Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Goddamn entertaining to the nth is Donald's visit to the UK. F***in hilarious. I've fallen from laffffter and can't get back up 🙂

The take away: nothing fazes this Alpha 🙂🙂

Nothing like watching millions of miss-goody-2-shoes talking about his inconsistencies and frailties when their own history makes him look like a saint. Too funny when the designers of concentration camps call Donald's Immigration policies harsh

Thanks Father. This type of Education is not available in the Universities. 🙂🙂

One thing stands out more than anything else - not a single other Alpha to be found anywhere near Trump or any place he visited. The most striking was when he met Prince Charles, a top-line Beta. Hey, no need to gt mad at me, its just th way it is. Hypocrisy & Political Correctness to the neth everywhere.

Best thng to do is enjoy it, it can be very entertaining, sometimes irritating but never exasperating 🙂🙂

Applying market sentiment principles to the time of donald's visit to the UK, the definite statement would be .............

Sell the Ranch, collect all the CASH possible & Go LONG TMP (Trump)

Election day Dow JOnes rally continuance message ....................

Go Donald, go, go hammer the Media and flood it with news of the Dow JOnes blasting 700 points north. The HERD has a short memory and will forget the Pandemic. The votes gained on election day rally could be huge. Enough to win? What if you've already won? 🙂 🙂 🙂

Go Dow Jones, go , go ,go. Take out the all time top. Crash after that is OK but for today and until the result comes out, win, boy, win. A Joe Biden win makes the presidency Dementia territory and capital gains tax of 39.6% will kill us all fast, fast, fast.

Go Jones, go, put on the show now. You've sort of took-ed out the 61.8% or perhaps still trying - but take that out and you're into the home stretch to take out the top when you hit 100%. See olive Fibo grid in chart


I have wandered many times outside her window at night
To struggle with my instinct in the pale lamplight

Tired of Trump, Deutsche Bank wants out but sees no good options, sources say​


  • Deutsche Bank is looking for ways to end its relationship with President Donald Trump, as it tires of the negative publicity stemming from the ties, Reuters reported, citing sources.
  • Deutsche Bank has about $340 million in loans outstanding to the Trump Organization, the president’s umbrella group that is currently overseen by his two sons.
  • The three loans, which are against Trump properties and start coming due in two years, are current on payments and personally guaranteed by the president, according to two bank officials.



Donald knows these sons of b*tches are going bankrupt. His loans are a gift, a free gift. My my my $340 million in loans going poof, now that's what I call Hi-Finance and a shaft to the bank that reads, "you fck everyone else, but I, I fck YOU"

Entertainment galore! Who needs clubs and discos and bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thes stunner girls are dying for American guys to visit Brazil right now. Their action has dried up and they're sad, sad, sad. Go amigos, go. Copacabana or Ipanema, both good. Straight "10s" are in high supply but no demand = DEFLATION. Heck, take 10 at a time to your room!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

For historians only .....................

If/when the March 2020 Dow Jones lows get taken out + Vix blasts thru' the monthly trendline shown in my charts ..........

Deflation goes into afterburners and spurts out Revolution, Riots, National Guard,
Secession talks resume, Chaos. Hong Kong riots will look tame.

When a fella cannot buy breakfast because ATMs have shut down and nobody accepts credit cards and Americans have shunned CASH=KING for so long, all Hell will break loose. The smart ones who thought ahead and put small denomination cash aside will have to go into hiding because they will be slaughtered when spotted paying with cash - delivery will be the only viable option and even then it will be no good because the delivery boy will get the word out & home invasions will be the best game in town.

Its going to get mean, real mean

Hide & watch

Remindante: March 23rd low is not required no more. Itt is replaced by the Support shown in the dow Jones where 6 Gurkha Regiments supported and blasted Jones northbound - to where? don't know. If the rally fails, then we go at breakneck speed towards March 23rd low.

S E C E S S I O N will follow in 2021.

What a state! What a country if ever there is to be a Secession!

Man oh man did these fella get on the ball at lightning speed when Corona hit the waves. Very impressive! Sheriff buddies told me that if any landlord in California starts proceedings to evict tenants, they will be slapped silly.

