Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Pandemic Misery Index .............................. thing type of things Fibo notices that others don't .........

See left edge of chart. I count only 3 waves. Therefore the beginning of the Pandemic was in January, more likely earlier as suspected by a couple Euro countries. I would go along with them. of course they do not use charts nor have any clue about TA and that Fibo can beat all their experts if they just him accurate DATA in numbers without all the noise of who is fckin whom

Then go to the right of chart and observe the hard to see A-B first and then subdivisions for Wave C as a 5-er.

Yeah baby, Ma told all her relatives and extended family, "this boy is my ticket!" She was spot on! She know-ed. 🙂

All those years when she came Home from working her ass off for peanuts, Fibo would massage her feet so she could get a good nights sleep. Today, Christmas Day I enjoy thinking about those times when I provided such service. Ma always woke up with a big smile, ready to handle the new day and its torment at work for peanuts. I swore to myself I would take her out of that MISERY INDEX

I was successful - in spades! 🙂🙂🙂

Lord have mercy! BEAR went-ed for the Jugular. But just you wait till he gets to Chinadero! No friggin way the United States is going down so easily. No way, Jose. Game has only just begun. Wave 3 is yet to come for the Chinks.

Another way to look at things in the outcome mode is thusly .........

No f***in way God would put me in a country that was going to lose a high stakes poker game. There's just no way.

Remember that God only looks at scars. America has some huge scars right about now. Might seem callous on my part to say stuff like this, but I'm looking at the bigger picture. This will toughen up America, make her stronger and more resilient. A masterpiece of a side product would be the complete disappearance of the Trader333 type of Political Correctness - for good! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Merry Christmas T3. May you flourish and prosper. Try to get laid too, next year for cryin out loud. You're givin me a fckin headache with your righteousness quotient


END of ANOTHER trading YEAR that hits the record books ...................

Never mind the money or profits or whatever .......................

the key win is and remains ...................

Not a single busted/blown account in my entire trading life!!!! Safe to say Fibo is the ONLY survivor to break centuries old rules of engagement.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

God, do I love it so!!!!
END of ANOTHER trading YEAR that hits the record books ...................

Never mind the money or profits or whatever .......................

the key win is and remains ...................

Not a single busted/blown account in my entire trading life!!!! Safe to say Fibo is the ONLY survivor to break centuries old rules of engagement.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

God, do I love it so!!!!

The warrior named Fibo came close to taking it in the ass on one trade, a major trade .................... but lucked out of it. Just luck? Just skill? Not the latter, defo! But luck? heh hey hey, it was the hand of God when he said to Market's Satan, "I've come for my b oy!"

POST # 77 in this thread on May 23rd , a mere 17 days after arrival at Trade2Win.

I recovered all my paper losses and turned all of it around into profit, nothing to write home about but not a loss nevertheless. Significance of 17? It ain't a fibo number but its a Warren Buffet Series number in his own Universe. I've tested it and it works nicely but only arithmetically not logarithmically. Regardless, Warren is the Man of the century.


Fibo is going to help Oscar Reed, a T2W member .........................
who has no will of his own but blindly follows the HERD members here - cott looking at Tomorton's Profile after I brought Tomorton up. Perfect serendipity for Oscar Reed from Othello (Austraia) .......................................... which Herd members? Herd members of age seniority. From 2000-2020 or 2003-2020. He believes that old-timers KNOW. He needs to disabuse himself of that notion when it comes to MARKETS. Its counter-intuitive. In other fields like Engineering for example, the longer a pro has been around the better he is.

But not in financial Markets.

Therefore Fibo's Law: Those who have been around T2W since year 2000 are losers - unanimous. Since October 2007? All dead. They are still here as ghosts because they cannot leave the game, its all they know. They'd rather be in the game in some way for otherwise its a Death Warrant. Examples are Postman & New_trader. They can never leave. They are here for life and both are on DEMO. low wage earners.

Oscar Reed is a soft bottom baby, ripe to be f***ed. And he will be if he continues to go into the SCALPING FTSE 100 thread. I believe he should at the very least get his own system before putting his d**k on the chopping block

But how will he find a system in this godawful place called T2W where not a single BRIT puts out!? Not one single Brit here puts out!!! No anal-ysis, no charts no thought, but only coffeeshop talk in a place called

Take counter-violent for example. Even been a mod here. Count the number of charts/analysis in 21 years!!!!! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close to ZERO. Staggering! A disgrace? Yep!

