goldman Sachs will not be able to find it to kill it - it will be safe from all marauders and invading armies of thieves and crooks. This will be combined with supremely hi leverage plays on the 5-min timeframe and under for maximum engine booosts of profits.

What is the extent of the next upwave's potential to return a rate of return so stellar? The extent of the wave can go to 100% (equality) starting from the point of reversal of the correction when it comes OR to 161.8%, 261.8% or a maximum of 423.6%. So when these target levels are approached keep the CORE in of course but be extra vigilant on the hi lev trades.

The expectation would of course be to ride the wave to the entirety at 423.6%

47 mil. is my earnings for this upcoming move as demanded by my soul and heart and liver! I will see it thru'.

See next post for the lovely advantage of Fibo's stellar job, the best-est job on EARTH and why its the best-est

USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

traders search and search for stocks that will gain big or be the next killer stock like Apple, Microsoft etc., they spend months and years trying to figure this out. There are 8000 stocks in the US alone. Then there are another 5 million stocks worldwide to choose from. Its enough to confuse the daylights out of anyone and causes them to search for all sorts of esoteric software to do the searches for Volume nibbling by the cognoscenti and whatnot.

Only duffers operate this way and unfortunately the world is full of duffers to the extent of 99.99999%. Fibo avoid them like the Plague. This is why Fibo is loner. Stupidity is contagious, worse than the Corona Virus. I maintain a sizeable distance from all sons of b*tches. There are just a handful of people that can approach the inner sanctum of Fibo.

So what does Fibo do? Why of course Fibo has the greatest instrument of all time, the one with the biggest volume namely EURUSD as bread and butter for all contiuous activity trading on the weekly/daily timeframe. This is bread and butter.

Then I add just one or 3 more instruments to the bread and butter so I can focus. Currencies are best but I prefer to stick with those pairs that have HISTORY of epic proportions like the majors, USDJPY, GBPUSD, CHFUSD. Then I do a ratio hit to pick the champ on the monthly timeframe. This is then the one I go with.

So it has been USDJPY all along even as I waited pay-shuntly for the terribly frustrating sideways correction that lasted for weeks and weeks. God said, "Joe, pay-shunce is a virtue of godly import, use it wisely and in abundance and it will never disappoint you"

I therefore traded and traded bread and butter while I waited for USDJPY to come around.

It has.

The only other instrument I'm interested in trading is the highly volatile Tech, hence the Nasdaq.

So as you can see now, its just a mere finger counting handfull of instruments, so small in number as to be ridiculous.

But, such is the power of Big Joe.
USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

traders search and search for stocks that will gain big or be the next killer stock like Apple, Microsoft etc., they spend months and years trying to figure this out. There are 8000 stocks in the US alone. Then there are another 5 million stocks worldwide to choose from. Its enough to confuse the daylights out of anyone and causes them to search for all sorts of esoteric software to do the searches for Volume nibbling by the cognoscenti and whatnot.

Only duffers operate this way and unfortunately the world is full of duffers to the extent of 99.99999%. Fibo avoid them like the Plague. This is why Fibo is loner. Stupidity is contagious, worse than the Corona Virus. I maintain a sizeable distance from all sons of b*tches. There are just a handful of people that can approach the inner sanctum of Fibo.

So what does Fibo do? Why of course Fibo has the greatest instrument of all time, the one with the biggest volume namely EURUSD as bread and butter for all contiuous activity trading on the weekly/daily timeframe. This is bread and butter.

Then I add just one or 3 more instruments to the bread and butter so I can focus. Currencies are best but I prefer to stick with those pairs that have HISTORY of epic proportions like the majors, USDJPY, GBPUSD, CHFUSD. Then I do a ratio hit to pick the champ on the monthly timeframe. This is then the one I go with.

So it has been USDJPY all along even as I waited pay-shuntly for the terribly frustrating sideways correction that lasted for weeks and weeks. God said, "Joe, pay-shunce is a virtue of godly import, use it wisely and in abundance and it will never disappoint you"

I therefore traded and traded bread and butter while I waited for USDJPY to come around.

It has.

The only other instrument I'm interested in trading is the highly volatile Tech, hence the Nasdaq.

So as you can see now, its just a mere finger counting handfull of instruments, so small in number as to be ridiculous.

But, such is the power of Big Joe.
USDJPY under the hood ..................... a mechanic's view from ...........

