Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Those who are stupid enough to believe in the FED should be aware of this ..................

Crash happens and then FED steps in to halt it. But the crash happened. That's the key. They could not prevent any crash from happening. 2000, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020 (in 2020 FED at best halted the crash after 180 countries took it in the ass)

Bottomline: Even if hypothetically the FED will step in and save, it can only be AFTER you've already had the HEART ATTACK and are considerably weakened for Life. Do you want to live in such a veggie state for the rest of time? Not me. Shoot me now is my preference to living like a veggie walking around in slow motion.

Besides, IMHO, while T2W ingnoramusses hem and haw and say the markets are manipulated and all sorts of shit, Fibo says ............

Markets are running the way they should. Price includes and incorporates all shenanigans known to Man and quickly recalculates. Its all part of Price action.

The only reason Fibo has not yet beeen able to ascertain the exact top is not becasue of the FED doing doodly - rather because Fibo's current tools need to get more advanced. That's how simple it is. There are NO excuses. If there were excuses, then the person making them is f***8ed for Life as there would be no need to look inward for the internal inadequacy - which is always the case and the only thing that matters.

Markets, every single one of them is running perfectly, stunning waves and stunning stuff when I am correct. But my limitations are clear.

Never the Market's fault.


Time to lick some juicy p***y now

Hasta la vista
BEAR market gradations of pain, torment, distress and torture ........................................

see video and then know this:

the video did the above ..................... torment ............................

but the BEAR ..... will do ............... amputated spirits - there is no prosthetic for this

Strange is that this site T2W has had amputated spirits since 2007 done by a Bear Cub and still does not recognize that the Big Pappy wave is a-coming.

T2W .................... graveyard continues ...................... 2 members, both look dead to me, possibly ghosts. No newbies this time = no food to hunt. But do these 2 know how to hunt? On the 1-min chart, yes? Then they'll take one small bite to fill an ant and then bugger off telling everyone on the Serengeti that they took Profit. T2W will dish out LIKES

Same sh*t different day .................. since year 2000 but accelerated since 2007
T2W ................. Friday, August 28th, 2020 ..................... prime time US markets ..................... 8 members online 🙂

There are 3 times more members at the coffee shop on Pacific Coast Highway despite masks and social distancing. 🙂🙂

Dyin ain't much of a livin, boys. Get with the program before BEAR snufs your life out.

NO newbies today = no fresh meat. But Trader333 is out there. If he is hunting, he is therefore on the prowl for carrion. Otherwise, i.e. if he is not hungry so not hunting, he's enjoying his vast kingdom of some of the finest BETA Males on the Serengeti plains.

Centuries from now they will reminisce in awe about how a certain subset of the lions of the Serengeti were so damned nice that after they ate their prey they left LIKES to show their appreciation. Such gentlemen!
Israeli cabinet member pronounces the word, Terror thusly ................... Terrrrrrrrorrh!

Find him and sit near him so you can see his reaction when the trendline in the Vix chart breaks topside.


Special announcement:

Spain has broken out and is leading the charge north in Wave 3 of Corona Virus Pandemic.

I therefore believe that at any time now, FRANCE which is on the verge of taking out a sub-wave high will join Spain north in Wave 3.

Then the rest of Europe will follow. This includes the foolish Swedes who thought they could fool BEAR.

Years from now they will say, "we should have paid attention when the United States spiked higher and the others did NOT - because now they will play catch up"

Lord have mercy. The ferocity of BEAR is jut being unleashed in a Wave called El TERRIBBBBBBLE in Espanol

Get Trader333 and Sharky to the underground bunker, NOW.


Slam Dunk #1!! As called, SPAIN is on a tear rocket ride north in Corona Virus! Boom!

Slam Dunk #2!! See quote for FRANCE! Rocketing north Corona baby! Boom!

Slam Dunk #3!! See Quote for EUROPE! Rocketing on verge of getting underway! Boom!
(Switzerland and UK now breaking out northbound ............... )

Hey guys .............................. Like I said, Fibo is going to blow all the world scientists on Corona Virus including the WHO out the friggin window even without knowing doodly about the virus internals .................... the only weapon/tool required for ALL LIFE ON PLANET EARTH is the knowledge of Waves ................. if you get it wrong its not the fault of WAVES but one's own inadequacies. That is the STABLE DATUM

They just cannot fool Fibo!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Slam Dunk!!!

The country with the world's strictest lockdown is now the worst for excess deaths
Peru, previously praised for its strict and early lockdown, is now facing economic catastrophe and more than 28,000 deaths CREDIT: GETTY

For Tomorton ......................................... our discussion on Iraq last year. Here's even better evidence by your own

Research from the Defence Studies Department, King's College London

Iraq: not the first British disaster … and it’s unlikely to be the last
Dr Chris Tuck

Slam Dunk!!!


