Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The Trader333 series: When he does Fibo in, pray he knows where to shoot!

Current # of banning have crossed the T-Line (8) and moving on nicely to the next station at 13 (the next higher Fibo number). If we get to 13, something momentous is bound to happen. That's how these things work! The numbers in between have low significance. If I do survive the 13th banning, the next station of consequence is 21. That is a long ways away. There are of course no guarantees I will survive till then.

Now, here's the thing. 21 is a very prominent Fibo number in the life of Fibo. On Fibo's 21st birthday, Fibo's Ma gave Fibo an envelope that had a hand-written statement in it, but conspicuously absent was any money or tokens of Mammon. It was simply signed, "Ma" ....................... it said this, "Happy 21st for the boy, my son, who saved me, my marriage and eradicated poverty in our entire family tree for good!"

She never ever brought it up again, nor did I ask for more info.

SPX daily runs into the Trader333 line in the sand



The same SPX daily timeframe line left extended goes right thru'
the GREAT DEPRESSION low of 1932 on the monthly timeframe

Christmas reminder of Fibo's progress in this thread. 🙂🙂

Top was called January 26, 2018. See chart. Abundantly clear is that the actual top is higher. Meaning what? Fibo is wrong, wrong, wrong. Therefore I have more work to do, more to improve upon, strive for more understanding and sharpen skills. This is a given. But there are 2 things that stand out: Fibo escaped both crashes of 2018 and the 2020, the coronavirus crash that killed almost everybody.

Fibo was on the sidelines in SHORT stance since early 2018. Got almost killed in 2019 but escaped by the grace of GOD, not by any native intelligence of Fibo. Its was just sheer the hand of God.

My request to God is a minimum 100% improvement in Year 2021.

The Trader333 series: When he does Fibo in, pray he knows where to shoot!

Current # of banning have crossed the T-Line (8) and moving on nicely to the next station at 13 (the next higher Fibo number). If we get to 13, something momentous is bound to happen. That's how these things work! The numbers in between have low significance. If I do survive the 13th banning, the next station of consequence is 21. That is a long ways away. There are of course no guarantees I will survive till then.

Now, here's the thing. 21 is a very prominent Fibo number in the life of Fibo. On Fibo's 21st birthday, Fibo's Ma gave Fibo an envelope that had a hand-written statement in it, but conspicuously absent was any money or tokens of Mammon. It was simply signed, "Ma" ....................... it said this, "Happy 21st for the boy, my son, who saved me, my marriage and eradicated poverty in our entire family tree for good!"

She never ever brought it up again, nor did I ask for more info.

SPX daily runs into the Trader333 line in the sand

View attachment 292938

View attachment 292939

The same SPX daily timeframe line left extended goes right thru'
the GREAT DEPRESSION low of 1932 on the monthly timeframe

View attachment 292940

Elucidation for the uninitiated ..............................

BEAR market guidance of a specific nature that is far more important than just money and wealth, the 2 things that Fibo don't give a rat's ass about. The one and only thing of importance is the Happiness quotient. This is what Saint Peter will look at when you arrive at the Pearly Gates for your studio apartment or 2-bedroom suite or Penthouse or at the bottom rung of the ladder, your dorm room.

Saint Peter only gives considerable marks for how one has handled crushing Depression, adverse forces, pressure beyond what one can bear. Peter will therefore life up your shirt and look for SCARS. That alone determines your level of residence in Heaven.

Therefore take note that the opposite of what Trader333 is trying to accomplish here at T2W, is what is of value at the Parly Gates. All Miss goody-e-shoes will end up in a dorm room.

Why is this important?

See below
BEAR market guidance of a specific nature that is far more important than just money and wealth, the 2 things that Fibo don't give a rat's ass about. The one and only thing of importance is the Happiness quotient. This is what Saint Peter will look at when you arrive at the Pearly Gates for your studio apartment or 2-bedroom suite or Penthouse or at the bottom rung of the ladder, your dorm room.

Saint Peter only gives considerable marks for how one has handled crushing Depression, adverse forces, pressure beyond what one can bear. Peter will therefore life up your shirt and look for SCARS. That alone determines your level of residence in Heaven.

Therefore take note that the opposite of what Trader333 is trying to accomplish here at T2W, is what is of value at the Parly Gates. All Miss goody-e-shoes will end up in a dorm room.

Why is this important?