What a state! Hard to beat.

Fibo loves this state


See quote, then this follow-up

S E C E S S I O N ................... see previous post for details .................

new developments ................ they say that there is a mass exodus from California and that even the celebrities are leaving. Good! They say that California is forced to raise taxes sky high or else it can't survive. Good! Just for the weather alone I'll pay double taxes. Then throw in Zuma beach, Malibu and Santa Monica.

The stock market pays all my taxes on Market money with 0% interest 🙂🙂🙂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just before market close .................... Dow bumps into the 21-day ema, a Fibo number and a particular important one in that Trader333 bans for 21 day periods. Also the 200-pd on 1H s at 27,714

SELL = Take profit, be satisfied and retreat to a cave and enjoy.
Vix arrives on monthly Fibo support. Dangerous. A sudden blast north = sudden SPX dive

Nothing like going with just a backpack and debit card. Travel light, baby. Especially on a day such as this one which could turn out to be a non-event or a on the other hand a deadly one such as a day without a nite or a nite without a day.

Kinda like the days and nites Prince Harry is going thru'. Had we known each other, Fibo could have saved the Prince disaster with just one lesson that from what I have observed about the Prince, he would relish, namely, Never buy, instead always rent, rent, rent and only rent!

Poor fella. Just one piece of ass can bring a nice guy down with ease. What a fckup! Over a couple of beers on the mountain top Fibo would just say to Harry, "All these Vulvas are ours if you will just not succumb to stupidity and think you have to buy one!"

Yeah girls, dig it! 🙂

Why the USD Index must breakout above the fanlines to keep Fibo happy? Because if there is no breakout, then it means that GOLD is in a 4th wave correction and will make a terminal high in the next move north to finish the long rally noth. I am unsure of this. It does look like it could be a 4th. Needs more thought!

Remindante 🙂
Slam Dunk!! 🙂The buggering of the SPX by a rising Dollar, the one enemy of SPX that she cannot tolerate, has begun? See the 3rd fanline breakout.

Fibo's death by Trader333 will go down like this: there will be a PM as simple as this: you're setting yourself up for a nice holiday again. He will have to modify this time and instead send me into quarantine 🙂

View attachment 290218

Remindante: 🙂 🙂

USD (DX) has arrived at Fibo's 3rd fanline after called breakouts above the 3rd fanline and a retreat to kiss the 3rd fanline and perform one last booty call. The northbound surge ought to be shattering.

USD sitting on a fence whittling on a piece of wood ........................ when he stops whittling something's going to go down.
SPX rides up to him for the showdown ...........................

SPX: Surprised to see me?
DX : I knew you'd come
SPX: Jones once told me that it was hard to live well and in peace knowing you were around somewhere still alive.
DX: So you found out you're not a businessman after all
SPX: Just a Man
DX: An ancient race. Soon, others like the CAC 40 will come around and kill it off
SPX: Doesn't matter to us no more. I came here to see YOU and know that now you will tell me what you're after
DX: Only at the point of dyin
SPX: I know

DX has had tuberculosis for decades, gotten weaker and weaker and weaker. In 2007 he was in a dungeon, depressed and worn out and lost. This went on for months and months. Then one day, I said to him, "Even the Indonesian Currency is laffffing at you, Champ - you gots to snap out of this funk!"

In March 2008 he snapped out of it and rose out of the dungeon, winked at me and tore Gold a new one and everyone else in the financial Crisis. hahahahahaha ................ nobody expected this. The dummies were looking for stocks to invest in in a crashing market. But not fibo. Fibo drove in the wake of USD for the near vertical shot. Just before DX emptied the sacs and seminal vesicle into Goldie he signaled me to disembark and I did.

In 2008 for the duration of the Dollar surge, it was the Twin Towers ($ & Yen) who put on the show. But this time it will be only the $.

Caution: China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Central Banks, Goldman Sachs, Jim, rogers, ALL GOLDBUG fanatics and experts are all calling for USD instant DEATH NOW NOW NOW NOW

That is the caution. Fibo stands alone in calling for a solid deafening bull run (i.e. north for the ones who don't jive talk). The northbound run in the dollar will kill 'em all. As usual as at junctures. The only survivors will be DEMO traders.