Fibo's point all along at T2W or anywhere else where Brits and Americans are in the same unit of time and space, certain absolute fundamental f***ups ALWAYS occur .................... and the root cause is spotted by Fibo long time ago and confirmed by the Chilcot enquiry ...................... excerpts ..................

I have taken the liberty to include my own title to the 2 excepts below:
Fibo asks the UK, "who is your daddy?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

the second cause is external, and it was the priority accorded in British calculations to the ‘special relationship’ with the United States.

Shaping Blair’s belief in the necessity of action was the second theme: the influence of the United States on British policy considerations. The Chilcot report concludes that the UK’s relationship with the US was ‘a determining factor in the Government’s decisions over Iraq’. This influence is a long-standing theme in British foreign policy. But what the inquiry also illustrates is that, time and again, British influence over US decision-making was minimal. Britain’s shift towards involvement in the Iraq war was influenced powerfully by the Blair government’s belief, as Chilcot notes, that supporting the US over Iraq was necessary in order to sustain cooperation in other areas; and that the UK could best influence US policy towards Iraq ‘from the inside’. But generally, Blair’s government proved unable to exert a decisive influence on the US – indeed, the reverse was true: by prioritising relations with the US, British policy was forced by degrees into alignment with that of the US. As Chilcot illustrates, despite Blair’s post 9/11 commitment that the UK would stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the US, he was keen on reigning back the US focus on military options, preferring instead a gradualist approach that would maintain international support and that might at some point look towards regime change. Progressively, however, in attempting to reign the US back, the UK was instead simply dragged forwards. Blair’s long note of 28 July 2003 included the phrase ‘I will be with you, whatever’. This phrase was contained in a missive whose general thrust was a desire to slow the US’ moves to the military option; but it also expressed a general truth about the realities of the British position. The Chilcot inquiry notes that, in 2003, Britain should have adopted a more questioning attitude. But whether, especially post-Brexit, Britain would be in future be more willing to risk a rift in Anglo-American relations is a matter of debate.
For Tomorton ......................................... our discussion on Iraq last year. Here's even better evidence by your own

Research from the Defence Studies Department, King's College London

Iraq: not the first British disaster … and it’s unlikely to be the last
Dr Chris Tuck

Slam Dunk!!!


Fibo's point all along at T2W or anywhere else where Brits and Americans are in the same unit of time and space, certain absolute fundamental f***ups ALWAYS occur .................... and the root cause is spotted by Fibo long time ago and confirmed by the Chilcot enquiry ...................... excerpts ..................

I have taken the liberty to include my own title to the 2 excepts below:
Fibo asks the UK, "who is your daddy?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

the second cause is external, and it was the priority accorded in British calculations to the ‘special relationship’ with the United States.

Shaping Blair’s belief in the necessity of action was the second theme: the influence of the United States on British policy considerations. The Chilcot report concludes that the UK’s relationship with the US was ‘a determining factor in the Government’s decisions over Iraq’. This influence is a long-standing theme in British foreign policy. But what the inquiry also illustrates is that, time and again, British influence over US decision-making was minimal. Britain’s shift towards involvement in the Iraq war was influenced powerfully by the Blair government’s belief, as Chilcot notes, that supporting the US over Iraq was necessary in order to sustain cooperation in other areas; and that the UK could best influence US policy towards Iraq ‘from the inside’. But generally, Blair’s government proved unable to exert a decisive influence on the US – indeed, the reverse was true: by prioritising relations with the US, British policy was forced by degrees into alignment with that of the US. As Chilcot illustrates, despite Blair’s post 9/11 commitment that the UK would stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the US, he was keen on reigning back the US focus on military options, preferring instead a gradualist approach that would maintain international support and that might at some point look towards regime change. Progressively, however, in attempting to reign the US back, the UK was instead simply dragged forwards. Blair’s long note of 28 July 2003 included the phrase ‘I will be with you, whatever’. This phrase was contained in a missive whose general thrust was a desire to slow the US’ moves to the military option; but it also expressed a general truth about the realities of the British position. The Chilcot inquiry notes that, in 2003, Britain should have adopted a more questioning attitude. But whether, especially post-Brexit, Britain would be in future be more willing to risk a rift in Anglo-American relations is a matter of debate.

See sentence in quote in bold underline text

Slam Dunk!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

So what the fck does this mean as I was telling Tomorton? Answer: Its only UK that is permanently obsessed with the United States. But the United States does not give a rat's ass about the UK and spends not even one ogonblick thinking about Brits, further meaning that Brits are inconsequential and a non entity.

Can you dig it?

This is why Americans do not bother about the silly, trivial stuff Brits put out about America and Americans .............. we generally enjoy it as its quite funny.

But its not funny to YOU. To YOU its deathly serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What a f***in education I am getting in SENTIMENT of the Colonial Era by just being able to post here for 1 year!! Stunning education!!

I'm thrilled guys. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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