Welcome to Fibo's native alley ......................... Pops told me to study AE Engg., this so I did 🙂😎 .............. Bored sh*tless for 5 years but got thru' it - barely - stood last in my class but first in p***y chasing. All parties depended on Fibo only to bring in the neighboring College girls to populate the party and make it interesting beyond the wildest dreams of the NERD scientists on the campus - most had never even imagined what a p****y looked like until they scored at one or the other of Fibo's Institute arranged parties with Fibo designated as the universal organizer of all such functions.
Even got the Director laid at one such party. The very next Monday he announced a Universal 2-day holiday, all classes suspended and encouraged everyone to relax and enjoy life. His remark to me the day after he got the soft stuff see video below
Even got the Director laid at one such party. The very next Monday he announced a Universal 2-day holiday, all classes suspended and encouraged everyone to relax and enjoy life. His remark to me the day after he got the soft stuff see video below