Very unusual for there to be 3 straight 10s in one place. Nature does not allow this oddity. I've never seen it. It just does not happen in Nature as in Nature abhors a vacuum type concept. But, here it is. 3 in this group. Fibo would show up for such a party in a heartbeat - and try to nail 'em all



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Mexico & Latin America & Eastern Europe are all great for p***y but all pale in comparison to Thigh-Land for the following reasons:

outstanding succulent exotic flower feminine hygiene
ultra-feminine voice nd demeanor
super silky silky soft skin
ultra-tight ulike most races
outright worship of an Alpha given that 99% of visitors are fat & out of shape Betas. Foxes would charge across the room when an Alpha is spotted.

My rankings:

Thigh_land ...................... easily 1st place with no visible 2nd place contender .............. the rest are all in 8th place

Meet Fibo's avatar ....................

best clubs and places to meet these northern beauties in abundance is my town in Northern Thailand, aka Paradise ............... only 20-min. drive from my house in Chiangmai.

Be careful of possible devilish trap .......................... set up by the Evil One 🙂

The trap = huge rally for 3 days but what if the original support is getting tired? What if this rally is just a set up for the impending Wave 3 down that I have already suggested?

If so, then a CRASH now will be truly devastating.

Like what happened to the Eye-talians by the technician, Omar Mukhtar played by Anthony Quinn .................



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Be careful of possible devilish trap .......................... set up by the Evil One 🙂

The trap = huge rally for 3 days but what if the original support is getting tired? What if this rally is just a set up for the impending Wave 3 down that I have already suggested?

If so, then a CRASH now will be truly devastating.

Like what happened to the Eye-talians by the technician, Omar Mukhtar played by Anthony Quinn .................

see chart again and take special note that while SPX herself is not crashing much and has also staged a nice rally, we have to look at the TERROR in her bum. That Terror is easily seen in the Ratio SPX/Vix. This ratio is telling a horrible story, that the SPX is in fact TERRI-FIED. Hence my thoughts on the possible TRAP for bulls who leave money in LONG past each trading day

Muslims are kicking Brits' assess left and right. Even Katie says there are sections of London where she cannot go and will not go. There are many members here who said similar stuff, one of them being Signalcalc.

See this thread for my posts on the Eye-talian dumbphucks who with all their machinery could not take out simple Libyan Muslim fellas on horseback with only one rifle apiece. Their leader, Omar Mukhtar was played by Anthony Quinn. Movie name is Lion of the Desert.

post #182 below. Read the other posts in the thread for continuity, esp. to gauge how much the Muslims got the Brits by the balls to such an extent that they (Muslims) need no weapons no more to defend themselves or to attack - their enemy is killing himself quickly with Political Correctness - and the Muslims are laffffffing their asses off. Sad really, but that's the way it is.

The Lion of the Desert was having lunch at the Seafood restaurant at the pier in Santa Monica, California about a year before he died. The restaurant was semi packed. The Lion was at a table with his extended family. He was in disguise with a sloppy cap on with dark glasses.

But he could not fool Fibo. I arrived with several people, nobody noticed that I had seen the Lion. The Lion cott my eye and instantly knew that I knew and he smiled, bowed and then put his finger to his lips to signal "don't tell 'em" and then flashed a semi hand of prayer at me. I acknowledged and did not say a word to anybody.

We finished our meal before them and on the way out I turned back to look at the Lion of the Desert who was also Zorba the Greek, once more. He was ready for my look. He nodded his head in acknowledgement/thanks and continued to enjoy his meal in peace and harmony with his family

Why is the Lion of the Desert so special to Fibo? Because he was born in Mexico and not just any part of Mexico. He comes from Chihuahua, Mexico and has the magical name "Oaxaca" in his last name. This word or name Oaxaca was the place GOD sent me to to learn Spanish from the hundreds and hundreds of confusing choices out there. Oaxaca was God's country. Oaxaca also has the House of Mescal (the original) - Fibo took quite a few shots in there, drinking it straight and talking to the worm within 30 minutes.
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