TRADE2WIN! Does anybody understand the implications of such a lofty name, TRADE2WIN? Its an excellent name. It speaks of the real stuff in this game. But its inhabited by deadbeats, homeless people on drugs who can neither trade nor get a job.

It lays the foundation, no extra words are necessary. But it has been apparently dishonored since year 2000. THEY = old-timers have made a mockery of the name. But hey, dig this for insanity - they are a protected species. Anywhere else in the real world they'd be shot on sight!

Tomorton's trading system coming up for Oscar Reed to observe and see if the damn thing actually works

See post #19 here
To be continued later .............................. Fibo will put his finger in Tomorton's bum all the way to the Transverse Colon to see how his professed system actually works. I have not done this yet but will start today, later today.

Then I will do the following: if it works, I will say so. If its a fckup to the nth I will amend it to get it to work

Either way Oscar Reed will have something instead of blindly s***in Brit useless d***k.


The failed TRADER song - the one who came in from a previous profession and got his ass reamed in TRADING and wonders why? Its a hard road, baby when your job is turning Lead into Gold. Only the tigers survive and even they get mauled now and then.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! .......................... 🙂🙂 ........... I'm diggin my special holidays, baby. Like I said before, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS will not stop Fibo from enjoying hisself.

Wish List angular velocity "w"

For 2021 requesting the banner across T2W unwelcoming ALL Americans is taken down for good and for once in my lifetime Fibo gets to watch Brits say loudly and in public, "we Brits have got to know our own limitations - America/Americans have showed us this in spades"

In the spirit of the holiday season, let's revisit and cement the notion coined by Fibo that singlehandedly took out the entire British army in Thailand when they bashed and bashed and bashed the 40 Americans - 6,800 vs 40. Big Joe steps in and evens the score in ONE post, "comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal" .... End Result? All attacks stopped. Why does that not work here at T2W? Because here at T2W there are only Brit cops. In the forum overseas, they are mixed, from UK, US, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, India.

Always good for any trader to revisit his/her own trading strengths and EDGES. Without an EDGE we're finished. The EDGES that America natively has are truly astounding

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! .......................... 🙂🙂 ........... I'm diggin my special holidays, baby. Like I said before, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS will not stop Fibo from enjoying hisself.

Wish List angular velocity "w"

For 2021 requesting the banner across T2W unwelcoming ALL Americans is taken down for good and for once in my lifetime Fibo gets to watch Brits say loudly and in public, "we Brits have got to know our own limitations - America/Americans have showed us this in spades"

In the spirit of the holiday season, let's revisit and cement the notion coined by Fibo that singlehandedly took out the entire British army in Thailand when they bashed and bashed and bashed the 40 Americans - 6,800 vs 40. Big Joe steps in and evens the score in ONE post, "comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal" .... End Result? All attacks stopped. Why does that not work here at T2W? Because here at T2W there are only Brit cops. In the forum overseas, they are mixed, from UK, US, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, India.

Always good for any trader to revisit his/her own trading strengths and EDGES. Without an EDGE we're finished. The EDGES that America natively has are truly astounding

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! .......................... 🙂🙂 ........... I'm diggin my special holidays, baby. Like I said before, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS will not stop Fibo from enjoying hisself.

Wish List angular velocity "w"

For 2021 requesting the banner across T2W unwelcoming ALL Americans is taken down for good and for once in my lifetime Fibo gets to watch Brits say loudly and in public, "we Brits have got to know our own limitations - America/Americans have showed us this in spades"

In the spirit of the holiday season, let's revisit and cement the notion coined by Fibo that singlehandedly took out the entire British army in Thailand when they bashed and bashed and bashed the 40 Americans - 6,800 vs 40. Big Joe steps in and evens the score in ONE post, "comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal" .... End Result? All attacks stopped. Why does that not work here at T2W? Because here at T2W there are only Brit cops. In the forum overseas, they are mixed, from UK, US, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, India.

Always good for any trader to revisit his/her own trading strengths and EDGES. Without an EDGE we're finished. The EDGES that America natively has are truly astounding

Hey guys ...................... go to point #12 in the last video, right above this post ................... watch every second of point#12 and then dig this ..................

He not only hits the nail right on the head, he takes it to a whole other level, how high a level? The level of OPTIMISM is a Theta = Spiritual Native ingredient of EVERY spirit. UK has for the most part lost this feature. The optimism in America is so stellar that when you go anywhere , no matter if you're tired or down or just bored, it rubs off on you and voila all of a sudden you notice the change of attitude within you and all of a sudden you're smiling and rolling again!

