"Help them father for they know not what's a-coming and are so ill prepared for a beast of this stature. "Hey guys ......................... the Vix breakout bar has the potential to be 3 inches long = a long green bar on 1H of virility unprecedented.
The wrath of BEAR is at first akin to a hear attack in the Left Anterior Descending aka The Widow Maker. But all this is happening in the MIND, not the body. This is what a 2 degrees of trend TREND wave will have.
A 3rd wave wave is when BEAR pours on the coal and unleashes the central core of his power that up to now has been held in check. But now no more will it be held in abeyance.
Prepare for stuff that ain't never been heard of, dreamed of, seen ever or even considered .............................
Help them father for they know not what's a-coming and are so ill prepared for a beast of this stature.
I was with your girl last night and she's prepared for a beast of any stature now!