Same concept with girls. There are 3 billion of them. I eliminate 99.999999% in one shot by only aiming for the straight 10s. But while hunting for the 10s, I feast on the bread and butter EurUsd which are the 7.5 - 10.0 range with 7.5 being the lowest, below which I will not go, its my line in the sand.

And so it shall remain.

I reckon so!
Plug the chart in your brain. Make sure you keep a copy in the Occipital Lobes too. The Oblongata too. Then ensure that the Kidney, Liver and Stomach are all in top functioning order by changing the oil to hi-performance during this current correction of USDJPY

For rapid hi lev 5-min and under timeframe trading I will stick with hi power fats like Avocado, coconut cream, heavy cream in my coffee with huge tablespoons of pure butter. To sip on the side I will have my own homemade concoction of a shake made from pure organic soymilk and pecans, brazil nuts, almonds, pistachios - thick thick thick. Cinnamon, nutmeg and Cardamom will be in there too to liven it up. A small jar of pure organic, concentrated made daily fresh leafy greens drink to sip on

A good sh*t before the trading resumes each day is paramount.

There you have it. That be the weaponry of Big Joe.

Now that I am on a whole new level of WAVES, a whole new plateau, there will be nudity = mistakes now and then, but its all part of the process. Best not to follow Big Joe now as he takes a beating as he is going into the ring without any indicators and operating only on PURE WAVES ........ welcome to Big Joe in Kindergarten level 🙂🙂

Going up against the Nasdaq with no weapons except my SPIRIT

But as I step into the ring to take a solid thrashing every now and then, the WAVES of the Universe have already sent me their blessings and welcome to the CLUB. Which Waves you ask? Nuclear, photon, Electromagnetic, Aerodynamic, Fluid Mechanics, Light, Sound, Heart, Brain, Ocean, Tsunamis and others . .......................... these are Financial Waves but the principles are the same .............................

View attachment 298937

How do I feel, Lord? Knocking on Heaven's door as close to Heaven as one can get in this song ...............

Is the Nasdaq respecting Fibo or pulling a fast one as she reversed exactly at my chart limits - see 1H chart above and current one below updated today live action



Additional lesson in Psychology ...................

Observe how demented, obsessed and buggered Piers Morgan is ................. and all because of ONE American ......... that too a girl ........... and beyond reason, a black girl .............

Jesus H Christ, these Brits disgust me to the core!

Harry loves her, who gives a fck what anybody else thinks!!!!!!!!!!! Friggin retards living on the Island called UK, the size of Louisiana, always complain, never happy no sunlight,

Disgraceful people

So, if you want to meet Fibo .............................

Meet me on the Parkway
From 10 to 10 I can see anybody
I want them know I'm ready like Freddy
And I can satisfy any woman
But you must do just as I say and meet me halfway on the Parkway

Sometimes I gone down to Manhattan to check out the scene
There's always good grub and beer at Charlie's
And for dessert there if course the indomitable Sylvia who survived 3 husbands
Who said to me, "Joe, we keep it clean and devoid of sex, that way our friendship lasts forever"
So I kissed her on the cheek and we ate cheesecake together

The heart of Fibo has walls that expand and contract depending onwho is in front of him
The poor downtrodden render Fibo's heart walls as thin a papyrus
But when I offer to help, those who spring forth, usually with no more than a dime in their pockets
Make the auricles and ventricles thicken the walls of the heart and the Widow Maker
Also known as the Lower Anterior Descending purrs and throbs as the plaque if any just melts

So, when I leave the computer I want you to know I have no idea when I'm coming back
So you see it hardly makes any sense for you to call
Just meet me on the Parkway
If you miss the train you can catch Bus 44
The guy in the jeans and black spiffy jacket with the hair that's always perfect
Is the Man you have come to see that will zipedy doo dah the course of your life - at no charge

Why at no charge? Because God said, "Earth currencies including Gold and silver are not worth a damn
Neither is the US Dollar, your dear friend, Fibo
Truth is Fibo the true reward is a spiritual credit on your account that never expires and gets shunted into the rollover Every damn year the Angels only look at the nett credit - that be who they protect and floodgate

Why? Because the credit in only handled by God - there are no middlemen or women - that way its always 100% true

So, meet me on the Parkway
From 10 to 10 I can see anybody
I want them to know I'm redddy like Freddy
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