It really is quite magical. The only other place I have seen this level of optimism is Thailand aka The Land of smiles.

There is one other thing of prime importance that the video creator missed. Perhaps he will cognite on it down the road!

What did the COLONIAL BRITISH EMPIRE totally lack that the AMERICAN EMPIRE always had and still has in super-abundance?


This is the main reason that I do not see any other superpower or nation taking the place of the United States - unless its purely to be a dictatorial world superpower = very bad for us all

Benevolence is a massively important ingredient of a Superpower of ultimate substance

Welcome to America! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Attempting to predict the top or bottom of any market has continuously been proven to result in account wipeout. Even if you were fortunate enough to be correct on this occasion, then in my view it would result in confirmation bias which will also ultimately result in account wipeout.

For Sharky .................................... have a look at poster, Inquisitor. 🙂 He was the first person who responded to me at T2W on my very first day, first post on Page 1. Excellent post and more .................. totally devoid of any nationality attack etc. Shortly thereafter came the c**ks*ckers like Dowser and Malaguti and Barjon .................... go see for yourself - its like what Rambo said, "they drew first blood, not I"

Much later in the thread or elsewhere, Inquisitor asked me, "now that you've made all of us look like idiots, pray tell what's so great about California?" I did - in spades.

Then I saw this today and it reminded me of this.

Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to Inquisitor. 👍👍

Coronavirus Call ................ Friday Dec 18, 2020 (12:17 PM Pacific Time)

Coronavirus cases rising, surging, surging, surging s we speak but Fibo says Wave 1 consisting of 5 internal subwaves is near completion. When it ends there will be considerable relief from the Coronvirus and there will be dancing and celebrations in the street and they will all say its the vaccine that did it.

But its merely how Waves work. Wave 1 up. Then Wave 2 down. I expect relief in Wave 2 down to last for months and months.

5-waves up. The 5th and final sub wave is close to completion. I don't have adequate data to time it perfectly so will have to go approximate. Note that the 5th wave in this sequence is the extended wave. This does happen as the usual Wave 3 is the extended but sometimes Wave 1 can be or Wave 5 can be the extended wave. Wave 3 is the extended one 85% of the time. Not this time though.

Hardly matters. Wave 2 down = considerable relief is close at hand. Lamb Biryani, here I come!!!

View attachment 293075

Slam Dunk!!??? Not yet! Its happened on my charts TA stateside but nobody, not even Dr Fauci has noticed.

So I'm going to wait till the doctors/experts catch on that Coronavirus Wave is in recovery as called by Fibo.

If my call is correct we should have weeks of relief.

When they see it too, then and only then will I take the Slam Dunk!!! 😎😎😎
Massive ongoing universal violation and disrespect and downright scoffing of WARREN BUFFET's LAW of INVESTING that has stood the test of time ............

Be fearful (=exit) when others are greedy (=thrown caution to the wind, complacent)


Be greedy when (buy, buy, buy) when others are fearful (=scared sh*tless, terrified and have run for hills)

Massive ongoing universal violation and disrespect and downright scoffing of WARREN BUFFET's LAW of INVESTING that has stood the test of time ............

Be fearful (=exit) when others are greedy (=thrown caution to the wind, complacent)


Be greedy when (buy, buy, buy) when others are fearful (=scared sh*tless, terrified and have run for hills)

View attachment 293365

Best violator of Warren Buffet's Universal Law that has stood the test of time is T2W's very own


How to use new_trader's Journal wisely: 🙂🙂

She is always LONG, sits thru' all drawdowns (=bear markets) and is the chief buy & hold member at T2W. She is the type of person who would sit thru' the entire Great Depression wherein the Dow Jones lost 88% of its value and then 40 years later she will come out and say, "look at me, I survived, look at all the profit I made" Not a word of the number of heart attacks and deaths she went thru' - such is the beauty of T2W. Not to be easily found anywhere else. Proof resides in her own writing n her Journal. Study it! Merry Christmas present to all here at T2W.

She did the same thing at the 2007 top and most recently at the Corona virus top in February, this year just 2 days after the biggest, fastest crash of the universe began ................... she said in an approximate quote, "a small drop in SPX and the BEARS come out of the woodwork - stay put, its a very minor correction, we are going to make new highs"

Nobody tott her to just TRADE the goddamn moves, Long Short, then Long then Short. Reminding her that she is a member of TRADE2Win - the name itself tells one what this site ought to be about.


