Hey guys .......................... just got thru' completing some research on the 1918 Flu pandemic ..................
the doctors ad medical community do see the waves but their terminology is flawed simply due to the fact that they are not counting the relief waves aka corrections as WE traders know them. For example, a market goes up, then must correct in a relief wave and then go up again and then correct again. This is what a TREND is.
OK, so far so good. But these geniasses in the medical field never thought to connect NATURE's (like the ocean, radio, brain, electromagnetic, sound, light, heart) Waves with waves in disease and illnesses and pandemics.
Look at the chart below of the pandemic of 1918 and lo and behold, the unmistakable 5 waves
So f***in easy but I'm surrounded by dumbphucks
So, the 5 waves go like this, same as they do for financials markets and all other WAVES including ocean waves ............. Wave 1 up, then Wave 2 down, then Wave 3 up, then Wave 4 down, and then finally to complete the sequence, Wave 5 up.
Then its over!!! When 5 waves are over, its over, finito, done, done done
See chart of the 1918 pandemic in its entirety
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