See below
A BEAR at 2 degrees of Trend brings on horrify levels of mental anguish as it progresses. The job of an Alpha male is to protect his female(s) and progeny. This is the main reason SHE picked YOU. You gots to deliver the goods now, during this BEAR. This is only early stages. Its going to get mean, really mean and really difficult. You gots to drive. YOU are the driver. I didn't make the rules. They come from biblical times. This is the domain of the Alpha Male

Coronavirus pandemic lockdown and whatnot is generating stresses like never before in the realm of marriage and relationships. Crashing, crashing, crashing comes to mind. Divorce rate is skyrocketing but wait, how can that be possible when all the courts are closed? Divorce in its purest form don't need no court! Its message is loud and clear.

People sitting at home in quiet desperation and agony that keeps mounting as the BEAR progresses will for sure, this time around, look for God.

But first before they call God they will call upon YOU, yes YOU to give them comfort and be a source of strength. This is the job of an Alpha Male when it comes to women.

Women are strong generally speaking but the one thing they cannot handle is loneliness and quiet desperation from being alone. I don't know about each of you, but Fibo's forte is being alone. I am equipped to handle this and I am more than qualified in this department.
For Sharky .................... ruler of T2W ............. Merry Christmas! 🙂

Damn shame that Trader333 deleted your question to me about Waves many Moons ago in early 2019 when I first came to your kingdom.

Sad, sad, sad, Sharky. 🙂 Why? Because THEY will just not let YOU win. Let me s-plain ...................... in the spirit of Christmas

Your question or comment was about the Golden Ratio being integral to Waves, namely 0.618 or 1.618 or 61.8%.

So just for Christmas sake ..................... have a look at the proof

(1) SPX crashed in CoronaVirus Wave to 61.8% (The Golden Ratio) for the Wave starting from the March 2009 Financial Crash low.

(2) SPX crashed in CoronaVirus Wave to 61.8% (The Golden ratio) for the Wave starting from 1974 BEAR market Low

(3) SPX crashed in CoronaVirus Wave to 61.8% (The Golden Ratio) for the Wave starting from the Great Depression Low (1932)

(4) United Kingdom and Dow Jones spliced data which I am working on also reveal a hit at 61.8% or 38.2% for previous depressions. The data is sketchy and incomplete, a work in progress. But extrapolations suggest my argument.

38.2% is also part of the Golden Ratio, 61.8% ................. it is 0.618/1.618 = 0.382 or 38.2%





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For Trader333 ..................... nice job keeping Sharky in chains/bondage. This will cost you plenty in this BEAR market.

What are the odds a financial market will correct in intermediate or primary trend to hit the Golden Ratio, 61.8%?

When this fails, the hit will be at 50% or 78.6% (square root of golden ratio, 0.618)
For Trader333 ..................... nice job keeping Sharky in chains/bondage. This will cost you plenty in this BEAR market.

What are the odds a financial market will correct in intermediate or primary trend to hit the Golden Ratio, 61.8%?

When this fails, the hit will be at 50% or 78.6% (square root of golden ratio, 0.618)

Nobody has any excuse not to make a bloody fortune in any financial market. THEY all work the same way.

So does almost everything in Life - brain waves, ocean waves, light waves, pain waves, heart waves, inspiration waves, galactic waves, flowers and plants and the human body - all follow the Golden Ratio.

So does marriage. When the marriage gets in trouble and hits rough seas that are just rough but not nuclear blowup, just sit back and give it time and measure the number of months or years from day 1, i.e. the original beginning of the union. Then put it in Excel and draw the Fibo grid. Mark the months as they go by on the graph. When you see 61.8% retracement hit and the problem is still there, you have an 88.3% chance that your marriage downturn will reverse and blast north with a sh*tload of hugs and kissess and sorries!

Your next WAVE up has begun and it too, just like the preceding one, will contain 5 subwaves.
For the Sharky ......................... ruler of T2W ..........................

Your own London FTSE 100, that nobody here seems to know anything about whatsoever, not a single fella at T2W knows anything of substance about their own Index. See below, Sharky, for how your very own London FTSE 100 Index obeys the Golden Ratio to such a T that it even delivered a long-tail candle right at 61.8%

For the Sharky ......................... ruler of T2W .......................... what if its a fluke a million times? 🙂🙂

Then dig this ................... your very own London FTSE 100 hit the very same Golden Ratio levels and reversed and blasted north ..................... which levels? All Golden Ratio derivatives I mentioned in precious posts ..........

61.8%, 38.2% .................. 50% is not a Fibo number but acts like one and is eminently reliable

California's Governor, Gavin Newsom .................... getting a whole lot of flak .................... but not from Fibo.

Fibo likes this fella. Why? Because he said, "everyone should wear masks" and then was cott redhanded at a gala dinner for the rich where nobody wore masks.

He gets top marks from Fibo.