I tried to help her but its virtually impossible for an American to help a Brit. That is cast in stone! Damn shame! Why is it so hard for a Brit to smile and enjoy an American? See next post for the underlying reason, at least one of the reasons and from it all other reasons can be surmised

Happy New Year, new_trader ..............🙂 Had you taken my offer and visited me in California you would today be a woman of infinite substance. Why? Because its way better to get f***ed by Fibo, a very generous person than to get buggered by the Market which cares 2 sh*ts about and for you!

Say Hi to dead_broke and Socrates. Socrates has left ET for good. Not banned, just left.
Best violator of Warren Buffet's Universal Law that has stood the test of time is T2W's very own


How to use new_trader's Journal wisely: 🙂🙂

She is always LONG, sits thru' all drawdowns (=bear markets) and is the chief buy & hold member at T2W. She is the type of person who would sit thru' the entire Great Depression wherein the Dow Jones lost 88% of its value and then 40 years later she will come out and say, "look at me, I survived, look at all the profit I made" Not a word of the number of heart attacks and deaths she went thru' - such is the beauty of T2W. Not to be easily found anywhere else. Proof resides in her own writing n her Journal. Study it! Merry Christmas present to all here at T2W.

She did the same thing at the 2007 top and most recently at the Corona virus top in February, this year just 2 days after the biggest, fastest crash of the universe began ................... she said in an approximate quote, "a small drop in SPX and the BEARS come out of the woodwork - stay put, its a very minor correction, we are going to make new highs"

Nobody tott her to just TRADE the goddamn moves, Long Short, then Long then Short. Reminding her that she is a member of TRADE2Win - the name itself tells one what this site ought to be about.


I tried to help her but its virtually impossible for an American to help a Brit. That is cast in stone! Damn shame! Why is it so hard for a Brit to smile and enjoy an American? See next post for the underlying reason, at least one of the reasons and from it all other reasons can be surmised

Happy New Year, new_trader ..............🙂 Had you taken my offer and visited me in California you would today be a woman of infinite substance. Why? Because its way better to get f***ed by Fibo, a very generous person than to get buggered by the Market which cares 2 sh*ts about and for you!

Say Hi to dead_broke and Socrates. Socrates has left ET for good. Not banned, just left.
>>>> Why is it so hard for a Brit to smile and enjoy an American? See next post for the underlying reason, at least one of the reasons and from it all other reasons can be surmised<<<<<

see post #1 here
Tesla's PE Ratio for today is 1,328.86.

Bobby, a traveling buddy a long time ago, decided to buy every single piece of Cajun/Zydeco music known to Man when he heard this exact note by the Frenchy at 1:29. Fibo has a big collection of such music and Louisiana is God's country to Fibo.

A better Jolie Blon than this? Nah! It don't exist

New Year present for the gasser London boys at T2W who love Fibo dearly ............................ trivia but knowledge/reality

A lesson in humility

Amazon + Microsoft + Apple = just 3 American companies are bigger than the entire London Stock Exchange.

The NYSE + Nasdaq = 46% of the entire world's Exchanges

Even Hong Kong Stock Exchange is bigger than London SE

American Exceptionalism
American companies dominate because of trillion dollar valuations, P R E S T I G E, Elevated sense of Legitimacy thus providing super stellar access to Capital. This is why you find non-American companies like Toyota, Sony & Alibaba trying their best to get in and stay in American Exchanges. T R A N S P A R E N C Y provides peace of mind to Investors.

A rare event .............. how rare? A Brit actually liking America and Americans. This Brit in the video will not survive 10 seconds at T2W. The entire pack of wolves will pile on trader333 to ban him. But it will be mighty odd. Why? How can a Brit ban a Brit? What are the odds of such a freak of Nature occurring?

Merry C & happy NY amigos 🙂

Trader333, get off your ass for 2021 and try to make T2W live to its full potential and name TRADE2WIN
I look out the window and see no reason why T2W won't be a beautiful town with a name like Sweetwater. If as David Knight says, Covid-19 is a hoax, a conspiracy, hey hey hey, good for you, use it to cull the Brits here down to 10 and then start re-growing from there. 🙂🙂🙂

Sharky's engine deserves a TREND REVERSAL after a 20-yr BEAR market. Got my vote. I'll do MY part. 🙂 And even if I'm not here, I'll pray for you fellas to succeed.

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