Happy New Year! 🙂
Fibo's goal for 2021. Its a momentous goal. Why? Once conquered , there will be no GAME left. I will exit the game as a no-games condition is boring, boring, boring indeed! Its one thing to be self-determined but its a whole other thing to be pan-determined, i.e. to be able to play both sides of the game with identical vigor and impartiality
Therefore ................. the goal is
Take any wave of any financial market historical or current ongoing and Fibo will tell the end point of the wave perfectly, precisely within 2 decimal places
Imagine the implications of this lofty goal. Take the current Dow Jones bull run from March 6, 2009 to current. At its inception, I would be able to tell precisely, not approximately, exactly where it would end. Think about that for a second. There would be no further need to trade or any such thing. The GAME would be over for me! Money, which is already quite meaningless would actually cease to exist at even a level of importance as 0.000000001%!
Can it be done in one year? It can. But here's the deal. It takes as long as it takes. And from what I already know, "you will get what you strive for, for what you demand, what you live for, because the Physical Universe has no defense against the persistent individual - It must open the doors sooner or later and bestow the gift upon the warrior"
Anybody else in the entire Universe ever achieved such a lofty goal? No way Jose!
Fibo will be the very first! Its in my blood. I feel it every damn day! 🙂🙂
Conclusion for Year 2020:
My attempts at calling the precise mathematical end points of Waves has failed. I have succeeded only to a limited extent and this is not satisfactory to me. Mostly because "approximate" while can be good enough is not fulfilling for Fibo. A precise End Phenomena is what the Fibo is after.
So, this then is precisely what I desire for Christmas. I don't want any other gift, just this one. All the gifts under the X-mas tree are irrelevant. All I want is THE ONE GIFT FROM GOD