What does this have to do with T2W? ..... The only ones I trust are the ones who've been banned at least once

Thus far, on Fibo's list are:


The general populace here can kiss my ass

California's Governor, Gavin Newsom .................... getting a whole lot of flak .................... but not from Fibo.

Fibo likes this fella. Why? Because he said, "everyone should wear masks" and then was cott redhanded at a gala dinner for the rich where nobody wore masks.

He gets top marks from Fibo.

What does this have to do with T2W? ..... The only ones I trust are the ones who've been banned at least once

Thus far, on Fibo's list are:


The general populace here can kiss my ass

Gavin should have just told the critics to go fck thesselves! WTF do these people expect? Saints? There aren't any. Only purebred motherf****s my vote

Gavin is a very cool dude IMO.

Political Correctness killing us all at breakneck speed that even the Coronavirus cannot match. Next order of business is a vaccine against Political Correctness or if not possible, then find these mothers another planet to live separately. They bore me to death.

Give me this type of stuff any day and I'm a happy camper .................... its the way real life is in the real world ................ I

Donald Trump should never have apologized. He did nothing wrong. 🙂🙂

My kinda guy for President. If he ran for Pope, even better, he's get my vote in a heartbeat. Hey hey hey, a Pope who likes good p***y? Yeah, now we're talking Fibo's lingo

Political Correctness to the nth degree that for the first time surpasses that of Trader333's PC

Pope said in a speech about deporting people back to Messyko that Trump should build bridges not Walls. But Fibo reminds the Pope of the Vatican ...................


Circular motion with the right hand!

Nevertheless, Fibo does celebrate Christmas mightily 🙂

At 3:58 French dark p***y like dark chocolate pours on the coal for Christmas and makes Fibo's century

Welcome to what T2W has become - spotted by Fibo in just one year of reading the board. Now mind you, the Brits never hesitated to kill millions of unarmed people if they defied rules. Look where they're at now! terrified of Muslims. Back then, they would blow them all to smithereens and not lose a moment of sleep.

T2W ship's captain? Trader333.

Bloody Hell does this guy need to get laid!

Happy New Year! 🙂

To all the T2W London boys who love Fibo and miss him dearly. Special warm regards for Trendie and Timsk. May they live forever!

Its been a great year for Fibo. Ditto for the year 2019. All good. But I'd have to say, 2020 is way better than 2019, my 1st year at T2W. I understand so much more about the culture of Brits now. 🙂🙂🙂

Fibo awards to top ranking Political Correctness achievers at T2W in descending order are: 99.99% are over the top Politically correct at T2W but these few below take it to a plateau that is parabolic - how parabolic? they'd make Jesus look inadequate in the Good department

Mr. Charts

It is Christmas! 🙂

Happy New Year! 🙂

To all the T2W London boys who love Fibo and miss him dearly. Special warm regards for Trendie and Timsk. May they live forever!

Its been a great year for Fibo. Ditto for the year 2019. All good. But I'd have to say, 2020 is way better than 2019, my 1st year at T2W. I understand so much more about the culture of Brits now. 🙂🙂🙂

Fibo awards to top ranking Political Correctness achievers at T2W in descending order are: 99.99% are over the top Politically correct at T2W but these few below take it to a plateau that is parabolic - how parabolic? they'd make Jesus look inadequate in the Good department

Mr. Charts

It is Christmas! 🙂

Happy New Year! 🙂

Fibo's goal for 2021.
Its a momentous goal. Why? Once conquered , there will be no GAME left. I will exit the game as a no-games condition is boring, boring, boring indeed! Its one thing to be self-determined but its a whole other thing to be pan-determined, i.e. to be able to play both sides of the game with identical vigor and impartiality

Therefore ................. the goal is

Take any wave of any financial market historical or current ongoing and Fibo will tell the end point of the wave perfectly, precisely within 2 decimal places

Imagine the implications of this lofty goal. Take the current Dow Jones bull run from March 6, 2009 to current. At its inception, I would be able to tell precisely, not approximately, exactly where it would end. Think about that for a second. There would be no further need to trade or any such thing. The GAME would be over for me! Money, which is already quite meaningless would actually cease to exist at even a level of importance as 0.000000001%!

Can it be done in one year? It can. But here's the deal. It takes as long as it takes. And from what I already know, "you will get what you strive for, for what you demand, what you live for, because the Physical Universe has no defense against the persistent individual - It must open the doors sooner or later and bestow the gift upon the warrior"

Anybody else in the entire Universe ever achieved such a lofty goal? No way Jose!

Fibo will be the very first! Its in my blood. I feel it every damn day! 🙂🙂
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